
Chapter 47

It wasn’t the gasped came out from everyone’s mouth that became the center of Candela’s attention, it was what Lady Amary demanded to Lord Magnus. She wasn’t sure if her ears are just dirty making her sense of hearing failed or it was the other way around. Even after hearing it clear, Candela could not still process those words. All she just understand is that Lady Amary came to their full moon party just to get her back. To get her daughter back which happened to be her. But how could it be possible when she can’t even recognize Lady Amary in any angle. Yes, they look alike but that wasn’t a valid reason for her to believe her words.

Her mother died. She saw how her mother died in front of her. So, how did it happened that Lady Amary became her mother. That’s a lie and she will never believe her.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Come to me, my daughter.” Lady Amary walked near the table where she’s in. She stared at Candela with so much emotions, undeniable longiness is filling her eyes. “Come to your mother, Candela. I am here to get you back, my daughter. Don’t you miss me?” she asked her.

Candela on the other hand remained still on where she’s standing. The lady’s words are giving her effects but she’s still in her right mind. If there’s something that the death of her parents gives to her, it was the pain. The excruciating pain. Other than that is the hatred. And what its truly taught her is not to trust other’s words.

In vampire world, evilness are everywhere. When you look at on your surroundings, evil doings are can be found. You will thought that you can trust someone but is was a no.

Betrayals are everywhere. Even the person you trust with all your heart can betrayed you. Just like how Lord Magnus betrayed her parents.

When that flashes through her mind, the uncontrollable hatred succumbed her again. The hatred that once conquered by love. The pain of the past attacked her again making her heart aches and cries from anguish.

Candela clutched her chest as her breath is getting hard. Seems like the air in her body couldn’t support her breathing anymore.

“Are you okay?” She looked at Blade who’s eyes are shouting worriedness but at some point, Candela couldn’t believe that emotion.

It’s like someone is controlling her mind making her not to believe on Blade. She hated the Royal Family from the very start and now, that hatred overpowered the love she had in her heart.

She stood up from her seat.

Gathering the textiles at the end of her elegant and long gown, she run out from their table. She heard him shouted for her name but she didn’t looked back. Candela just continue on running until she reached the main door of the palace. There are knights who tried to stopped her from running away but to her shocked, in just a flicks of her arms… all knights thrown away. Even though she’s still in shock, it didn’t stop her from running. She continued when there are no longer knights that are blocking her way.



She turned around when she heard those familiar voice. It was Primo and Blade, both shooting her their eyes. But she didn’t care for right that moment, she’s fuming in anger, in hatred towards the family who destroyed hers.


Candela was threw off-guard when someone blocks her again. In front of her, there stands Lord Liam who’s staring at her also with worries in his eyes.

“Get out of my way, Liam,” she demanded.

“What’s happening to you? Why are you acting like this? Everyone are worried sick of you. Don’t listen to her–”

“I didn’t listen to her!” she roared, breaking the silence of the night even the silence of those people who’s eyeing on her. “I don’t believe on what she’s saying. Where I am listening by now is the thing that shouts by my heart, by my mind. The Royal Family including you!” She pointed Liam with her index finger.

“This family ruined me! They ruined my life! My family! And I am a fool, a brainless daughter who forgive those vampires who’s responsible for my parents’ death. But now that I finally woke up from my own foolishness, it’s payback time.”

She dangerously twirled around to met the eyes of those people who’s eyeing her. Tears fall down from her eyes when its landed on Blade, on Primo.

“C–Crimson Family…” she breath. “I tried to forgive you, but I can’t. This night, I just woke up from my dream. I have realized that you can’t turn your enemies into family. I’ve love you, wholeheartedly but it was the death of my beloved parents that we talk about here.”

“Lady Candela.” She smiled in bitterness when she heard that voice, calling her with the title she once accept earlier but now, it’s making her feel puking.

“Remember my mother and father, Lord Magnus? Remember the two innocent vampires whom you killed just because of your eagerness on the power? I am their daughter, the daughter they hide inside the cabinet…” her voice cracked as she remembered that painful night.

“They are not your parents,” Lord Magnus reasoned out. “That two vampires are just illusions made by–”

“Shut up, Magnus!” Lady Amary came back into the picture again. She’s now standing in the ground, just few meters away behind Liam.

Their eyes both settled on her.

“Why don’t you accept your ruthlessness, Magnus? You killed innocent lives yet you’re denying it?”

“You’re the one who needs to shut up, Amary!” Magnus firef back. “We all know what’s the truth behind those lies you have created before. That two vampires, they aren’t Candela’s parents. Those are just illusions that you created for the sake of your wickedness! Why don’t you tell your daughter what’s the truth or should I the one who tell her?”

“Shut up! You can’t change her mind. She’s already under my control and no one can stop me from getting her. I will use her to gain back my power!”

As if it was a hard rock strikes on Candela’s head. After hearing what Lady Amary have just said, and what’s on Lord Magnus… Candela realized that she’s in the middle of uncertainty. On doubts of who will she believes in. All what’s clear to her is what she have witness the night when her parents got murdered.

But was all of that are true?

Or Lord Magnus is right?

“Y–you…” She pointed out Lady Amary who instantly locked her gaze on her. “Earlier… you called me daughter. What does it m–mean?” she stuttered.

Lady Amary give her a lopsided smile. Th smile that made her realized what’s the truth. And right after she realized that Lady Amary is possibly her real mother, the image of a girl running away from an open field came into her mind.

A little girl who’s hugged by dirts, who’s face was covered by sticky dirt. Who’s hair was tangled, a little girl who’s running while in total messed.

Candela stumbled on the ground. She weakly hugged herself using her trembling arms as she also see what the little girl in her mind saw.

An almost lifeless woman… staring at the girl with her half-open eyes. Her breathing wasn’t stable yet she’s still shouting for the little girl to escape. To leave her and hide for her own safety.

“Mother…” Candela uttered as the little girl in her mind also breath for words.

“Mother!” She again cried out as the roaring thunder boomed out. Everyone shouted because of shock.

“It’s you!” With all her gathered strength, Candela stood up from the ground and hastily attacked Lady Amary who throw off-guard. “It was you who killed my mother!” she roared as she tried to land her her punches.

“It was you! I saw it! I am that girl! I am that girl who’s with the woman you killed merciless! I will make you pay! You’ll pay it with your own life! I will kill you!” Candela continued to fire Lady Amary her punches but the lady seems so expert in fighting as it was easy for her to avoid her attacks.

“Candela!” She heard someone calling her but she didn’t bother to look and see who’s shouting. Her mind only focused on the lady whom killed her mother.

It was all true. Lord Magnus wasn’t lying. She saw it with her own eyes how her mother were brutally murdered by Lady Amary. She remembered it now, she remembered the day when she and her mother are running, escaping from someone but then they were caught. Lady Amary caught them and she killed her mother with her bare hands.

“You killed her! I won’t forgive you!”

Driven by so much pain, so much hatred… she was able to inable her ability. Her ability that everytime she’s using, she also puts her own life in danger.

The thunder roared even more. The black night was then lights up by the full moon which finally shown up together with horrible lightnings making people cries in horrified. It was years and years ago when she last used her ability and now she’s using it, Candela could tell how her ability reign her whole being. With the caustic sensation coming from her veins, the energy she’s feeling seems gathered on her hands.

“What you did to her have no forgiveness!” she shouted before choking Lady Amary. The lady writhed in agony as her caustic hand gives her burns around her neck.

“Feel my power. Feel the flaming vengeance of my power, Amary!”

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