Blind Billionaire Bride

Chapter 06 The blind lady



“Welcome home, sir Ian.” A young girl dressed in a maid outfit greeted Ian with a smile on her face.

Ian arched his eyebrows when he saw her. “Who are you?” He asked.

He has never seen her face in the house. Even if there are lots of workers working in his mansion, Ian Bryant can tell if there is a new face and although he is also not the one hiring them.

“I am Ruth.” The young girl replied.

“Ruth?” Ian repeated as he walked further into the living room.

“Yes sir.” Ruth smiled.

“Where is Mr Griffin?” Ian demanded.

“Mr Griffin is in the Kitchen.” Ruth answered.

“Please tell him I want to have a word with him.” Ian ordered.

Ruth rushed off to the kitchen. Ian unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat on the couch.

“CEO Ian, welcome back home.” The fifty eight years old chef greeted him cheerfully.

“How are you doing, Mr Griffin?” Ian asked.

“I am fine. And it is good to have you back home.” Mr Griffin smiled.

“When did Ruth start working here?” Ian questioned.

“Last week sir. I should have called to inform you that Mrs Perla sent in another worker but I didn’t because I figured out you would be too busy to pick up calls.” Mr Griffin explained.

Ian rubbed his forehead continuously. Mrs Perla Bryant would never stop treating her son like a high school kid that needed babysitters. She always hire new worker just for Ian to have people around him. And having too many workers in this home is one of the reason why he doesn’t like coming home.

Ian Bryant would rather stay at one of his hotels. Initially Ian had planned to stay in a small apartment but his mom insisted that he lives in this mansion to fit his reputation. Mrs Perla bought the mansion for her son on his eighteenth birthday. And her main reason for persuading Ian to move in was so that she can always come around to stay with him and she feels more comfortable with more workers around and not just her alone.

“How many workers in total?” Ian demanded.

“Eighteen workers sir.” Mr Griffin replied.

“Okay.” Ian Bryant stood up from the couch.

“Sir, what would you like to eat?” Mr Griffin asked.

“I am full. I dropped by at Lauren’s place to say hi so she gave me pasta. I just need a glass of water and painkiller.” Ian responded.

“Okay sir. I’ll get it.” Mr Griffin raced off.

Ian walked up the steps leading to the first floor. He switched on the room lights and crashed on the king sized bed. A knock sounded on the door about two minutes later.

“Come in.” Ian said.

Mr Griffin walked in with a tray filled with glass of water and painkiller. “CEO Ian, here is the water and painkiller you requested.” He sets it on the bed.

“Thank you Mr Griffin. But I’ll appreciate it if you stop calling me CEO just call me Ian and drop the formality.” Ian mumbled.

Mr Griffin only smiled. Ian had told him that several times but the man ever listens and doesn’t want to sound disrespectful.

“By the way, Miss Josie dropped by to check on you on her way back from the office.” Mr Griffin informed him.

“Really?” Ian arched his brows.

“Yes sir, she even tried calling but your phone was switched off.” Mr Griffin added.

Ian plucked out two pills and swallowed it before gulping down the whole glass of water. “I visited the park just to clear my head. I had to switch off my phone just so I could be at peace.”

Ian sat at the edge of the bed. Mr Griffin picked up the suit jacket from the bed and dropped it laundry basket in the closet. The old man is Ian’s only friend. Mr Griffin has known Ian since he was a little boy. To Ian, this man was also like a father to him. Mr Griffin understands Ian better than his parents.

Mr Griffin has been there to always put a smile on Ian’s face and always ready to listen to whatever he has to say. Right now, Ian has no other companion than Mr Griffin but he used to have a close friend.

His name was Bert and he was Ian’s childhood friend. Bert and Ian both grew up together but they were from different backgrounds. Ian Bryant is from a rich home while Bert was from a poor home but they were best friends irrespective of the differences.

During Christmas, Ian met Bert when he was ten years old. Bert came to the park with his mom and dad while Ian went with Lorna’s parents because his parents were too busy. At the playground Mason had kicked Ian’s butt because he stepped on his expensive boot. It was unintentional but Mason was jealous and retaliated because Ian had Lorna’s attention.

