Billionaire’s Lost Angel

Your days are numbered

The next days flew by into the wind and Lotus found herself working strenuously. Everyone at the office sympathized with her concerning Sarah but she couldn’t help the feeling that some of them were accomplices so she distanced herself from virtually all of them.

Within the next few days, Caleb had been taking her fo external shoots and meeting. she was begining to find it annoying but to keep her real intentions under cover, Lotus had to just go with it damning the consequences because she knew exactly what she was doing.


Lotus awoke feeling the weight of exhaustion and sickness weighing her down. She groaned as she reached for her cellphone on the nightstand, her head pounding with each movement. She knew she couldn’t make it to work today, not in this state.  She knew that she  had a shoot scheduled for the day but she would be forced to cancel it. She typed out a quick text to Caleb,  informing him of her absence and hit send.

Minutes later Caleb’s call fired her phone screen up.

“What do you mean you wouldn’t be able to come today?” He barked on the other end, his sharp voice shocking her and she wondered if she was next in his grave plans.

“I am sick Caleb. I can’t make it today.”

“Really? You are putting the companies image at risk because of your health?!”

“Caleb! I’d mind you watch the tone. You have other models that can fit in for me today. But today I am out!”

She cut the call feeling her blood boil, how insensitive can he be. She hated that he wanted to control everything she did, she hated that she had to put up with him because she wanted to find out answers and demand justice for Sarah. Anger made her blood boil and her headache increased.

Men were such vile and wicked people. Their aims were all the same. She had never come in contact with a man who is real, not even her father. She hated them all and she would make sure she pays them back for everything they have done to her.


The next few days went by in a flash. Lotus requested more time to recover and Caleb grudgingly accepted, which was after she had promised against her wish to make it up to him when she resumes.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

She whiled the day, binge watching her favourite TV series. She took that as a way to escape the gnawing in her heart. She came to new York to get revenge but It seemed she was going through her own trail and it only made her very broken and sad. But she knew that one day she would pay them all back.

As the day wore on, Lotus felt a nagging worry. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Determined to distract herself, she decided to pay a visit to the hospital where her dear friend Sarah was being hidden away in secret.

Lotus arrived at the medical facility, her heartbeat quickening with anticipation and fear. She knew she needed to keep Sarah’s existence a secret, even from those who were trying to harm her. She slipped into the room where Sarah was hidden, making sure the coast was clear before closing and locking the door behind her.

Sarah, weak and frail, looked up with a weak smile as she saw Lotus enter. “Lotus, you shouldn’t have come. It’s too dangerous for you here,” she whispered, concern etched in her tired eyes.

Lotus sat down beside her friend, concern etched on her own face. “I couldn’t stay away, Sarah. You were there for me when my world fell apart. I won’t abandon you now,” she whispered back, her voice filled with determination and loyalty.

Sarah reached out and held Lotus’s hand, gratitude shining in her eyes. “Thank you, my dear friend. You have always been there for me, through every storm. I don’t know how I could ever repay you for your kindness.”

Lotus smiled softly, her heart swelling with emotion. “You don’t need to repay me, Sarah. True friendship doesn’t come with expectations. I am just grateful to have you in my life.”

They spent the next hour lost in conversation, sharing memories and laughter, momentarily forgetting the danger that loomed just beyond the hospital walls. Sarah’s frailty seemed to fade away as she leaned on the strength and love Lotus provided.

Reluctantly, Lotus stood up, realizing it was time to leave. She pressed a gentle kiss on Sarah’s forehead. “Stay strong, my friend. I promise to protect you, no matter what.”

As Lotus made her way home, her mind still full of her friend, she noticed a crumpled piece of paper on her doorstep. Her heart skipped a beat as she picked it up, reading the chilling words scrawled across it – “Your days are numbered.”

Fear and panic gripped Lotus, her hands trembling as she clutched the note. She knew she couldn’t let the killers get to Sarah. She had to find a way to stop them.


A group of assassins wearing black masks gathered . Their leader, a shadowy figure, speaks with a low, menacing voice. “Lotus must pay for her interference. She is a threat that cannot be taken lightly.”

One of the assassins, a tall and muscular man, steps forward. “We need to strike her when she least expects it. Let’s attack her weakness, her vulnerability.”

Another assassin, a woman with icy blue eyes, nods in agreement. “She values her friendships. We could use that against her. Let’s make her believe that everyone she holds dear will suffer.”

The leader smirks, his voice dripping with malice. “Excellent, my loyal servants. We shall bring her to her knees and make her beg for mercy.”

“Do you think it is going to be that easy? Remember that our first attack on Sarah didn’t work.”

“I am sure this will work! it has to be.”

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