Bleeding obsession

74) Complaints!

74) Complaints!

Authors pov

"Mom where are you going?..."

Skyler asked while climbing on the bed with his toy car. Sarah was near vanity table.

"We are going out for some important work, baby..."

Sarah answered.

"Can I come... I have a holiday today"

He asked hopefully.


Sarah quickly answered. She was going to the funeral and it would be the last place where she will

take her child.

"That place is not for kids... I am sorry..."

She tried to be gentle with him. She always does that not wanting to give him the childhood which she

has experienced.

"Why?... Because your sister died... Is it bad place, mom?"

Skyler asked innocently.

"Who told you that?"

Sarah sat beside him. Skyler was getting involved in things which are not good for him and it was

making her worried. Sarah was already stressed that he is living in this house where criminal activities

are performed openly. She doesn't want him to become like his father.

"I heard Uncle Ace talking to Dad..."

He replied.

"Skyler you shouldn't hear things like that, it's bad manners..."

She Scolded.

"I didn't hear anything purposely... I was playing and they were talking in front of me... Mom, what is

funeral... Can I come. I want to see..."

He insisted.

Sarah pulled him on her lap and caressed his hair.

"No baby... Please listen to me... It's not good place, it's boring... I will take you to the park after that..."

She kissed his cheek.


He pouted.

"Skyler what happened to your elbows and hands... What's these scratches...."

She asked in panic.

Skyler smiled nervously.

"Nothing... I was playing football in school and got injured..."

"Why didn't you told me... And why do you have to play those dangerous games..."

She Scolded.

"Dad bandaged me yesterday... I am fine now..."

Skyler replied.

Sarah looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"He did?"


He nodded.

Sarah thinking at least Skyler has got the father which she couldn't have.

Suddenly her phone rang and she received it. Her eyes widened as she heard the person.

"I understood ma'am it won't happen again... I will make sure of that, don't worry... Thank you"

Sarah assured and disconnected the call.

She looked at the Skyler who was playing with his car.

"Skyler are you sure you got injured because of football..."

Skyler got alert by her tone and looked at her nervously.

"Since when you learn to lie... You got involved in fight, you beat two boys in school... You are too

young for this Skyler, what are you doing?"

She Scolded.

"Since when you are doing this?"

Skyler didn't answered and kept staring at her, scared by her scolding. He saw Xavier coming out of

the closet and ran towards him.


Xavier's broad leg was hiding Skyler's little body perfectly.

Sarah stood up from the bed madly.

"Skyler come here and answer me..."

Xavier frowned not understanding the situation. While Skyler clutched on his leg hiding himself.

"Wait... What happened?"

He stopped Sarah.

"Skyler come here..."

Xavier gently pulled him in front of him and kneeled down.

"What happened... Why she is mad?"

"Dad... She knows..."

Skyler replied and Xavier raised his eyebrows scratching his forehead.

"She knows?"

Xavier asked and Skyler nodded.


"Principal called her..."

Skyler scowled.

"You know about it..."

Sarah frowned at Xavier.

"Xavier this is not funny... He is too young for this, what are you teaching him... He beat two boys very

badly, they are hospitalised... Who's going to take there responsibility... This is not acceptable... How

can you cover it up like this..."

She Scolded Xavier. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

"I am not teaching him anything Sarah, he has been doing this from the beginning... What do think, he

haven't beat kids before? Only difference is he never let you find out about it... And I would have

stopped him but he wasn't wrong, those boys where bullying him. They deserved it. Skyler is strong

and it's good..."

Xavier replied back.

Sarah sighed grabbing her head.

"Do you want him to become like you?... Because I don't want it Xavier, I don't want my son to become

a criminal..."

"It's in his blood, you can see that... He is like this without any influence. My kids will inherit everything

which I have. Not only Skyler but all my kids..."

He said firmly and Sarah looked at him in disbelief.

"We aren't not having kids again... I haven't forgive you yet..."

She countered.

"We'll see..."

Xavier Smirked.

"Sorry mom, it won't happen again... Those boys where troubling me and my friends. I warned them but

didn't listen..."

Skyler apologized.

"That doesn't mean that you can beat them like this... You could have complained to teacher. What did

you exactly do to them?"

She asked.

"I hit one with chair in the head and pushed other from the stairs..."

He answered honestly and Sarah gasped.

Xavier promptly looked away knowing she is going to be mad hearing this.


She looked at him in disbelief.

"Sorry... But they deserved it"

He yelled and ran outside.

Sarah was about to run behind him but Xavier grabbed her.

"It's okay... I will talk to him..."

"No it's not okay..."

She countered struggling in his hold.

"I know... I promise I'll talk to him..."

He assured.

"Don't stress yourself... It won't happen again... I promise..."

Sarah sighed.

"He was hiding this from me... Am I failing as a mother..."

Her face fell.

"No! He hide it because he care about you... He was worried that you will stress yourself for nothing...

He knows that you don't like violence... He promised me yesterday that he won't do it again and

requested not to tell you about it. He is a smart child Sarah, he knows what's wrong and what's right..."

Xavier caressed her hair.

"You have raised a very brave and smart child... Don't doubt yourself..."

Sarah looked at him defeated.

"Why everything has to be such a mess..."

Xavier kissed her cheek.

"It's ok... I am with you..."

Sarah leaned to his gentle touch.

Xavier couldn't resist his urge and captured her lips. His heart felt at peace as he felt that softness after


Their lips moved in rhythm, Xavier slide his hand around her waist and pulled her closer deepening the


He broke the kiss and rested his forehead on hers.

"Can't you feel this connection... Why is it so hard for you to remember me baby..."

He Breathed out.

"We should leave now..."

She pulled away awkwardly. For her it was a moment of weakness.

Xavier signed and nodded. They reached the place where Natasha's funeral was going on. Henry had

arranged everything.

Sarah just stood their blankly, she no longer has any feelings about her so called family.

She saw Henry glaring at her but she ignored him.

"I want to go home... Why are we even here?"

She said to Xavier.

"I thought you might want to be here"

He replied.

"Why would you think that?"

She sounded upset.

"Fine... I'll get the car..."

Xavier said and walked away.

Sarah sighed and walked out of the cemetery. She stood beside the road waiting for Xavier.

Xavier get in the car and was about to drove towards her but he saw another car coming towards her

direction with full speed.


Before he could react, that car hit her and Sarah landed on the other side of the door covered and

battered in her own blood.

Xavier witnessed the accident with horrified expressions.

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