Bound Forever

Chapter 24:

“Jane Jane …no! No! ‘Sweating profusely. And shaking his head, like he has seen a ghost. The Jerks off from his slumber. His lips shaking and palm was sweating. He has just had another nightmare with Jane in his dream.

“Please save me! ‘She said crying in his dream. Raymond looked perplexed And lost, when he still has the memory of the dream. He woke up meeting his bed so clammy.

” I have to see Daniela. I need her to let me know what this dream means” Because It’s only misteries to me , most of all makes me terrified. The bed is slept on got drenched” she lifted his hands from the damp part of the bed. Most especially where he had laid his head.

He stormed into the bathroom as he prepared to visit Daniella.

I on the other hands, help myself up. While i was still bleeding on my head and her lips. I couldn’t believe Draco could lay hands on me, after all the bond we share now. I slowly dragged myself. I went to the bathroom and wash up the blood from my face. When I lifted my face up I saw my face bruise all over, and a minor cut on my lips. I couldn’t help but suck in the tears that has been fighting to come out. I can’t stay with him anymore, I can’t have a man in my life who doesn’t trust me. It really hurt, I thought after all the lovely time we’ve spent together. Going to the shopping mall, cooking for him and also spending the night together. The highest he could is to hit me this way, and said he hates me! To my face!

‘I lean on the wall crying, how did I end up here? I sniffed and wiped the tears away. I need to get out of the bathroom as soon as possible, seeing the bruises on my face is intensifying the pain and anger that I feel in my heart.

I got out of the bathroom, walking to the bedframe I saw my phone ringing.

” Raymond?” I squeeze my face a bit. Why would he be calling this morning?

I used a finger to click on the green button on the screen to answer the call.

” Hi, Daniella please we need to meet. I have something urgent to tell you.” He also sounds urgent from the phone.

” Alright lets meet at bar” I gave him a quickly reply. As it also sounds so important. I threw the phone back to the bed while I search for clothes on my closet.

I picked up a pink long gown and a pink footwear along with it. Most of my collection was mostly gown. Gowns are my best. And of course I got a scarf which I could use to tie up my face to hide off the bruises on my head as well as my lips. I quickly dressed up and left the house without telling anyone and not even taking a guard with me.

I took a cab to the venue we decided on meeting. When I arrived they, Raymond was already inside the bar, sitting close to the bar table waiting for me.

” Hey there” he looks a bit terrified today, I noticed his feet were shaking as he tries to talk it off.

” Hey what’s up with you? Why the meeting this early?” I sat on the seat he preserved for me. Placing my white bag on the table as I fix my gaze on him.

” Daniella.. I have something to tell you, and it is relating to Jane” he said with his shaking voice.

” I’m all ears please spill out” I merge my fingers together, and placing my ankle on the table while I listened intently.

” I have been having nightmare about her. She comes to my dream to cry saying. ” Please save me” and I don’t understand what that really means” he said. I could see and read turmoil in his eyes.

I was also confused at the dream still, trying to put it into one piece and understand it. My eyes flashed to the ring on his hands again. And my memory as flashed to what the old man said to Draco about returning the ring she stole.

” Wait a minute” I said starring at his finger , squinting my eyes also.

” You told me a special someone gave you this ring, correct?” I asked.

He nodded affirmatively.

”Perhaps is that person, Jane?” I asked leaving my mouth open.

” Yes she gave it to me”

”Yes!” I leaped , clapping my hands. Peradventure this should be the solution to Jane’s illness.

‘But one thing is unclear to me, why she would steal a ring just to give it to someone? I thought thoroughly on this. Still couldn’t get a sensible answer.

” What is that?” He asked looking confuse again.

” This means that this ring could bring her soul back” I explained myself all over again.

” Wow” he leaped.

” What are we waiting for then? Let’s go return the ring and bring her back” he said hurriedly and impatient.

” yes exactly but the place is quite far, he is in US. How do we return it now?” I spoke thinking of what to do. I know in don’t have much money to go out of the country, and right now I can’t ask for any help from Draco.

” What do I do now” I bit my fingers even more.

” I would help you!” She chipped in, distracting me from my thought.

” oh wow, you are a God sent” I held his palm and smiled to him.

” thank you so much for your help” I appreciated, sighing out of relief. I can’t wait to have Jane back. I miss her so fucking much. Raymond pulled out the ring and wrapped it into a transparent clothe.

” Please take care of it, and inform me when you get to the airport” I said to him as I let out a warm smile again.

After we were done discussing I took my leave going back home. While he did the same, his house was nearby to the bar. It is just a stone throw.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I boarded another cab home. When I stopped in front of the house i met Draco already waiting outside pacing around the house.

” Where were you?” Was the welcome I received. Immediately I got in.

I walked passed him where he was standing and climbs upstairs to Jane’s room. He was left speechless when I didn’t respond to him. I unlock Jane’s door and went inside. I touched I pale lips and my dry palm.

”Baby you will be fine soon I promise” I said to her, caressing her hair.

” I miss you, I feel lonely and oppressed” I lowered my head to her stomach, crying.

