Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 0137

Chapter 0137


As I pull Gianna into the dimly lit study, the atmosphere is filled with a tension that’s been brewing for

weeks now, maybe even longer. The door clicks shut behind us, sealing us off from the guests, the

judgment, and the murmurs.

For a moment, we are suspended in a bubble of silence, and I finally address what’s been gnawing at


“A pathetic housemaid?” I ask.

Gianna shoots me a quizzical look, but I can see the gears turning in her head. She’s trying not to

display emotion, which is just a dead giveaway. “A… what?” she asks, taking a step back.

I take another step toward her, closing the gap once again. “Don’t play dumb,” I growl. “Is that really

what you called her?”

“Called who?” Gianna’s voice begins to rise ever so slightly.

“Abby, of course,” I say, folding my arms across my chest.

For a few moments, Gianna is silent. Then, mustering a tense smile, she cocks her head to the side.

“I’m sorry, Karl, but I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

I feel exasperated. Here I am, caught between my so-called ‘loyal’ secretary and the woman who I

want to win back. In the back of my mind, I can feel my wolf, urging me to go with my gut and take

Abby’s side.

“Gianna, what exactly is your issue with Abby?” The question spills out of my mouth before I can stop

it, like a tidal wave of annoyance and anger.

She avoids eye contact, feigning a look of innocence that I know is far from the truth. “Issue? Karl, I

have no idea what you’re talking about. You must be mistaken.”

I lock my gaze onto hers, narrowing my eyes. “Don’t lie, Gianna. It doesn’t suit you. Do you honestly

think I didn’t notice your little performance tonight? Trying to take her seat? Making faces? Refusing to

touch the food?”

She meets my gaze for a moment, her eyes twinkling with a hint of defiance before looking away. “I

don’t have a ‘problem’ with Abby. I’m simply cautious, that’s all. Isn’t that what you pay me for? To be

vigilant for you?”

My arms fold across my chest. “Vigilant? Is that what you call it? It seems more like you’re just

indignant and petty.”

She tilts her head, allowing a slight smirk to cross her face. “Indignant is a strong word.”

“Perhaps, but it’s accurate,” I growl. “You’ve been throwing shade at Abby all evening, and I can’t help

but wonder why. Abby has been nothing but polite and courteous, yet you treat her like she’s beneath

you. Why is that?”

Gianna hesitates for a moment, her eyes darting away from mine as though she’s searching for a way

out of this conversation. “Well, can you blame me?” she finally blurts out. “She must be hiding

something. No one is that perfect.”

I step closer, my Alpha aura amplifying, letting her know that her half-baked excuses won’t work with

me. “That’s a dangerous assumption to make, Gianna. Now, be honest with me: What’s really going Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.


Gianna shifts her weight uncomfortably, and I can almost hear the cogs in her mind whirring as she

decides how much to reveal. Finally, she relents, sighing in a defeated manner. “Alright, fine. I don’t

want you getting back together with her, okay? Is that what you want to hear?”

The admission throws me off guard, and for a moment, I’m speechless. “Why? What could you possibly

have against that?”

She crosses her arms, matching my stance. “Karl, let’s be real. Abby was a part of your past. A past

filled with complications and drama. I just think you can do better. Much better.”

An incredulous laugh escapes my lips. “Better? And since when did my personal life become your


Her voice lowers, almost to a whisper. “Look, I’ve worked closely with you for years, Karl. I care about

the wellbeing of this pack, and by extension, you. She is just a wrench being thrown into your


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