Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 52

The following day, I was surprised to find Brax seeking me out. I had not seen him a while and to be honest, I had kind of kissed having him around. I wanted to ask about him but I did not know who to.

Aston was an egoistical piece of s**it that would not have an answer for me and might even take offense and make me go through shut that I was not excited about.

Mara was out of the question, she and Brax did not see eye to eye and the maids and guards would rather chew a jean jacket than speak to me like a normal human being..

My hair was a mess and I was sure there was still traces of drool on my face. I was clad in a short night dress that I was sure. made me look like I got picked off the street but I was still smiling like a fool in front of him while holding the door and foolishly forgetting to ask him in.

His friendly smile put me at ease as he let himself in and closed the door behind him. I felt so confident around him even behind closed doors. It made me think about the last time Aston was in my room, from his presence at the door, I could hardly even breathe anymore, not to start to speak of when he wrapped his hands around my neck with his minty breath so close to my skin.

Brax made himself comfortable on my bed which made me smile, it was finally starting to seem like we were really friends and I could not help but he happy about it. He crossed his legs, his eyes raking round the room before eyeing my dress and asking about my night’s rest. I was so glad that I managed to put all my things in order after yesterday’s chores. I would have been so embarrassed if he came in and this place was a mess. Not that I had the time to make a mess of it anyway, I was barely even in it. Most of my day was spent breaking my back for Aston and his “chosen mate”.

“I slept like a baby.” I responded and he flashed me a soft smile before pointing at the pain relief that I managed to slip while cleaning, that was lying lazily beside my bed.

“Are you sure you did? Is there anything that I can help you with? Anything that you need to help you feel better? Are you having trouble sleeping?” he pressed and I let out a soft laugh. He was so cute when he was worried and it felt really nice to have someone worry so much about me. I felt like a f***ng queen. But I still felt a little guilty for making him so worried.

My cheeks warmed as I assured him that I’d slept well, curious about the purpose of his visit. It was true that Brax visited regularly but one thing I knew was that he never visited without a purpose. Even if the purpose sometimes were really trivial and cute. He would just show up at my door to see if I had eaten or not or just to generally know if I was doing okay.

He looked up at me with another soft smile that had my heart melting like a popsicle. “I want you to go somewhere with me.” He said so smoothly and I wanted to say yes right away without even thinking about it first but I still needed to know where he was taking me.

“Where are we going?” I asked, anticipation colouring my voice.

“You’ll see,” he replied mysteriously, his grin widening. I did not want to see, I wanted to know. I needed to know. How would I be able to get it out of my mind now that he had told me?

Alone with my thoughts, I couldn’t help but wonder where Brax might be taking me as I went about my morning duties. My mind was filled with possibilities, and I couldn’t deny the thrill that accompanied the unknown. It had been a long time since I felt the kind of excitement that was pulsing through my veins.

I was literally humming while scrubbing the floor and that maid the guards stare twice at me while they passed. The looked at me-like I was finally mad. “She’s finally lost it.” Some of the maids said and i could not help but laugh because they could not relate to the joy that I was feeling.

I had it at the back of my mind though that the happiness was only going to last for a minute. This stu**id place had a way of making me even more miserable every time that I try to ignore the misery that they were putting me through.

As I prepared to serve Aston his morning meal, I found Mara already in his presence, her gaze icy and unwelcoming. (Not in the least surprising)

As I carefully approached, her foot snaked out, deliberately tangling with mine like the f***g snake that she was. I wish I had seen it coming but I had not and I stumbled forward, my balance lost, as the food that I was carefully carrying splattered across the floor. I braced myself for a painful collision with the ground fearing the horrible things that my head was going to go through, but Aston’s arms wrapped around me, pulling me against his firm chest and saving me and my head from shattering.

My heart hammered wildly as our eyes locked, an electric current that I was almost too familiar with c**ng between us.

Mara’s outraged shriek shattered the moment, and I hastily pulled myself away from Aston’s embrace. I was mad at her for breaking the moment but I was glad she did because I did not trust myself to not do anything s**id.

I looked around surveying the damage, I realized that Mara’s hair and dress were covered in the spilled breakfast. It was a struggle trying to resist the intense urge I had to laugh. She looked ultimately **d with liquid dripping down her hair unto her breasts. Her clothes stuck to her body and although I knew I was done for but it still felt good,

Her fury was like a thunderstorm as she demanded that I be punished for my clumsiness.

Annoyance flared within me as I confronted her about her deliberate sabotage. “You did that on purpose!” I yelled, my voice shaking with anger.

Mara’s eyes narrowed, her expression darkening as she strutted towards me.


“How dare you speak to me like that, you insufferable maid?” she seethed, her hand raised to strike me.

To my astonishment, Aston intervened, his grip halting Mara’s impending blow. I stared at him, shocked by his unexpected defence. Mara’s eyes blazed with fury as she questioned his actions.

“It was an accident, Mara,” Aston said calmly, his voice sounding like he was the most calm person in the world, If I did not know what he was really like, I would have been deceived. “There’s no need to hit her.” He told her.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Mara’s outrage only grew, her words dripping with venom as she lamented the state of her soiled dress like it was the only dress she had. I was sure as hell she did not actually care about the dress.

Aston gently suggested that she retired to her quarters and clean up, offering to provide her with a fresh gown. “Its just a dress.” Aston practically whispered.

Seething, Mara stormed from the room, leaving me alone with Aston and my confused emotions.

I couldn’t fathom why Aston had chosen to defend me, and as I stammered my thanks, he swiftly dismissed his actions.

“I didn’t defend you,” he snapped, his tone biting. “Just clean up this mess and bring me another breakfast.” “Why the hell would I defend you? You must really think highly of yourself to think that. You’re getting to f**g comfortable and I need to fix that for you.” He murmured loudly while found his way to the dining table.

As I hurried to comply, my mind was in sea of confusion. Aston’s unpredictable behaviour left me uncertain of where– stood, his sudden moments of kindness contrasting sharply with his cold, wicked treatment. It was like he was purposely trying to confuse and it was working!

When I returned with a new breakfast, Aston once again insisted that I join him. I still couldn’t even fathom why he had me join him yesterday and now he was asking me again. I tried to decline, but he was unrelenting and I didn’t want trouble.

As I hesitantly took a seat beside him, I couldn’t shake the feeling that the maid who had accompanied me would spread gossip about our unusual interaction.

As we ate in silence, I was aware of Aston’s gaze upon me, his eyes raking over me as I brought each spoon to my mouth.

“The next time Lask you to sit and eat, don’t even dare to argue. This is going to be our new routine, at least until you get a little flesh on your bones.”

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