Bound Forever

Chapter 30:

I flashed back at the night I saw Juliana sneaking out of the house. As the night was cold and silent I was able to hear, when she was describing to the cab driver that night. ” Hmm__Driver, please can you take me to Castor estate in Seattle city?” I said to the driver after recalling the address of her place. Jane on the other hand finished bathing, then she had on her short white towel around her chest as she headed to the dressing table.

She loosened her hair from the bun, then she ran her hands through it as she waved it in the air. Talking a few step she grab the sprayer for hair to smooth the texture, as she added some scent to it. She then sat on her table to apply a slight make up on her face. She used her favorite color which was purple. She added a purple eye lid and a slight make up powder on her face.

She walked up to her closet, her eyes scanned through for what to wear. Unlike me she had a style on her mind or as a dress code. Jane decided to go with a purple trouser and a white top shirt, then she added a purple bag from her bag assortments. ” Yeah ready!” she breathe out loudly. She had her white foot wear on. Then she walked out of the room.

After the long drive. He stopped at the destination I had given him. Then I stepped out of the car not knowing what to do. How do I find her place from here? I stood in a complex stance, thinking of what to do next. I paid the driver as I walked to a near by vendor. Would it help if I ask around? I really don’t know and not pretty sure about it.

” Hello ma’am , do you by any chance know this lady?” I showed her a picture of Juliana on my phone. I had gotten a picture of her, from her night stand beside her bed. Then I took a shot of it. The middle age Lady, with an average height shook her head, ” No lady, I don’t know her I have never seen her around”

I spurred. ” Okay ma’am thanks”. I stood some distance away from her shop, trying to foreseen the path ahead of me. It was quite unclear due to the dirt in the atmosphere, dust was making it blind to me. Either ways I moved ahead, I met a young slim lady on brown blouse and kitten heel, walking towards me. ” Hi miss, can you spare a second of your time please?” I politely asked. ”Sure, how can I help you?” she took of her shade.

” Em- I’m searching for a friend around this area, and in this estate particularly. Do you by any chance seen her before? And mayhap know where she lives?” I asked, showing a picture of Juliana on my phone.

She bent slowly, staring at the pictures. ” No I’m sorry, I don’t know about her” ” oh really? Fuck!” Yeah, I said fuck within me. ” Yes, I’m really sorry” she said again.” No problem miss, thanks so much” “Sure” she got her shades back in her eyes as she continue to her destination

” Oh my God!!!” I shrugged. How do I find her place now? Damn me, I didn’t make research on that, or mayhap followed her or her so called lover. ” Well Daniella, you can’t give up. Dad is in prison and he is not meant to be there!” I said to my fuckin’ self.

I sighed out, still moving ahead I got no choice. After walking for some minutes and quite a distance away from the previous, I met a young tall guy, with broad chest. Having a huge shopping mall by the corner of the street.” Oh my, he is so handsome. I hope he gives me a positive response” I said.

Walking with my steps as if it was being calculated, ” Em–” I cleared my throat. ‘Em- good day, please can I have a moment with you if you don’t mind?” I asked. Sure I don’t mind. Why would I decline a beautiful damsel like you” he demonstrated with his hands, eyeing me up and down, licking is lower lips slightly.

” Oh thank you” I responded like I didn’t see the moves he made just now ”Alright how can I help you?” He sounded more responsible now. ” Peradventure, have you seen this lady around here?” I shoved the phone to his side, he glimpse through it. ”Oh this señorita” he nodded.

” Of course I know her, I usually see her with a huge tall and handsome guy” he said. ”Whoa… that of course should be Danovo” I raised my brow, and nodded as he speak. I sighed out deeply, the joy was inexpressible ” Please where can I find her? Where is her place?” Yeah I still maintained my calmness. ” There…” He pointed at the stress opposite us.

” Where exactly please?” I looked at the direction he was pointing at, I could only see a huge villa, painted with cream colours and a mixture of blue, then some designs along with it, beside a church building a Pentecost church precisely.

” That’s the building sexy, beside the church” he said. ”Oh thank you” I nodded, smiling to myself. ‘You are welcome sexy” he licked his lips, this time it was his upper lips. It didn’t occur to me that the guy was walking behind me, trying to do whatever. I felt a hand on my back.

” Jess, what the heck is that? ” I swung my back, and saw it was the same guy. ”Hey what is that? Are you following me?!’ I frowned. ” I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. And I’m not following you. I can’t see a damsel like you and behave blindly, do you mind if I have your digit please?” He asked, giving me a pitiful face.

” The fuck! I’m married. Can you see this?” I showed him the fourth finger of my left hands, which was the ring finger. ‘ I’m married! So let me be” I whisper yelled at him. The silver ring in my hand belongs to Jane, I had snatched it from her room before stepping out of the house.

