Billionaire’s Lost Angel

Limited edition ring

The next day Lotus went to a restaurant to meet with one of her old client from Australia. She is an older lady called Elizabeth. She was once a renowned actress in Australia. Lotus worked for her when she started her business. She designed a studio for her. Elizabeth was very impressed with Lotus’s work and recommend Lotus’s company to some of her high class friends. Thus lotus got some big client and her business rises rapidly. Lotus was always thankful to Elizabeth. So when Elizabeth called her earlier to tell that she is in New York to meet her sister Lotus invited her to a lunch. When she entered the restaurant she saw Elizabeth was sitting with another elder woman. Who was in her early fifties and elegantly dressed. Lotus went toward them. When Elizabeth saw Lotus she stood up from her chair to hug her. Lotus also hugged her back. Elizabeth was a sweet woman in her mid sixty. Despite of her age she was strong and elegant. Lotus took a seat with them.

“Isabella meet Lotus. She is the architect about whom I was talking to you. She is very talented one. You would fell in love with her if you see her work. Lotus this is my sister Isabella.” Said Elizabeth and introduced them. Isabella smiled at Lotus and Lotus responded her sweet gesture with a warm smile.

“Don’t listen to her. She is always extravagant to praise me. I am just an ordinary architect. And without her help I would be nothing.” Lotus said to Isabella.

“She is just being modest. You saw my studio right? It was designed by her,” Elizabeth said to her sister. Lotus smiled at this sweet lady. She reminded her of her grandmother.

“My sister doesn’t praise anyone. If she is praising that means you deserve that dear. However it’s good to be modest. And I saw your work you are really talented.” Isabella said sweetly to Lotus. They have sweetness in their genes’, Lotus thought to herself.

“Yes of course I won’t praise you if you didn’t deserve it, moreover I didn’t help you. I just recommend a good architect to my friends who needed one. It was your hardwork and talent which mad you successful.” Elizabeth said and Lotus heart swelled in warmness.

“Thanks Eli, you reminded me of my grandma. She was such a sweet lady just like you. However you are more beautiful and young than her.” Lotus said to Elizabeth who smiled at her.

“Thank god you told her young; otherwise she would eat you alive.” Isabella said and laughed. Lotus also joined with her while Elizabeth was angrily staring at them.

“Of course I am young. I am just only sixties. It’s not a age is it?” Elizabeth asked arching he brow and Lotus smiled at her cuteness.

“You are not only young you are cute too. I love the sister’s bond you two shared. It’s so sweet.” Lotus said the two ladies. And they looked at each other/

“When we first met we didn’t know we were sisters. Cause though we share the same father our mothers are different. We first became friends then we got know about our true relationship.” Isabella said making Lotus startled.

“That’s kind of amazing. More like a movie scene.” Lotus said to them.

“Dear life is more thrilling than any thriller movie.” Elizabeth said these time. They were busy talking when a waiter came to take there order. The ladies ordered their foods and continued their talk.

“How is your little babies doing? I didn’t see them in a long time.” Elizabeth asked suddenly.

“They are in school now. Will be out of school in half an hour.” Lotus said proudly about her children.

“Whoa, you have children? You look so young. I thought I would ask you to go on a date with my son.” Isabella asked is amazement.

“Yes I have one daughter and one son, they are twins. And three years old.” Lotus said to Isabella. Isabella smiled widely at her remark.

“You said their school will be end soon. Then who is going to pick them? You should fetch them here with us.” Elizabeth asked with concern.

“Don’t worry, their father will be fetch them from school and drop them to home.” Lotus said to relax Elizabeth. But Elizabeth became excited knowing about the father of her children.

“Last time when I met you before you shift here, you were still a single mother. How come they got a father suddenly? Have found a good boyfriend for you?” Elizabeth asked with excitement. Lotus blushed a little at her question.

“Look she is blushing for her boyfriend. Tell us about this lucky man.” Isabella joined with Elizabeth to tease Lotus. They were keen to know more about Lotus’s love life.

“Actually he is not my boyfriend, he is my husband and the biological father of my children. We got married a few days ago.” Lotus accepted shyly. Elizabeth looked at Lotus’s hand and the yellow diamond came to her sight. She put a hand on her mouth and touched lotus hand.

“Awww, how did I miss this beautiful ring on your hand. I am so happy for you dear. You deserve happiness. But how did you met their father? Or you were in a long distance relationship before?” Elizabeth asked examining her ring.

“We met here and it’s a long story. Better let it go. Our food has arrived let’s start eating.” Lotus said avoiding their question. She doesn’t want to dig in her awful past memories.

“Okay we won’t ask about your love life but we want to meet this lucky man. Call him and ask him to come here.” Isabella said excited. Lotus hesitated for a minute then called Peter. After two rings he picked up the call.

“Hey Peter, I was wondering if you are free can you come to pick me? Elizabeth wanted to meet you.” Lotus said on the phone.

