CEO Leo’s Baby Mama Is Back

He is mine

Chapter 30 He is mine


Leo stared at the Darby’s fashion house for long minutes, his thoughts were in a battle as he couldn’t decide whether to go in or not. He feared she would have him thrown out. Staring at his phone screen, Aaron’s message of motivation popped up. A small chuckle escaped his lips at the emoji of a bodybuilder that was added to the “You can do this text.”

Finally summoning some courage, he stepped out of the car. A ring from his phone distracted him and he fished it out of his pocket. He exhaled at the caller.

‘Hey, baby.’ Chloe moaned into the receiver the moment Leo answered.

‘What is it, Chloe?’ He asked losing interest at each passing moment.

‘Why do you sound so cold?’

‘Do I?’ Leo retorted. ‘I’m quite busy at the moment, Chloe. What is it you want to tell me that you couldn’t text?’

She sounded deflated on the other line. ‘I was just calling to check on you. You didn’t call me all through last night.’

Mentally telling himself to be cautious, he inhaled. ‘I’m sorry, baby. I was at Aaron’s house, we got a bit drunk and I lost track of time.’

Chloe muttered some incoherent words. ‘I just hope you don’t get to hang around him every time when we get married.’

‘I need to end this call now, Chloe.’ Leo said in a hurry when Darby stepped out of the store. ‘Bye!’ He said and disconnected the call.

Darby gasped when Leo stood in front of her out of nowhere. “Where did you come from?” She asked placing a hand on her racing heart.

“I’m sorry for startling you. But we really need to talk.” He said.

Folding her arms against her chest, she raised a questioning brow. “What exactly do we have to discuss again? I already told you there is nothing for us to discuss. Like you said, whatever we had was just a one night stand and nothing more. We both have different lives now and I think it would be best if we keep acting like strangers.”

Leo grabbed a fistful of his hair, the movement of her lips had him mesmerized and he found himself getting distracted. Shaking his head, he held her gaze. “Please, Darby. I promise to not take too much of your time. Just ten minutes. I need to discuss this with you before I lose my mind.”

Taking one look at him, Darby saw the stressed lines on his handsome face. He must have been drinking from the night before. Looking back at her store, she gulped. “Ten minutes, let’s go to the cafe near here. I don’t want my workers having something to gossip about when they see us.”

“Sure.” He replied, letting out a sigh of relief.

Darby refused to let him order something for her when they entered the cafe. She didn’t want to get too comfortable in his presence. It would be too much for her to be roped in a scandal cause Los Angeles tabloids love gossips of failing relationship and untrue stories of a friend snatching her best friend’s husband. This time it would be tagged a stylist getting down with her one of her clients to be husband.

“You don’t need to get me anything. Your ten minutes started two minutes ago.” She informed him.

Leo let out a shaky breath. “Darby, I know it’s not in my place to question your decisions. But I really need you to help me out here. Can you explain this?” He said, placing his phone in front of her. He had his picture and that of Sinclair side by side.

The hair on Darby’s neck stood still. “And why are you showing me this?”

“Please, Darby. Stop doing this to me. I know I deserve whatever you do to me, but it’s not my fault. When I discovered that you never lied to me, I searched everywhere for you. No one knew of your whereabout. I couldn’t do anything as it was out of my control. I practically came running the moment I found you. Please, Darby, please.” Leo begged in frustration.

“Of what use will it be if you know now? My son and I are doing quite well. And shouldn’t you have some pity towards Chloe and not ruin her happiness when she would be married to you in few weeks?”

“Why are you bringing Chloe into this? I am not asking you to marry me. I am asking if this boy is mine, I need to be responsible for him. Don’t you think it’s wrong to tag another man as his father?” He sounded gruff.

“I will have to stop you right there.” Darby muttered sternly. “Zac has every right to be called Sinclair’s father. He was there when no one will take me in. He looked after my son like his, I have never lacked anything all because of Zac’s help. Don’t try to act emotional and throw blames around.”

“So you are admitting Sinclair is my son?”

