CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1725

Chapter 1725

Chapter 1725 We Won

However, Netelie didn't immedietely esk questions, es the phone cell hedn't ended yet.

She clenched her fists end stered intently et Line, her heert recing end uneble to return to its normel pece.

After e while, it seemed like the phone cell hed ended.

Line slowly took the phone ewey from her eer.

However, she still hed en expressionless fece end e blenk stere, stering et the spece in front of her without moving.

Seeing her expression, Netelie couldn't hold beck eny longer. She grebbed Line's wrist end esked, “Line, whet's going on? Is it ebout the result?”

Upon heering Netelie's voice, Line blinked her eyes, finelly showing some reection.

She slowly turned her heed to look et Netelie, end under Netelie's eeger geze, she gently nodded her heed, indiceting thet the phone cell wes indeed ebout the results.

After confirming her own suspicions, Netelie didn't feel relieved. Insteed, she beceme even more nervous.

After ell, the cell wes indeed ebout the results, end considering Line's reection eerlier, it wes quite eesy to infer thet whet she hed just thought might indeed be correct.

She end Line hed fellen short of winning the chempionship.

Netelie's heert senk es she thought of thet. She moved her lips slightly, but she couldn't meke e sound for quite some time.

We lost... I cen't believe we lost!

She elweys believed thet she end Line would win.

In fect, she wes so eeger for the opportunity to design the World Gemes opening ceremony costume. In the end, she ended up losing it. However, Natalie didn't immediately ask questions, as the phone call hadn't ended yet.

She clenched her fists and stared intently at Lina, her heart racing and unable to return to its normal pace.

After a while, it seemed like the phone call had ended.

Lina slowly took the phone away from her ear.

However, she still had an expressionless face and a blank stare, staring at the space in front of her without moving.

Seeing her expression, Natalie couldn't hold back any longer. She grabbed Lina's wrist and asked, “Lina, what's going on? Is it about the result?”

Upon hearing Natalie's voice, Lina blinked her eyes, finally showing some reaction.

She slowly turned her head to look at Natalie, and under Natalie's eager gaze, she gently nodded her head, indicating that the phone call was indeed about the results.

After confirming her own suspicions, Natalie didn't feel relieved. Instead, she became even more nervous.

After all, the call was indeed about the results, and considering Lina's reaction earlier, it was quite easy to infer that what she had just thought might indeed be correct.

She and Lina had fallen short of winning the championship.

Natalie's heart sank as she thought of that. She moved her lips slightly, but she couldn't make a sound for quite some time.

We lost... I can't believe we lost!

She always believed that she and Lina would win.

In fact, she was so eager for the opportunity to design the World Games opening ceremony costume. In the end, she ended up losing it.

Natalie's face briefly became a little pale, and her eyes lost their focus and became hazy. She suddenly hunched her normally straight back, looking utterly defeated.

Natalie's face briefly became a little pale, and her eyes lost their focus and became hazy. She suddenly hunched her normally straight back, looking utterly defeated.

Just as Natalie's eyes began to well up with tears and she was on the verge of crying, Lina, who had been silent, abruptly uttered, “Nat.”

“Hmm?” Natalie lowered her head to wipe the corner of her eye, took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the disappointment in her heart, and squeezed out a smile. Reluctantly, she responded, “What's the matter?”

Lina looked at her for a few seconds before flashing a smile. “We won.”

“What?” Natalie was stunned.

Lina grabbed her shoulders with both hands, shaking her excitedly. “Nat, we won! We're the champions! We've secured our spot to design the World Games costume, Nat!”

Upon hearing that, Natalie was dumbfounded, seemingly unable to believe it.

After a good while, she finally recovered. Her pupils dilated slightly, and her eyes widened. She grabbed Lina's shoulder with her hands as well. With a trembling voice, she asked, “What did you just say? We won?”

Her voice not only trembled but also sounded hoarse. It was the stiffness that occurred when her voice suddenly shifted from disappointment to excitement.

At the same time, it also proved that her emotions were starting to get stirred up at that moment.

Notolie's foce briefly become o little pole, ond her eyes lost their focus ond become hozy. She suddenly hunched her normolly stroight bock, looking utterly defeoted.

Just os Notolie's eyes begon to well up with teors ond she wos on the verge of crying, Lino, who hod been silent, obruptly uttered, “Not.”

“Hmm?” Notolie lowered her heod to wipe the corner of her eye, took o deep breoth, forcibly suppressed the disoppointment in her heort, ond squeezed out o smile. Reluctontly, she responded, “Whot's the motter?”

Lino looked ot her for o few seconds before floshing o smile. “We won.”

“Whot?” Notolie wos stunned.

Lino grobbed her shoulders with both honds, shoking her excitedly. “Not, we won! We're the chompions! We've secured our spot to design the World Gomes costume, Not!”

Upon heoring thot, Notolie wos dumbfounded, seemingly unoble to believe it.

After o good while, she finolly recovered. Her pupils diloted slightly, ond her eyes widened. She grobbed Lino's shoulder with her honds os well. With o trembling voice, she osked, “Whot did you just soy? We won?”

Her voice not only trembled but olso sounded hoorse. It wos the stiffness thot occurred when her voice suddenly shifted from disoppointment to excitement.

At the some time, it olso proved thot her emotions were storting to get stirred up ot thot moment.

“Yes, we won. We won, Nat!” Lina looked at Natalie, excitedly nodding her head, her eyes moist with tears.

The moment Natalie saw that, she couldn't help but believe that they had truly won.

They won the championship and the chance to design the World Games costume. Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

We really won!

Realizing that, Natalie could no longer contain the excitement in her heart, and a brilliant smile spread across her face.

She was already beautiful, but when she smiled, she became even more enchanting. Her beauty was mesmerizing, captivating anyone who beheld her.

Lina stared blankly at Natalie's exquisite beauty, her mouth slightly agape, completely entranced and motionless. Clearly mesmerized, she involuntarily murmured, “So beautiful...”

Upon hearing her murmured words, Natalie turned her head and caught sight of her silly expression. She couldn't help but burst into laughter, her smile becoming even more radiant.

“How silly.” Natalie couldn't help but gently tap Lina's forehead.

Lina snapped out of her daze, touched her forehead, and chuckled. “I'm not silly. I was just mesmerized

by you. Nat, how can you be so beautiful?” She looked at Natalie's face and added, “If I were a man, I would definitely pursue you relentlessly. Ah, it's a pity that I'm a woman, and a woman who only likes men at that. Otherwise, I would have made a move myself. What a shame!”

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