Blind Billionaire Bride

Chapter 36 Bay Sanders



Bay walked in silently and would have tiptoed to her room but she heard her mom’s voice. “And where did you sleep last night little girl?”

Bay turned and saw her mom sitting on the couch with a magazine high up in the air. “I.. I was at Jessica’s place last night.” She lied.

Mrs Sanders dropped the magazine and stared at her daughter. “I called Jessica last night…” She paused.

Bay clenched her fist. “And Jessica told me that she hasn’t seen you since the day before yesterday.” Mrs Sander completed.

“Now I am dead!” Bay said within

“Where were you last night, Bay?” Mrs Sanders demanded.

Bay cracked her head for the right words to say to her strict and overprotective mom but nothing came to mind. She is a dead meat if her mom finds out that she went clubbing last night and even slept with someone she doesn’t know.

“No! Drake Robert isn’t a strange man! I know him!” Bay said to herself.

Bay liked Drake almost immediately when she saw him on a business show. And ever since that time she did so many research about him and she has been trying so hard to get close to him. She made up her mind to search for him and get also to meet him.

“Listen mom, you don’t have to worry about where I slept last night. The truth is… I wasn’t at Jessica’s place… I lodged into an hotel because I was too tired to drive home.” Bay lied not minding if her words doesn’t make sense.

Mrs Sanders relaxed and Bay smiled seeing that the lies worked on her mom. “You should have at least called to inform me that you are the hotel and the driver would have come and pick you up.”

Bay cleared her throat. “I wanted to call but then again my phone battery ran down and I couldn’t charge at the hotel because I didn’t go along with my charger.”

Mrs Sander shook her head in understanding. “Okay. But please always move around with the charger of your cellphone. I was so worried about you last night.”

Bay rolled her eyes. “Oh come on mom, you don’t have to worry too much about me.” She felt the urge to remind her mom that she wasn’t kid anymore but even if she spilled those words out her mom won’t agree to it.

“I can’t help but worry about you.” Mrs Sanders shrugged.

Bay Sander is twenty three years old but her mom still treats her like she is sixteen years old. Mrs Sander go as far as even picking out her daughter’s dresses and also Bay needs to tell her mom about her whereabout and every move in town.

“Okay mom. I’ll just go ahead and take a shower.” Bay huffed.

“Okay.” Mrs Sanders discarded her with a hand gesture and she focused on reading the magazine again.

“Thank goodness she didn’t find out! She believed those sweet lies!” Bay said within as she rushed to her bedroom and crashed on the bed happily.

“I got what I wanted! Atlas! I met Drake Robert! We slept in the same bed and we had great sex. I can’t believe it!” Bay sang melodiously as she rolled on the bed.

“I should call Jessica and tell her about it! I can’t keep it to myself!” Bay picked up her phone to text her best friend via Instagram.

‘Are you there?!’ Jessica was online because the green signal was at her profile.

‘Right here.’ Jessica texted back.

‘Hello baby.’ Bay attached a love emoji to it.

‘Hi.’ Jessica added a yawning emoji.

‘Are you still asleep? I texted after seeing you online.’

‘I am still feeling sleepy because I slept late last night. Where on earth did you go?!’ Jessica sent an angry emoji.

‘Hey relax, don’t act like my mom.’

‘Well I choose to act like your mom today! Where were you last night? My phone kept beeping for hours due to calls from your mom!’

‘Sorry about that! I went clubbing!’ A dancing emoji was sent next.

‘What?! Bay! You went to club?!’

‘Yes! Stop sounding like I am too small to go clubbing!’

‘Oh well, I am just surprised because you haven’t clubbed in your life but you did last night after sneaking out of the house on your mom!’

Yesterday was Bay’s first time in a club. “Sounds so old fashioned.. but I am not anyways.” Bay huffed as she adjusted her position on the bed.

‘Fine.. yeah.. I went to the club but I didn’t go there to merry or dance. I went there to see someone.’ Bay texted.

‘See someone? Bay, when did you start seeing someone?’

‘Just last night.’

‘OMG! Bay! Don’t tell me you went to Tessa club to see Drake!’

Bay imagined how her best friend would scream and look at her at that moment. ‘That’s it Jess! I met Drake!’

‘What?! Bay, are you serious?!’

‘Yes, I met Drake Robert last night!’

Actually after much research about Drake Robert, Bay realized that to be able to see him then she needs to go to Tessa club and act like a random big girl in town.

‘Tell me about it.’