She bit hard on her lips. “So what difference will it make? He is your son, so what? Do you think I will let you come from nowhere and take my son away from me?”

He exhaled rubbing at his forehead. “That is not what I am trying to do, Darby. All I want is for you to give me a chance in his life. I was unaware of his existence and now that I know I really want to be a part of it. Please.”

Tears formed in her eyes as she glared at him. Darby scoffed. “It’s so easy for you to show up after so many years and claim to be responsible. Do you know how hard it was for me leaving home with no exact plan in mind? I had to run away to avoid being forced to abort my child. How dare you, Leo? If you have some dignity you wouldn’t show yourself in front of me. Only I, has the right to parent Sinclair. I don’t want anything from you so there is no need to worry. Leave me alone, don’t come back or else I will report you for stalking. I promise.”

Wiping at the lone tear that rolled down her eyes, she stormed out of the cafe leaving Leo dazed on the chair. His emotions were mixed, he didn’t know if he should feel relieved that she affirmed the child being his or be sad that she wouldn’t let him in so easily. Aaron’s call came in, still at the dazed point Leo picked up.

‘What’s going on, Leo? Is he your son?’ Aaron asked eagerly, stumbling into something from the background.

‘Yes.’ Leo muttered in a shaky breath. ‘He is mine, but she wouldn’t let me in.’

‘Stop sounding like a retarded fellow. You don’t think she is just as taken aback as you? Rome wasn’t built in a day, man. You would have to prove to her that you are worthy of being introduced to your son. Like I told you, it won’t be so easy. But it all depends on your determination. What is it to you? If you really want to be part of the boy’s life, you would have to win the mother over. She still holds every right to keep him from you, but she told you about it. Keep pushing man.’ His friend cajoled. ‘I will hang up now, talk to you later.’

Leo sniffed back the tears in his eyes, it was a happy one. He hardly talk about it to anyone but Leo loves the idea of children and hoped his first child would be a male. It feels like an old wish of his finally came true. Standing up, he straightened his suit. He would do just as Aaron has advised, keep showing up and proving himself to be responsible. He would do everything to prove himself worthy to be a good father until Darby is left with no other choice but to accept him.



Yawning loudly as she stared at the city taking a quiet sip of her coffee. Darby exhaled in satisfaction. She loves Sundays, especially because she gets to take a break from work and spend time with her son. Nothing beats family time, also she gets to rest in without bothering about work. It’s still very early and Sinclair isn’t awake yet, but Isabella is and she already got to work preparing breakfast.

Darby would have joined Isabella, but she wasn’t in the best of mood and had woken up deep in thought. Her meeting with Leo had plagued her mind all through the night. Aside the fact that she keeps getting haunted by his face, she feels torn apart as regards his decision to be present in Sinclair’s life. Letting him in would be like a betrayal to herself after making a long promise to never let Leo anywhere near her son. Her head was beginning to ache so early in the morning.

Isabella watched Darby from the kitchen as she roamed the balcony. She could tell there was a lot on her boss’s mind. Even though she hates to probe, Isabella knows Darby carries a lot of burden and finds it hard to share. Wiping her hand with a napkin, she walked towards her after turning off the gas.

“A penny for your thoughts?” She said behind her with a smile.

Darby stared back at her, smiling weakly. “You would hate to buy any of my thoughts. It’s depressing.”

“Want to talk about it? Your mood has been interchanging since Friday. Is this because of Zac leaving without you both having a discussion?”

She cursed inwardly, Darby had totally forgotten about Zac leaving after the fashion week ended. He only dropped a message of him leaving and the both of them haven’t talked much since then. “It has nothing to do with Zac.” She replied.

“Okay.” Isabella mused sitting on the chair. “What’s on your mind then? You should sit down, you might catch vertigo.” Exhaling, Darby pulled a chair and sat down. “So, talk to me. What’s getting you so worked up?”

“I met with Leo yesterday.” Darby mumbled. “He came around to the office.”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Okay, what did he discuss with you?”

