Bound Forever

Chapter 20:

Draco got in the car, while David his driver also his bodyguards, took charge of the wheel of the car. The other hefty man sat at the front with the David.

He turned on the engine of the car as he began to drive down to the airport. During the phone Draco phone rang. He inserted his hands into his suit pocket then he brought out the cell phone which was vibrating.

“Hello? “his fiercely voice spoke.

” Boss we found Jessica dead already in her apartment ” the leader of the group said.

” What! How can that be?!” he shouted on the phone, sending chills down the spine of the gentle men sitting at the front.

” I’m sorry boss. I think someone murdered her” he said again.

Draco face only grew more in anger, his fist rolled into a ball like shape. While contact becomes intense and his face grew reddish.

” Find the killer!!!” He yells. Immediately he hung up in anger.

The men concentrated on the road, and try their possible best not to do anything that would trigger his anger more. If not they would suffer for it.

In not more than thirty minutes, he drove to the airport. He bent his hands on the steering wheel, heading to the car park to put the car to a stop.

The men got out of the car, like gentle guys. Draco placed his button of his suit properly into the right hole. Then we wore his black shade and that cruel look on his face when he is angry.

They walked softly, as their steps were well calculated.

He got into the queue, be purchase his ticket and got it stamped instantly. Then he brought out his cell phone from his pocket again to call his beloved.

” Hey baby, I just got to the airport and my flight is ready now.” He spoke with a hard voice as he tried his possible best to bring down the tone.

I noticed the toned of his voice, then I asked. It was something I couldn’t ignore.

” Why are you angry?” I asked, using a sweet tone to calm him down.

Hearing the voice did soften him a bit. He blush and said ” babe Jessica is dead”

” What?! How can that be?? ” I questioned after screaming.

” I don’t know baby, right now I’m focusing on finding the old man. When I’m done, I would find everything concerning the matter to the bottom of it” he said, I could perceive with my ears that he had reduced the tone. It didn’t sound harsh like the first time he called.

” I have to go now dear, take care of yourself ” he blew a kiss through the phone.

I had a faint red color on my cheek, I didn’t realize I was blushing after he hung up.

Draco and his guards got into the plane, as it sets to fly. They buckled their seat belt properly as instructed by the flight attendant.

He seats comfortably, not trying to let his thoughts roam to Jessica’s murder case. So he said as he enjoys the meal he was given on the plane while he feels refreshed from the ac reaching his soul.

He ate up all the chicken and chips given to him, then he gulp in the juice gradually to digest. He poured some water into the glass cup on the white tray. After the meal he relax as he waited for the flight to arrive at the destination and also him getting to the description given to the middle age lady, after they alighted.

Thirty minutes passed, they were about to land. The flight attendant announced to every passager to get prepared and also take note of their stuff before getting down the plane.

Instructions obeyed they stepped out of the plane after it landed.

Draco then brought out the piece of paper given by the middle age lady and looked into the description once again. They boarded a cab and went to the said place ” Toronto city ”

The cab driver dropped them at the description then he walked into a huge manor. He met a security man, then he told him he was looking for an old man. He described him and the security man confirmed it.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

He went to inform the old man. He permitted him to allow them in. Draco and his guards got into the mansion, it was so flashy to them that they looked around to the point they were stumbling as they walk. Draco was exceptional.

” Good day,” they greeted the old man, who was already sitting in the living room waiting for them.

” Take your seat” he directed. He wasn’t that too old, he was just labeled the old man. He just had few strands of hair that are white.

” You are here because of Jane” the old man went straight to the point without, Draco saying anything or starting the conversation.

” What?! You know the reason we are here? How is that possible?” Draco was stunned?

” Hahahaah ” he laughed as he spreads his hands on the sofa he was sitting on.

” What did you do to her?” Draco raised his voice, smiling was far away from his face.

” She brought that upon herself” he spoke in mysteries.