Bert saw what happened so he punched Mason on Ian’s behalf for being a bully. Mason and Ian were never on good terms because Mason felt that Ian was a threat to him and also his rival in everything. Bert fought with Mason until Lorna went in search of her parents and that fight had made them enemies.. They were never friends anyways. The fight caused a riff between both parents. Mason told his parents a different story but Lorna defended Ian since she was a witness.

When Ian was little he used to be a very shy and timid child. He always finds it hard to talk among his friends and some of his classmates took advantage of him. They called him a dummy and sometimes a bird brain which means stupid but that changed when he met Bert. Ian never saw Bert since the fight at the park until he was twelve.

Bert won a scholarship to study in a rich kids school that was meant to fund his education till higher level. Ian was so happy to see him but then Bert didn’t recognize him. Ian had to explain things to him before he could remember and they became friends. Bert was a genius and he did better than everyone in class. He became the best student in high school taking away Mason’s fame as the school most intelligent boy.

At sixteen, Bert started sleeping at Ian’s home sometimes so they could study together because Ian wasn’t all that good in arithmetic. His personality and bullying from classmates really affected his grades. But in a nutshell, Ian studying with Bert made him the second best student and even his parents were surprised he could get to such position.

Mr and Mrs Bryant decided to reward Bert for helping their son by paying him for tutoring Ian but he refused. Ian convinced Bert to take it as if he was tutoring another person and that he could use the money to buy stuffs for his mom and siblings but he didn’t accept it.. Bert worked during weekends to get money after his dad died when he was fifteen then Ian would always give him some of his allowance to buy food for his family on his way home. And sometimes Ian always help him at work to deliver papers and mails. Riding on a scooter with Bert was fun and Ian had enjoyed every bit of it!

Unfortunately Bert died in a hit and accident at twenty. His death was painful that Ian had cried for weeks finding it hard to believe that he was ready dead. But Ian made a promise at his funeral that he was going to take care of his mom and two siblings-Caleb and Cassidy.

Ian fulfilled that promise. Presently Bert’s siblings are in college and he is the one sponsoring their education and expenses. Also Ian always send allowances to Bert’s mom and he has given them a good life that Bert had envisioned for them. It was the least Ian could do to repay Bert for being a good friend to him.

“How was your visit to the park?” Mr Griffin asked as he picked up the tray.

“Well I was able to clear my head at the park. At least for a moment, I was at peace.” Ian answered.

“Okay then.. now you just need to take a shower and have a good rest.” Mr Griffin made an attempt to head for the door but Ian stopped him.

“Wait.. Mr Griffin!” He stopped and turned to look at Ian. “I just want to ask you a question.”

Mr Griffin shook his head urging him to go ahead. “What is it?”This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

Ian clasped his hand together. “Is it possible for a blind woman to bear children?” He asked concerning what he saw at the park today.

“Why did you ask?” Mr Griffin screwed up his face in confusion. His expression was as if the CEO has just grown two heads because he didn’t expect such question.

“At the park today, a thief snatched a lady’s purse and a little child raised an alarm but I was the only one who was quick to help her. I chased after the thief and managed to get the purse. I returned it to the lady only to find out that she is blind and she has two children!” Ian explained.

Mr Griffin heaved a sigh. The CEO is fine. He reassured himself. “Sir, you see being blind doesn’t mean one can’t give birth. It is the sight that is affected not the reproductive organs.”

Ian chuckled. Why didn’t he think of that in his head?! He mused. “I am a fool to not know a blind lady can give birth. I felt pity for her and I was tempted to offer them a ride but she was quick to dismiss me… like my presence irritated her.” He huffed.

“Disabled people are always sensitive and very cautious of strangers. But did she thank you for retrieving her purse?” Mr Griffin questioned.

“Yes, she thanked me.” Ian muttered.

“Okay. Please take a hot bathe and get some rest now. I need to tend to some things in the kitchen.” Mr Griffin sounded resigned.

“Good night, Mr Griffin.” Ian waved.

“Sleep well.” Mr Griffin managed a small smile on his face before exiting the room.

Ian stepped into the shower thinking he was going to forget the blind lady but her face kept replaying in his head.

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