Bay sat up abruptly on the bed. ‘So I took the chance, went to the club and the night was so good to me. I saw Drake Robert. So all I did was to pay a girl to let me join their crew. Luck was on my side, Drake couldn’t take his eyes off me! He kept staring and finally asked if we could talk at first. And after that we went to the hotel to spend some time together.’

‘OMG! You went with him to the hotel!’

‘I just said sent that to you.’ Bay highlighted the message she sent explaining how she ended up meeting Drake Robert.

‘I can clearly see it! But why did you go to the hotel with him?!’

‘What is it, Jessica? Why can’t I go to the hotel with a man I love? You know how much I do love Drake Robert.’

‘Damn it! You don’t even know Drake Robert that well but you slept with him just like that?!’ Jessica sent a face palmed emoji.

‘Yes! We had great sex and it was fun Jessica! And guess what?! Drake said he likes me and that he enjoyed my body while we were making love.’ Bay smiled happily.

‘Did Drake know that last night was your first time?’

‘I don’t know if he knows about it but who cares?’

‘That’s bad.’

‘How is it bad, Jess? I don’t care if he knows or not but I got what I wanted in the end.’

‘Yes I know because Bay Sanders always get what she wants.’


‘Drake Robert is a bad guy. I am still of the opinion that you shouldn’t have had sex with him. Bay, I told you about Drake Robert and who he is outside Limos Company. All Drake Robert does is chalk things up to one nights and flings. No commitment.’

“Jess, I dropped a note before leaving his room. He will definitely give me a call.’

‘Stop daydreaming. What was his first word to you when he woke up?’

‘Well he asked me why I was still in his bed. Actually Drake thought I was a night worker. He even paid me and then asked me to leave.’

After Jessica got the message, she switched to video call immediately. “Bay! What the hell have you done to yourself?! Drake Robert saw you in his bed, paid you for the sex and then asked you to leave. No doubt, he thinks you are a whore!” She emphasized.

“No! I made things clear to him while we were drinking that I am not really a night worker.” Bay countered.

“He probably doesn’t remember the conversation anymore that’s why he paid you and asked you to leave!” Jessica retorted.

“No, Drake is not a bad guy. He was very nice and gentle with me during the whole time.” Bay defended.

“Listen Bay, just because Drake was nice last night doesn’t mean he likes you. He just wanted to have you in his bed and then leave. And of course! He got what he wanted!” Jessica rolled her eyes with a disappointing look on her face.

Bay itched the back of her neck. “Oh Jess, I want to believe that what Drake and I shared last night meant something to him because it means a lot to me.” She bit on her lower lip.

“Bay Sanders, you have just landed yourself in a big trouble.” Jessica threw her hands up in surrender.

“The main point is I got to spend the whole time with Drake Robert. So let us just put that aside. What are you up to today?” Bay asked.

“Nothing.” Jessica replied.

“Let’s hang out today. I can craving Italian food!” Bay pouted.

“Will mom allow you because she sounded so pissed over the phone last night and I think she mentioned something about grounding you for life.” Jessica laughed.

“I need to move out of this house.. ASAP.” Bay cried out and feigned wiping of tears.

“Okay. Be here by two.” Jessica giggled.

“Okay.” Bay winked before hanging up the call.

She fell back on the bed. A smile formed on her lips when the images of last night flooded her mind. Hours had gone by like mere moments. Drake Robert had made her laugh. He was able to talk about himself more comprehensively and she had also flowed freely with him.

Last night had turned out to be the best night of Bay Sanders life. Drake had paid attention to everything she had to say and he made her feel as if she was the only woman in the world. They often say that Drake Robert is a bad guy but he had been a perfect gentleman to Bay Sanders.

They had finished an entire bottle of champagne when they kissed. It felt like a dream come true for Bay Sanders when Drake Robert kissed her. It was a long, passionate kiss that Bay had been dying to share with him too and of course she didn’t care if anyone was watching them kiss.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Drake Robert is such a fine kisser! He could kiss so well!” Bay hugged a pillow and touched her lips.

When they got to the hotel, the way Drake held Bay was arousing all on its own to her. “I could feel the power in his arms and in his muscular body. It was leashed into gentleness and it made me feel cherished.” Her hand travelled down to her upper arms and every part Drake had touched her.

Drake and Bay were so turned on that she wanted to stay kissing him forever and she wanted to stay held in his arms forever. “I miss him.” Bay mumbled.

More than that Bay Sanders wanted to feel Drake Robert’s touch over her body again. “I hope that Drake sees the note I dropped.” She sat up on the bed again.

“Please call me, Drake Robert! Please call me soonest. Please. Please. I want to see you again.” Bay prayed as she hopped out of bed and motioned towards the bathroom.

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