After he left, a waved of sadness slammed against my face. How long would it take me to accept that he doesn’t love me? ” Damn it!” I clenched my fist. Ignoring the sadness in my heart, I proceeded headed towards the Vila beside the church.

Soon as I made some few steps towards the building, I saw a black Range Rover packed in front of the Vila covered with cream painting. ” Isn’t that same Range Rover at Draco’s place?” I squint my eyes. Suddenly I saw him coming out of the car.

”Oh my! Its Danovo. Right that guy was really sure of what he was saying, he has come visiting her again” I nodded, and hide beside the church building. He walked towards the huge black gate, then a man in a blue and black uniform, which I assumed as the gate man opened the gate. He entered, then shut it close.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

” Oh fuck, how do I get in there. The house is being guarded by the gate man. ”Good lord please guard me, what do I do now?” I bit my lips, thinking of what to do, how do I get in there without being caught? ‘ Okay fine let’s do this” I thought of a plan. ”Hello good day. Em- I’m looking for my cousin, she leaves here. Juliana is her name” I showed him the picture, to confirm that I was being truthful to him.

” Oh you mean you are my boss’s cousin?” I frowned a little, not visible to him in order to keep up the pretense. “Sure she is” my heart pounding against my chest. ” I hope I’m not taking the wrong step, if I should get caught by Danovo it might lengthen the problem”. I fidget my fingers across my phone, trying to remain calm.

” Alright, I would inform her right away” he said as he shove the phone back in my sweaty palm. ” Huh? I mean I already told her I would be coming. Isn’t it a waste of my time keeping me outside?” I beamed at him. ” No, she has given me an order to inform her before letting anyone in.” he said again. ”Just wait a minute let me give her a call” he said.

” Oh fuck, what if I get caught now?” I shook within me, biting my finger nails. He picked up the phone from his pocket, dialing her number. After the first ring there was no answer. He then tried the second time, fortunately for me there was no response yet.” I told you, it would be waste of time calling her again. Did you see that she didn’t pick up? Please let me in” I formed a serious face now. ”Okay sure, I’m sorry for keeping you waiting” he unlocks the gate and let me in.

” Thank Goodness” I breathed out turning on the camera on my phone. I walked stealthily. It happened to be a two story building, which means I would be climbing upstairs to the room. “‘No that would be dangerous, Daniella. What if you get caught? Who knows what he would do to you? He is Satan, you can’t risk your life”. My instinct spoke up, as I made the first step on the stairs.

I quickly walked down. ” There should be another way to getting what I want, without being caught.” I said to myself. ”What could that be? Daniella think please” I hit my head, sweats dotted on my noise. ” ” Yeah, perfect!” I leaped after getting an idea of what to do and be the smart one here. I threw a glance towards the gate, making sure of the gateman, if he was not being conscious of me. I took off my heels and walked on bare foot, I had regretted coming on a heel, when I know was going on a research mission.

Going behind the house, I walked scanning for something to use, to get up in their room’s window. Suddenly I caught of a ladder, rested on the fence at the back. I had noticed some sounds coming out of a room by my left, and that sound was no other than Juliana’s voice. “What a perfect time to expose this traitors!” I leaped. The ladder was hung at the room, then I climbed up to the window. And of course I kept my head lower not to get caught. I must not get caught in any way.

I clicked on the voice record app on my phone. It began to record the nasty sounds coming from Juliana’ s lips. Suddenly, I felt a rough body on my skin, so rough and irritating. I twisted my head to see what it was , it was the ugliest creature that I detest with the whole of me.

”What!!!” I screamed. ”Oh my God, what did I just do?” I covered my mouth immediately, as I was shaking the crawling creature off my damn skin. “Who is there!” His mighty voice screamed towards the window. I lowered my head more. Then he yelled again. I shook and my heart started pounding so hard against my chest again, this time it was extra speed.

” Jane this is risky!” My instinct yelled. I ran off the ladder, picking up my shoe from the floor. I quickly forced my bare legs into it, and buckled it in a rush. Without wearing it properly, I fast-walked to the gate. As soon as I step out of the house, Danovo’s voice was loudly heard as if he was just some distance away from me. “Don’t let her escape, Guards!!!”

”Oh my God” I ran out, I looked behind me and saw some men on suit were running after me. I couldn’t run with the heels, immediately I took it off, and started running on bare foot. I hadn’t gone so far from them, when I had a cut under my left foot.

” Ahhh fuck!” My face squeezed up instantly, I screamed blood oozing out of my foot. ”Oh no!” I screamed as I look behind me, the men was almost close to where I was.” Oh no, I can’t get caught. Daniella do something!”

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