“He found out that Sinclair is his son. I don’t know why he has to take after his father so much. Sinclair is the splitting image of Leo when he was his age.”

Isabella gasped. “So how did you handle that?”

Darby shrugged, staring at the blue sky. “I told him off. There is no way I am letting him into my son’s life. The moment he denied the child years ago, he lost the right to be a parent to Sinclair.”

“Is that what you think?”

“Yes.” She nodded in conviction.

They both stayed quiet for a long time. Isabella was the first to speak, she cleared her throat loudly before talking.

“Do you remember the time you met me on the street and helped me out? I had no one to run to. My mother and father were separated from what I learnt while growing. She wouldn’t let me meet with him, saying he is irresponsible. But she took ill and couldn’t look after me. Instead of her to take me to my father, she dumped me at the orphanage home. And I don’t think I need to tell you the rest of it. You know how the rest of my story went before I met you.”

“What are you trying to say?” Darby asked.

Isabella bit her lower lip, “I feel like my father would have taken good care of me if my mother had allowed us to meet. I was really young then but I remember vividly a man constantly visiting our home, but my mum never let us meet. You have gone through a lot Darby, but do you think Sinclair would ever forgive you for depriving him of his father’s love? I know how much you love Sinclair, still it’s necessary that you think about him. If he doesn’t get to know his father now, he would get teased by his mates later on. I am sure you know how children bully one another. If Leo is reaching out to you to be a part of his son’s life, I think the best thing you can do is give it a chance. Squash whatever past you both have for the sake of your son, please.”

Uncontrollable tears rolled down Darby’s face. She couldn’t bring herself to come to terms with the reality of her son wanting his father eventually. “Sinclair is my son and mine alone.”

Reaching for her hand, she caressed it gently. “I know how you are feeling. I am not saying you should call Leo up now and open up your door to him. I’m just saying it would be best if you think hard and long about it without being biased. A child needs both of his parents if they are alive to grow healthy. Even if the other parent is dead, memories should still be in place to help the child feel loved. No matter how hard you try to deny it, the both of us had grown up the way we did due to the life our supposed parents offered us without pausing to think of it’s repercussions.”

“But Leo hurt me.” She sobbed.

“I know he did, you don’t have to forgive him but you should let your son grow up like every average child in California. You can chose to observe Leo for as long as you feel satisfied that he is worthy of being in your son’s life. It’s your choice to make, but it would be best if you don’t make a selfish decision. Think of Sinclair. Listen, Darby. It’s not my place to advice you, but I think it’s our duty to give our children a better life than we have. It’s your call in the end.”

Closing her eyes tightly, Darby didn’t try to stop the tears from falling. Memories of her struggles with Sinclair in her belly and the nights she wanted to end her life so bad. She had cursed at Leo for putting her in such condition countless times and sometimes blamed herself for keeping the child. It occurred to her a long time ago that Sinclair would need his father eventually, but the fear of it had prompted her to keep working hard to be able to provide whatever her son wanted which would prevent her from trying to seek Leo for help to cater for her son.

Isabella patted her hands lovingly. “Don’t beat yourself up, Darby. Take your precious time. Don’t worry yourself too much.” She advised standing up. “Also, you should call Zac. You both need to talk and stop with the sudden awkwardness between you two.”

Nodding in response, Darby tried to take a sip of the coffee when Isabella returned to the kitchen. It had turned cold, she hated cold coffee. Dropping the cup on the table, she let out a long breath before heading back in. Joining Isabella in the kitchen, she washed her hands first.

“Sinclair isn’t awake yet?” Darby stated.

Raising her head from the carrots she was cutting, Isabella chuckled. “You know how Sinclair is, he likes to sleep like a king.”

“I wonder who he got such sleeping habit from.” She snort.

“Must be his father.” Isabella blurted.

Darby rolled her eyes. “Can we not talk about the F word for the meantime please.”

“Sure, pardon me.”

“It’s okay.” She muttered in response, tuning out the voices in her head to concentrate on making breakfast.

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