After he had gone, the two girls talked.

“This house of yours has a very homey atmosphere” Penny said. She rose and stretched and smoothed back her hair. “Dreamy and peaceful and comfortable. And your Joey is so nice”

Audrey gave her a quick look, turned as quickly to her typing again.

“He is a dear” she said casually. “Not much of a glamor boy perhaps, but I like him”

Penny smiled at Audrey. How reticent these two were and yet most probably their emotions were more deep rooted than most of those people. With Jeremy, it was so easy to judge his feelings. If he felt irritable she would know instantly. When he was pleased or happy, she could read it in his face. But looking at Audrey now it was impossible to guess correctly what was passing through her mind.

‘Is she shocked at me?’ Penny asked herself. ‘Will she judge me and wish she’d never met me if I had this baby? ”

She put the thought from her, knowing that Audrey least of all would let anything like this interfere with their friendship.

‘I must stop thinking about the baby’ she told herself firmly. ‘I will put it right out of my mind until I find the right time to tell Jeremy about it’.

The thought of her lover dispelled some of the depression that seemed to have settled over her since she woke up. A lazy, pleasant anticipation of the next day replaced her anxiety. When Joey appeared with the tea, she felt as if she had been given a new lease of life.

“I will let the pup out for you before you go to bed” Joey said when they finished their second cup. “if you want, you can go take a shower now, it would help you relax”

“Yes… He thinks of everything, doesn’t he?” said Audrey, putting her laptop away and giving her brother’s hand an affectionate squeeze.

Penny went up the stairs to bed. She looked down into the hall and saw Audrey and Joey standing there, smiling, chatting.

‘Lucky Audrey’ she thought. ‘Lucky Audrey to have a brother like Joey’


Joey left the house long before Penny was awake. Audrey explained that he was spending the day discussing his practice with his future partner, and renewing his acquaintance of some of his old patients. He did not return until later in the day.

Penny greeted him with a radiant smile.

“Jeremy is going to be here for dinner” she told him. “I’m so anxious for you to meet him, Joey. I’m sure you will like him”

“I’m sure I will” Joey said with a smile which he had to force. Deep in his heart he feared that no matter how decent this fellow Jeremy might turn out to be, he would always dislike the man.

A knock at the front door. Penny hastened to open it.

“It must be Jeremy” she said.

It was.

Joey saw a tall, young man standing outside… Looking handsome and distinguished. He saw and winced at the sight of Jeremy taking Penny in his arms. In particular, he noted the look in Penny’s eyes as she raised her face for Jeremy’s kiss. Joey turned away and went through to the kitchen.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh darling, darling” Penny said In a stifled voice. “It’s been so long.. Or it’s seemed so to me. Everytime you go away it gets worse. Have you missed me?”

Jeremy grinned down at her, took off his coat as he walked into the house, his arm linked through hers.

“Of course I have. Last night I was not only lonely but damn cold. I missed my exciting human hot water bottle”

“I was so tired that I went straight to sleep” Penny said and sat down beside him and held on to his hand as if she could not bear to let it go. “This is sweet place, Jeremy, isn’t it? I will show you around later”

“It’s a bit on the small side” Jeremy’s voice was disparaging.

“Oh, but I like it” Penny said eagerly. “Except that Audrey said last night that if Joey hadn’t come home, you could have stayed here. But you can stay with me in my room too”

“Oh there’s no need for that. I have to go back anyways” Jeremy replied, then he added. “Who is Joey?”

“Yes, Audrey’s brother, Dr Joseph Raines. All the locals call him Joey. I told you about him, Jeremy. Have you forgotten? You will like him. He’s a dear”

“Have you fallen for him? Is my time over already?” Jeremy asked laughing.

Penny looked at him in surprise. Then she too laughed. He must be joking.

“Darling, you are the man I love” she said softly. “I have started to regard Audrey’s brother as mine you. He’s that sort of person”

Audrey walked into the room.

“Well hello” she said with more warmth than she felt. “Hello Jeremy”

He stood up and shook her head, smiling down at her in his charming way.

“It’s nice to finally meet you Audrey. I’m very sorry that I couldn’t the last time you came over. Work can take up all of my time” Jeremy said.

“Oh that’s alright. I understand. It’s nice to meet you too” Audrey replied.

“And it’s so good of you to take Penny in at a moments notice. I really appreciate that” he added.

“I love having her” Audrey said quietly. “She’s always welcome in my home”..

Jeremy sensed a rebuff, but he did not show it. A moment later Joey came into the room and the two men were introduced by Penny.

They shook hands conventionally. Jeremy opened the conversation.

“i hear you just got back” he said, bending his head a little since he stood several inches higher than Joey. “No doubt you will miss things over there”

“I doubt it” Joey replied. “I prefer being here… Closer to family… Helping people”

“Won’t it seem a bit dreary?” Jeremy asked, moving away and sitting down beside Penny again.

Joey seated himself in the armchair and lit a cigarette before he answered.

“Possibly at first” he said. “But I will enjoy my work here”

Jeremy gave a short laugh.

“I suppose you will or you wouldn’t be going back to it” he said unnecessarily. “Personally I think business would be more interesting. I know I should hate to be buried down here as a village doctor year in and year out”

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