Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

#Chapter 32: Abby Confronts Karl

#Chapter 32: Abby Confronts Karl


One of his guards is standing at the front door, and his eyebrows go up when he sees me. I recognize

him from back in the day. Jimmy, if I’m remembering right. We never interacted much. He was still new

when we got our divorce. Does he know why Karl left me? Do all his staff think I cheated and wronged

him? God, I can’t believe this is happening.

“I’m here to see Karl,” I bite out.

“I’ll take you,” he says, his eyebrows shooting up at my tone. Hopefully, he knows my anger isn’t

directed at him. I can’t even rein it in enough to be mildly pleasant.

He leads me to Karl’s office, knocking softly on the door.

“Yes?” Karl calls.

“Ms. Abby, here to see you.”

I refrain at the last moment from rolling my eyes. Jimmy’s just doing his job. He’s not the one who

deserves to have his head bitten off. I force myself to wait until Karl says to let me in, before I stomp

into the room, practically closing the door in Jimmy’s face. I’ll have to remember to apologize to him

later when I’m not so angry.

Karl is lounging in his office chair, a crystal glass balanced on his lap. There’s some sort of brown liquid

inside. Probably Scotch, but it could be Bourbon. Based on what I can see of the bar cart, he’s got


“You such a fucking asshole,” I start. I figure it’s a pretty good opening for what I have to say.

His eyebrows shoot up, mimicking Jimmy. They look sort of alike, come to think of it. Same wavy hair.

Same chocolate brown eyes. Same bewildered look on their faces.


“I just found out that I apparently screwed the gardener when we were together,” I hiss. “Now this is

news to me, but maybe there’s something you know that I don’t. So enlighten me.”

He puts down his glass and stands up. “Abby–”

“Shut up,” I snap. “I can’t believe you told Tiffany I cheated on you.” He winces slightly. “Who else have

you been telling this to, exactly? All our friends? Our family? What about your staff?”

He shakes his head, but I don’t let him cut in.

“Is that the reason you left me? Because you thought I cheated on you?” My voice rises with every Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

word. “Are you fucking kidding me?”


“I’m so mad, Karl, I could kill you. I really could. I think I might hate you.”

His face falls a little, but he quickly masks his expression. “Don’t say that.”

“Why not?” I spit. “I’m just telling you how I feel.”

He shakes his head and walks around the desk. I take a step back. If he thinks he can fix this with a

puppy-dog expression and a hug, then he’s got another thing coming.

“Abby, I’m sorry,” he says. “For a long time, I did think you cheated on me.”

“And that’s why you wanted a divorce? That’s why you were so cold at the end?”

He nods. At least he has the decency to look a little regretful. It’s all coming together now. I guess now

that he’s decided I didn’t cheat, that means it’s time to get back together. I’m honestly so angry I think

my head might explode.

“I can’t believe this.”

He takes another step forward, and I glare at him. “Abby, please. You were always so friendly with

Justin, and I found a pair of your panties in the garden. They had his semen on them.”

I feel sick. “You found a pair of my panties outside and thought to test them? Hell, you found a pair of

my panties with a strange man’s cum on them and you never thought to talk to me about it? You just

thought to jump straight to divorce? God, that’s disgusting!”

I’m so shocked right now. I’m sure that I need to sit down judging from how my head is reeling and my

stomach is sick from picturing the gardener’s semen on my underwear. But instead, I stand up

straighter. I’m not going to back down from this fight. No amount of groveling is going to fix the fact that

he ruined our relationship over petty jealousy. And what’s even worse is that, from the sound of it, the

gardener stole my panties to fulfill some sort of sick sex-fantasy. It makes me want to vomit.

Karl, however, appears mostly unperturbed. “I was already suspicious,” he says simply. “You two were

always so… friendly together. And you always seemed to be putting on your cutest outfits to see him,

pushing your tits together, sticking your ass out…”

“Ew!” I blurt out, grimacing. “What is with you and thinking that women are always acting slutty, trying to

be fucked? I can guarantee I never did any of those things, and you were just being an insecure prick

who was just hunting for reasons to make yourself even more insecure.

He sighs, his shoulders sagging slightly. “I know that now.”

“Well, that’s great for you Karl, but that doesn’t change the last few years. You don’t get to just butt

back into my life, acting like you’re the victim in this whole situation. None of this was my fault, and yet

your cousin thinks I’m the bad guy. She told Adam I’m disloyal,” I snarl.

Karl lets out a huff and passes his hand over his face. “I’m sorry. I forgot to tell her that new evidence

came up. She still thinks you cheated. I told her that back when I was convinced it was true.”

“That doesn’t make it okay,” I murmur, blinking back the tears that are threatening to spill out.

“I’ll set things straight with her.”

“Yeah because that will fix everything.” I can’t help but think of Jimmy, and all the others. “So, did you

tell all your staff, too?”

He shakes his head. “Abby, no. I told Tiffany because she noticed me spiraling and demanded to know

why I left you. No one else knows the reason we divorced.”

“Not even me, apparently.”

“I’m really sorry.”

“Fuck you.”

He clenches his jaw, and a moment of tense silence stretches between us. I can tell he’s trying to rein

in his anger, and it’s such bullshit. What right does he have to be mad in this situation? I loved him. I

did everything for him, and he didn’t even have the decency to talk to me about it before deciding to

leave me. I never would have cheated on him, and yet he was so quick to believe it.

“I can’t believe that’s the reason you left me.”

“The evidence was overwhelming,” he says slowly. He seems a bit distracted, and I can’t help but

wonder if his wolf is saying something to him. Maybe mine would be too if she wasn’t still asleep

because of what he put her through.

“Whatever,” I say.

“What was I supposed to think?”

“You should have just talked to me!” I yell. He frowns at the ground. “You should have come to me with

your concerns, or just trusted me. I did everything for you! What more did I have to do to prove my

loyalty to you?”

I’m too angry to be around him right now. I have a feeling if I stick around here for much longer, I’m

either going to burst into tears or make use of that warrior training. Neither option seems like it’ll make

this situation any better, so I opt to just leave. I’ll let him sit with this for a while.

I stalk through the room, and wrench open the door. The hallway is empty, and I quickly find myself at

the top of the staircase. I can feel Karl behind me, but I don’t look at him as I jog down the stairs.

“Abby, wait! I’m sorry,” he says. He sounds a little desperate.

I can feel the tears prick at my eyes, and I swallow against the burning in my throat. There’s no way I’m

going to cry in front of him. This isn’t one of those times where he can just comfort me a little and it’ll all

be better.

How will I ever forgive him for this? How am I going to look him in the eye tomorrow at work? If things

were tense before, now they’re going to be a million times worse. And it’s all because Karl didn’t trust

me enough not to cheat with our gardener.

A tear slips free as I slip outside and sprint down the gravel drive. Jimmy is back at his post, but he

doesn’t comment when Karl emerges from the house, calling after me.

“Abby, wait!”

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