” Pardon?” Draco sense the man was not they type that would get scared, even if violence should break out. He won’t be scared of dying, just with the way words are bold in his lips.

” She stole a ring from me, the other night we made out last” he began.

” With that, she transferred her soul to me. Improving my age” he confess.

Before Draco could continue lost into the mystery of what the man was saying. His eyes flashed down to his wrist. He has a butterfly mark on his wrist.

” That mark…?” It words escaped the lips slowly. He recognized that Mark. He know about the people with that mark, they were usually called Muta people. There were the people with magical powers.

” So what did you do to her?” He tore his gaze from his wrist. After he took note.

” hahaha, I did nothing to her but the ring “he said.

“The ring transferred her soul to me, sine I’m the owner” he spoke boldly. Draco go only get amazed at his magical power and his spells.

” How can she recover?” He frowned.

” She can only get well, when the ring his return back to me.” He concluded.

Draco sighs out deeply, as he was totally speechless on this.

“Is that the only way she can get recover?” He asked again.

” yes that Is the only way, if not she would remain like that and gradually die” he said the last sentenced their made jaw dropped.

Draco was speechless while he stood up to take his leave. He has only come here to find the old man. Now that he has seen him and found out the real issue, he was going to return back the same day.

After he hanged up the call, I kept on thinking of Jessica sudden death.

” Jessica is dead? But how?” I placed the phone on my jaw. Thinking of what could kill her.

I got up, took my bath, and went to check on the house maid, who was already in her room cleaning I walked down the stairs, then to drop Chen going to water in the blue bowl to clean up Jane. I got the water and the clothe.

After Amal was out of the room, i got in to clean her up. Then i fed her some food.

I was feeding her when I heard the engine of a car being turned on. I Dropped the spoon roughly on the floor. I ran down stairs having Draco in mind.

I opened the door and found he was the one.

” Honey!” I leaped as I ran to hug him. I was more excited because he ought to have an answer to Jane problem. Since he is back so soon.

” Hey baby” he kissed my cheek.

” How did it go?” I asked while we were still outside.

” Let’s go inside babe, and discuss better” he held my waist. We enter into the house, the walked upstairs. We walked to is room as usual. This time he was looking more exhausted and a confused look on his face. After we got into the room be sat on the bed. Trying to take off his clothes.

” How did it go? Tell tell me?” I was so impatient. I need to know what is wrong with my friend for heaven sake.

” Her soul was exchanged” it fell out of his lips bluntly. My eyes bulged out, my brow curved into a coma shape. My heart fell down to my pit. I was shock and heart broken.

” How? Why would he do that to her? Why didn’t you just kill him!?” I screamed on top of my lungs.

” Hey babe calm down” he grabbed my wrist.

” Relax and hear the full story” he yells and suddenly momentum his voice down.

“I’m listening go on” I wiped off the tears gathering up in my eyes.

” He said, Jane stole his ring which made her soul left her, for an exchange” he continued.

” What? Stole his ring? Why would Jane do that?” I got totally confuse at this point?

” Yes, she stole. And the only way to help her is to get the ring back and give it to him” he completed.

I suddenly fell flat on the floor, like I’m finished. Jane didn’t tell me about any ring? How do we find it now her save her?

How do we know where the rings is?

“Oh heaven” I sighed out and helpless.

” babe relax everything gonna for into place soon” he lifted me up from the floor. I noticed he was also worried about something. Perhaps it should be Jessica sudden death.

” Babe are you fine?” I asked. Touching his cheek.

” I’m. I just need to think and go out tomorrow to sort out things” he said, taking off his clothe totally.

Juliana’s phone rang, the ID says the caller was Danovo. She suddenly jerks off the bed to pick the call up.

” Hey, baby where are you?” Danovo’s voice was heard through the phone.

” I’m at Draco’s villa” she responded.

” I’m back in Seattle, would you come home now?” They talked politely.

” Oh did someone miss me so much?” She bits her lips, twirling her hair.

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