Draco the only person who could make him feel good had turned against me.

After I was done with Jane I came out of her room, heading to my room with the scarf still on my head, covering my face. I was walking to my room when Juliana bump into me making to stumbled backwards, as the scarf flew from my head.

” Oops I’m sorry” she place her hands on her mouth, laughing awkwardly. ” Oh did you break your head?” she grins, mocking me.

I quickly picked up my scarf on the floor and head straight to my room. Ignoring the bitch. I ran into my room and slammed the door immediately. I crawled to the ground with my back against the wall crying. I cried out so much, the bruises wasn’t the cause of my tears but the distrust he has for me. It hurts more than the bruise.

While I was still on the floor, I got a call from mom. ” Hello mom” her voice was unclear, I couldn’t hear clearly what she was saying. All I could hear was the tears. ” Mom why are you crying?” Tears gathered up in my eyes within a second. The last sound I would want to hear is the sound of tears coming from my mom. I can’t stand her cry.

”Mommy please stop crying and talk to me” my croaky voice spoke. I had join her in crying too.

” You dad has been arrested for a murdered case!” she sob more.

” What! How is that possible, they can’t just arrest him without a proof!” The phone almost slide off my hands.

” They had proof dear.” She said crying even more.

” More that can’t be, I know the true killer why are they putting it on dad!” I screamed.

” Do you have a proof? Please proven your dad his innocent Danelly”

”Mom is okay, I will handle this. But first stop crying please” I said squeezing my eyes.

” How am I suppose to stop crying! My husband has just been arrested for crime he didn’t commit!” She screams on the phone.

” Mom please..” I tightly my fist, and stopped by taking off the phone from my ear to catch my breathe. I wouldn’t want her to know I was crying too.

” Mom that’s fine, please take care of yourself I would call you back” I hanged up immediately. I couldn’t. No I couldn’t bear her crying. I just can’t.

‘I threw the phone to the bed. ” I would do anything to prove my dad innocent!” I clenched my fist. My eyes camouflage to red.

It was 7pm in the evening, it was getting to twilight. I was still locked up in my room all by myself.

I don’t wanna see anyone’s face, not even Draco. Then I heard a knock at the door. I went mute until, the person knocked up to three times.

”Please go away I don’t wanna see anyone. If its Amal, please I’m not hungry, go away!” I yelled at the person at the door.

After a while, I couldn’t hear the sound again. I sigh out and dug my head into the pillow.

”Daniella please open up!” This time the person spoke up, it was Draco’s voice.

” Go away, I don’t wanna see your face!” I grit my teeth.

” Open the door or else I will break it down” he yells at the door.

I didn’t give a fuck if he breaks it down or not. I stood up slowly to open the door.

” What do you want!” I scream at his face.

”You!” he suddenly grabbed my two hands and pinned me against the wall.

”Let go of me!” I scream to his face, and swinging my legs. He still pinned me to the wall. ” I want you” he licked my neck.

” Do not touch me!” I screamed, throwing my legs in the air.

” You are mine!” He spoke slowly into my ears, I could feel his hot breathe.

” I am never yours! And I would never be!!” I screamed loudly and get infuriated.

”What kind a man are you!” I spat to his face.

”You beat me up for telling the truth, you got an innocent person arrest and right now you wanna force on me!” I spat it to his face again.

”You are a realm demon!” I screamed. He ignored my words are pushed me to the bed. Grabbing my gown he raised it up and tore down my pant. He raised my against the bed. While he brought out rope from his pocket. He dragged my hand tying it to the bedframe, and the other one as well. My legs was on the floor while my hands were tied to the bed. He dragged my gown off me totally, including my bra. Making my breast expose.

” Do not touch me!” I cry out.

” Shout up, I decide what to do with you. You are mine!” He slapped my ass so hard. He couldn’t bear me talking, he brought a handkerchief from his pocket, he tied up my mouth. I couldn’t speak properly only make sounds.

” This is for you going out without telling me and ignoring me when I asked you a question” he slapped my ass again. I screamed out.

He continued to slap it until it got so red. I started to feel pain in my ass. Then he asked me to count, as he slaps my ass. If I means anyone he would start all over again.

He slapped me, I calculated saying the number out. He slaps my ass up to 30 times than he stopped. He didn’t stop there.

He pulled in his trousers and dug his hard dick into my p***y. I screamed out so loudly . he began to thrust faster into me. I was making sounds as he goes deeper. My eyes rolled up and down. I shout and squirt.

” please let me go!!” I cried and said those words within clothing in my mouth but he could only satisfy his pleasure. As if that wasn’t enough. He untie me, lifted me, and pinned me against the wall. Spreading my legs to the extreme this time the penetration of his dick went in. I screamed out in pain not pleasure he was going faster and faster as I cried out like a baby, I slapped his back. That didn’t seen to affect me. He cum into me and threw me on the floor. I swayed to the floor with my ass hitting the hard floor.

He spats and walked out of the room. I crawled to the bed, with my legs folded up to my chest. I began to cry, I was feeling the heat of the torture.

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