Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 5

I was already halfway down to a really had crash when I realized why I shouldn’t have acted without a more plausible plan. one that didn’t involve me falling to my death.

I could hear Ella screaming my name and I could see the fear etched across her face. Grace was starting down too, even though she was barely awake during all the hours I spent there, there was still worry spread across her face.

Perhaps I should have listened to Ella? Perhaps I should have found a better plan? If I had just waited. A million thoughts flashed through my mind before I hit the ground.

I was sure to fall facing the sky with my hands wrapped around my stomach, not that it cushioned the effect of the fall but even if things were to go terribly wrong. I would much rather I died first before anything happened to the child inside of me.

The back of my head hit the ground first before the rest of me and it hurtlike hell. It hurt so much that I couldn’t event scream. It was when I was down that I really saw how high where fell from was: Grace and Ella still had their head outside the slimy excuse for a window that I leaped from.

They were screaming but I couldn’t make out what they were saying over the noise of the rest of the prisoners who also seemed to have made a spectacle out of me. They were yelling of were they cheering?

My vision was blurry and the sounds were getting m**d. I needed to run but I couldn’t even lift a finger.

I made it! I f****g made it out alive! Why wouldn’t my body move! An alarm was going off in my head, warning me that I needed to get up and flee if I wanted to keep my life and that of my child but my body seemed to busy doing something else like lying on the floor and nursing the pain it took from the hit

“Get up Kira! Get up and run!” the voice in my head was screaming but even the sound in my head was getting m****ed too like my brain was shutting down on it’s own. I heard one last scream before my eyes rammed shut; “You better run you f****g b****h!”

The words were still ringing in my head when I jolted awake from my slumber. The sky was completely dark now and the moon was starting to peek. My heart was pounding violently like I just awoke from a nightmare even though it was my life that was the actual nightmare. I sprang up on my feet prepared to run for my dear life but it felt like the universe was against me when I bumped my head against a rock hard surface.

“F***k!” I muttered as I rubbed my palm against my forehead. It hurt like hell and I looked up to check what it was but it was too dark so I decided to feel my way through the path. I rubbed my hand against the hard surface standing between me and my freedom and for some reason it felt warm.

The hard surface was warm! The hard surface was breathing too. It was f***g breathing. I felt the hot air against my hand and my heart was beating like crazy.

It was over! It was finally over! My life was f****g over!

The hard surface was growling lowly and moving towards me. The hard surface had become surfaces.

They were moving towards me and I recognized the scent from all of them except one. I didn’t need to recognize the scent of the last man to know that he was an alpha. There was only one Alpha in this territory that I had stepped into and he was going to tip my head off for sure.

He was going to f****g kill me.

“My life was over!

“F***k!” 1 let out before I knew it and he nudged at my shoulder with his finger, his finger was more than enough to push me to the ground. Perhaps I was weak from all the not eating or all the running that I did or from falling to the f******g ground or maybe he was just too ***g strong and my life was about to be over in a split second!

“Anyone of you care to explain?” He growled and the sound of his voice shook the ground. His voice pierced through the air like a poisoned knife and I cowered in fear.

I wasn’t the only one scared though and for some reason that put me at ease a little.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“We’re sorry. No one has ever tried so desperately to escape the cell before.” The head guard explained with his head bowed and he sighed.

“Your excuse is that no one has tried hard enough? You couldn’t come up with something better than that? Anything at all?” he scoffed and the guard rushed to kneel in front of him.

“1111 Sorry sir, it won’t happen again! he begged and I didn’t know what to do. Perhaps it was my chance to run? Perhaps I could actually escape them while they talked?

“Who the hell is she even supposed to be?” he asked and I didn’t even need to see his face to know he was looking at me with so much disgust. It was so evident in his voice.

The guards told him who I was and he let out a loud chortle that made the hair on the back of my neck stand. He laughed like he was pleased with the situation and that did NOT sit well with me.

“Who knew the day could get so much better? What better way to end the day than with a little fun?” he laughed again and the guards seemed to be a lot more at ease than they were a few seconds ago.

“Please don’t kill me.” I begged but it only made them laugh even harder. How could they even laugh at me right now? How could they!!

I got that Dax was his enemy and that he was glad that I was delivered into his hand and frankly, I would be glad too but now wasn’t the time to merciless.

“Tamper justice with mercy!” I begged but they wouldn’t stop laughing and it scared me. This was not the way I pictured myself dying. This was not how I wanted to die at all! Not at all! I didn’t want to die like this, not in the woods at the back of a cell that I barely managed to escape from.

“I’m not going to kill you.” His words cut through my thoughts like he could read my mind and those words quickly eased most of the tension that I was feeling.

“You won’t kill me?” I

I asked just to be sure that my mind wasn’t playing tricks on me.

“I won’t kill you Kira” His words vibrated and I was between life and death at the moment but my stupid head somehow still found time to admire the way my name rolled off his tongue like he was the one that gave it to me

“Where’s the fun in killing you when I could do so much more?” he added and all my thoughts froze for a second. My mind wandered to places unknown. To dark places that I never even knew existed in the first place. What was this huge chunk of a man with dark thrilling voice going to do me.

The sound of contempt in his voice made me start to wonder if killing me was going to be a much better option than whatever he had in store for me but that was a thought that I could only have if I was alone. I wasn’t alone anymore. I had to think of the child growing inside of me. I had to think of my unborn child and how to get him out of here and I could only do that if I was alive.

“You should have stayed on your part of the territory, Kira! You really should have. You chose the wrong land to step on, Kira.” He reminded me like I wasn’t already aware. I knew that I made a mistake, a really big one tool This land was a no go area for a reason. The man standing in front of me and promising to make my life hell was actually known for ruling hell. He was the devil himself. Heheading people like they were animals. Erasing families like they didn’t matter and what he was the least lenient about was intruders

No stranger or trespasser had ever stepped on his land and made it out alive. His land was known for swallowing people whole and I was face to face with him!

“I’m going to put you through so much hell that even death wouldn’t want you anymore.” He growled.

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