“I am on my way. Send me the location.” Peter said. Lotus gave him the address and hung up the call. Then the lady continued their lunch. They were gossiping about different celebrities and other things. When they were about to order their desert, then Peter came. The moment he entered the restaurant everyone present their looked at him in awe. His dominating aura made everyone gawk at him. He went to the table where Lotus was sitting with two elder ladies. He stood beside Lotus, bent down and kissed on her cheek. Lotus cheek became rosy in embarrassment. She glared at him but he didn’t care about that. He greeted the both lady by kissing on their hands. Then he took a seat beside Lotus. Lotus looked around, everyone at the restaurant was staring at their table like there is some big celebrities here.

“Why are you looking around, when your handsome husband is sitting beside you?” Peter asked her with a frown. Lotus rolled her eyes at her husband. He was so self obsessed.

“Lotus you didn’t tell us you are married with Peter Robinson.” Isabella said to Lotus. Everyone at the table was stunned at her.

“How did you know him?” Elizabeth was first to ask. The other two looked at Isabella waiting for her answer eagerly.

“Come on who doesn’t know the great businessman Peter Robinson in NY? We attended some business parties but maybe he didn’t notice me. My husband is a shareholder in your company.” Isabella said like it’s a normal thing. Peter became surprised at the revelation. He tried to remember sometimes than smiled brightly.

“You are Mrs. Stone? Am I right?” Peter asked her. And Isabella nodded with a smile. Peter continued, “I knew you were looking familiar to me but couldn’t remember where did I met you. Now that you said I remembered.” he explained.

“So you are a businessman. No wonder you gave her a limited edition diamond ring.”Elizabeth said and Lotus frowned. She didn’t know this diamond was limited edition. She was sure that it was expensive but limited edition? That is extravagant.

“What do you mean by limited edition diamond ring?” Lotus asked Elizabeth and looked at her husband suspiciously. Peter looked away from her not meeting her eyes.

“Of course it is a limited edition diamond. I work with jewelry and I know. There is only three diamonds like this. And it is very expensive. If you have the money you wouldn’t be able to buy it unless you have some big connections.” Elizabeth explained and Peter cleared his throat. But Lotus face darkened. How did he managed to get it in a short time if it is so tough to get? She thought to herself.

“Elizabeth, why don’t you two join us for dinner, at our home? James and Jenny will be very happy to see you.”Peter invited them and I also insisted them with him. But Elizabeth shook her head in negative.

“I would love to join you and meet the two cutie pies but I have a flight to catch. So I have to decline your invitation. But I promise soon I will come to your hone with Isabella. I would love to see your home. I want to see how you designed your own home.” Elizabeth said and Lotus smiled at her. Then they chatted for a few more and the two ladies said goodbye to the couple. Peter went to the parking lot to escort them to their car then came back to the restaurant. Lotus was looking at the diamond ring at her ring finger intently. Peter guessed her concerned and Took her and in his.

“I have bought it for you two years ago, when I was searching for you.” Peter answered the question which was running in Lotus’s mind.

“How did you buy a ring for me, when you didn’t have any idea about where I was?” Lotus asked him in confusion.

“I went to an auction where this ring was auctioned. The moment my eyes fell on it, I knew it was made for you, my beautiful angel. And I was sure I will find you one day. If I couldn’t find you, I would have given it to my daughter someday in future. But when I saw you again I knew it was time for me to give it to you.” Peter said and kissed on her hand. Lotus blushed a little and smiled at him.

“We are getting late, we should get going.” Peter said looking at his watch.

“Just give me five minutes I have to use the restroom.” Lotus said and excused herself.

She went to the restroom of the restaurant and did her job. Then she went to the basin and washed her hands. She looked at the mirror and opened her bag to touch up her makeup. She applied some lipstick to her lips. When she was satisfied with her look she put everything back to her bag and about to left the rest room. But someone bumped into her and her purse fell on the floor. Lotus bent down and picked her bag then looked at the intruder and it was Sheila. She was smirking at Lotus. Lotus’s blood boiled at her smirked. She wanted to wipe that smirk from her face.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh look who is here? Is that Mrs. Robinson?” She said dramatically. Lotus rolled her eyes internally. The last thing she wanted now to fight with her husband’s ex in a restroom. She avoided her remark and walked passed her. But she stopped Lotus by grabbing her arm. Her sharp nails were digging into Lotus’s skin. Lotus yanked her hand from Sheila and faced her.

“What do you want?” Lotus asked her directly. It was obvious that she wanted to say something to her.

“What I want is something that you wouldn’t be able to give me,” Sheila said and shrugged her shoulder. Lotus raised a brow at her and went near her.

“I know what you want Sheila but I would suggest you change your mind before it’s too late,” Lotus said to her.

“So you know that I want Peter. Then that’s good. Let’s fight for him openly.” Sheila said with a smug look on her face.

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