Nicholas Connelly was such a forceful presence, even in a room full of equally powerful men and Caroline had been aware of him the moment he’d arrived at the party. When he had looked at her a few minutes ago she had felt a shiver down the length of her spine as she’d seen the admiration in his heated dark gaze.

“I will leave you to enjoy the rest of your evening,” Caroline finally replied derisively. “I’m sure all the other ladies present will be only too happy to entertain you.”

Nicholas looked down at her piercingly and forced the tension from his shoulders. “You-”

“Ah, there you are, Caroline baby.” A tall, blond-haired man in his late thirties moved in beside Caroline. His blue gaze was curious as he turned to smile at Nicholas, his teeth very white and straight against his slight tan. “Great party, isn’t it?”

“Great,” Nicholas echoed, as he inwardly acknowledged that he wasn’t pleased at seeing the other man’s arm draped possessively about Caroline’s waist. This was ridiculous of him, when she had made it so obvious that she had no interest in him. Perhaps the other man’s proprietorial attitude explained that lack of interest?

Maybe. Although Caroline hadn’t looked particularly pleased at being called ‘Caroline baby’.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

She straightened away from that possessive arm about her waist before making the introductions. “Nicholas, this is Glen Asher. Glen, meet Nicholas Connelly,”

“Really? Connelly, as in Frank Connelly’s son,” Glen prompted warmly as the two men shook hands.

“Yes, really,” Caroline confirmed, and said to Nicholas, “Glen works at Kay Corp and I’ve known him for a few months now,”

“That’s good to know,” Nicholas replied, not knowing how to respond. Although in his head he was wondering just how much they knew each other. Friends? Acquaintances? Friends with benefits? Boyfriend? Ex? His mind was wandering.

“Well if things go well tonight, we will be working for the same company, won’t we?” Glen added, and winked at Caroline, who gave an awkward smile in return. “And we can see each other more often,”

That statement did not make Nicholas feel better at all. He didn’t like seeing this man around Caroline, especially since she didn’t look very comfortable with him around.

“I guess we would be,” replied Caroline.

“Come on, let’s have a drink together,”

He attempted to take her hand, but Caroline moved out of reach before he could, “I’m sure that would have been nice and It was really nice to see you tonight, Glen, but I was just about to leave the party,”

He looked crestfallen, “But I haven’t had time to talk to you all night,” said Glen, “Don’t worry… I can drive you home after,”

Caroline shook her head and gave him a polite smile, “Maybe some other time,”

Nicholas watched the interaction. He had never thought of himself as being a masochist before, but maybe this move, and the over-abundance of beautiful women vying for his attention this past few weeks, was turning him into one-because if anything his attraction to Caroline had only deepened in the last few minutes.

He looked down at her from between hooded lids. “I would be more than happy to escort Caroline to her home if you would like to remain at the party a while longer, Glen.” he said.

Blue eyes widened in what looked like horror at the suggestion, even as bright spots of color brightened those pale cheeks. “If Glen wishes to stay, I’m perfectly capable of ordering a cab and taking myself home, thank you,” Caroline replied tightly.

He continued to look down at her. “There’s no need when my car is parked downstairs.”

Caroline wanted to tell Nicholas what he could do with his car! But, even more important than that, she deeply regretted meeting Glen here. Glen had asked her out several times, and she’d agreed to go out once with him just so he’d stop asking. The date was not a horrible one, but Caroline wasn’t very thrilled about it because she wasn’t into him that way.

Although Glen seemed to have a very different idea of where their relationship was going… She gave Nicholas a brightly insincere smile. “It’s very kind of you to offer, Nicholas, but-”

“But there’s absolutely no need when I’m happy to leave with Caroline,” Glen cut in with smooth confidence, his arm once again moving about Caroline’s waist. “I can give her a ride home. The drink doesn’t matter at all. There’s always going to be time for that,” he added.

A ride that he was no doubt hoping would result in the two of them sharing the bed in his apartment later on this night, or possibly in Caroline’s. But Caroline knew that sharing Glen’s bed-or any other man’s, come to that-simply wasn’t going to happen.

“That’s very thoughtful of you, Glen.” She smiled warmly, more for Nicholas’ benefit than Glen’s. Her smile faded as she turned to look at him . “If you will excuse us?”

“Of course.” Nicholas gave a slight inclination of his head, wondering what thoughts had been going through Caroline’s head these past few minutes to form that frown between those blue eyes. Whatever they had been, he certainly didn’t hold out a lot of hope for Glen Asher’s chances of sharing her bed tonight. “It was a pleasure to meet you.” He said without meaning a word.

“And you,” Glen assured him warmly.

It was a warmth that was in no way reflected in Caroline’s incredible eyes, and she made no effort to echo her escort’s enthusiasm. “We’ll wish you a good evening, then, Mr Connelly.”

His eyes laughed down into hers. “I believe you called me Nicholas earlier.”

“Did I?” she dismissed coolly. “How over-familiar of me!”

Not familiar enough for Nicholas. He turned to watch Caroline and Glen cross the room and saying goodbye to some of the guests before leaving. All without those blue eyes giving so much as a glance back in his direction. Nicholas continued to watch the sensuous sway of those curvaceous hips so lovingly outlined in that clinging red gown, and made a silent promise to himself as the doorman closed the door behind Caroline’s departure.

A promise that one day-or night; it didn’t really matter what time it was!- he would hear Caroline scream his name as he made love to her.

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