
Chapter 20

Few seconds passed before Candela pulled herself together. With all her remaining strength, she pushed Lord Blade forcefully. She thought that she won’t be able to throw him, but to her shocked, the Lord’s body threw to the nearest wall. Making the paintings hanged on there to fall and be broken.

She hastily stands up. Trying to fetter her wild heartbeat but her efforts were futile. The pain… the pain given by Blade’s bite is still there. She could feel her blood dripping from her neck. Even her own sight became blurry but she was still able to stand up.

Lord Blade, after recovering for what she did try to draw near her but she quickly stepped back. With her wobbly legs, she steps back and back until her back meets the cold wall.

Blade smirk at her, that was what she saw with her blurry vision. And when the Lord was about to go near her again, she hurriedly went through the door using her vampire speed. As soon as she used her speed ability, the pain she felt on her neck doubled making her face contorted.

While running away from the lord she didn’t know if she’s still chasing by, she touched her neck. That’s when she realized that her wounds aren’t healing. She lowered down her speed and looked back to her back. No Lord Blade following her that makes her breathe out.

With her still weak limbs, she holds onto the staircase railing to climb down. Every step she takes added blurs on her vision but she tried her best to at least climb down to the third floor. She could feel became weaker and weaker and when she’s about fall down, strong arms caught her weak body.

“Candela?!” That man’s voice was familiar to her ears. And when she laid her eyes on him, she smiled.

At least, she’ll lose her consciousness in the arms of someone who might she trusted. “L–liam…” that was the last word she uttered weakly before closing her heavy eyes.

The winds were blowing ferociously. She hugged herself as she is hiding her thin and small body behind the body of a tall large tree. Her hairs were tangled and look like it was hard to comb. She looked like a beggar who wears dirty and stinky clothes. She could felt her sticky skin because of sweats. Even her face is being washed by her nonstop tears.

“Mommy…” she mumbled under her cries.

Her mom told her to hide herself so she did even if she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to leave her mommy’s body almost lifeless on the ground but she pushed her. They were being attacked that’s why her mother needs to fight back. But the woman who’s attacking them seems to possess the strength of hundred men. Her mother tried to protect her but still, it’s futile. That’s why she told her to run and hide herself. So, she did as the evil woman was still chasing her.

“Daddy… Mommy…” she cried again but she instantly covered her mouth to hold her cries when she heard footsteps coming in her direction.

She pressed her body against the tree’s body even more. Hoping that she won’t be going to be caught and seen by the woman whom she feared. Her heart was pounding hard. She started to tremble again even if she tried to refrain from it.

As the footsteps becoming louder and louder, seems like horses were having their racing inside her chest. She’s silently praying that someone will save her from that hopeless situation but she was taken aback by the pair of shiny leather shoes in front of her.

Her eyes popped out before she decided to lift her head. Meeting the red eyes of a kid, almost ages like her.

The kid grinned at her. “I thought it was just an animal who owned that moans but it was you, a little dirty and stinky girl,” the kid said.

She readies herself for a defense. She grabbed her silver knife in her pocket and put it in her front. “Who are you? Are you one of those creatures who chase me?” she asked, helping herself to look more powerful but she knew, she didn’t.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

The kid laughed at her. “For a ragged look like a girl like you, you acted like you’re strong enough. But the fact is, you’re not. You’re just putting yourself into a laughable situation, Little Rabbit,” he mocked her that makes her eyes watered.

Even she… to herself pitied her own situation by now. Her father died months ago. And then now, her mother. Oh, her beloved mother! Her mother who’s still fighting for their lives. And then here she is now, so weak and in so awful condition.

“P–please… p–please help us. H–help me and my m–mother…” she said between her tears. She didn’t hear any response and when she looked at the boy again, his eyes show pity on her. That makes her cry even more…

It’s funny for her. Sorry for her. What could be a kid like him could help in her situation? They were both kids… weak and still inexperienced. What else they could do than to cried and cried?

“What’s your name, Little Rabbit? And why are you here? Why are you seeking for my help?”

She wiped her tears with her dirty and sticky hands. “I–I am Candela… my mother is Coraline and we badly need your help. S–so please… have mercy on us. Please help me…” she cried again but she then stopped when the young boy hugged her despite being her… dirty and smelly.

“Tell me where is your mother and I’ll help the two of you…”

She instantly pushed him, putting space between them. She smiled widely while her eyes still watered. “Really?” she asked, still confused. “You’re going to help me? Promise?”

The kid raised his right hand. “Promise,” he said which makes her tearful again. “I’ll help you so tell me, where is your mother. I am Lord Blade of Crimson Palace, it’s my pleasure to help you.”

“Lord Blade…”

“Yes, Little Rabbit. So, tell me–” his words were being cut by the scream coming from the middle of the forest. Candela’s eyes instantly widened. Both of her hands tremendously trembled again which makes her silver knife fell from her weak hand.

“M–mother…” she mumbled before finding herself running quickly into the deep wild forest.

Candela was sweating bullets as she woke up. Her breath was unstable and rough. Her hands were holding her bedsheets forcefully.

“Candelita…” She turned to someone who called her name. Only one person who called her on that sobriquet.

She smiled weakly. “Primo…” she uttered before Primo hugged her tightly.

“I thought I’ll going to lose you,” he’s crying but her mind wasn’t in Primo’s sobs but to her dream that she couldn’t remember again. “I thought you’re going to leave me, Candelita. Don’t make me worried like this again…”

Candela manages to smile even if her head’s still aching. Aching because of a dream that she wanted to remember but she couldn’t. All she had remembered was the name ‘Blade’.

Was it Lord Blade? Was she dreams of Lord Blade again who’s responsible for losing her consciousness in front of Liam?

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