Billionaire’s Lost Angel

Can’t live without her

Peter stumbled into the mansion, his heart pounding in his chest.  He had received a call from someone that Lotus had seen leaving the house the night before, he didn’t want to believe it. The silence was deafening as he scanned the empty sitting room. his eyes searching desperately for any sign of Lotus. His steps grew heavier with each passing moment, and when he reached their bedroom, his worst fears were confirmed. The closet stood empty, and every trace of her presence had vanished. All bags and clothes belonging to her were also gone.

He sank to the floor, his heart racing picking in his chest a growing pain resting there.. He had thought he was protecting her, shielding her from Sheila. But in doing so, he had destroyed the very relation he had a work to protect. The realization was agonizing, and tears welled up in his eyes as he clutched his phone in his trembling hands. Her number was not going through and he wouldn’t blame her for doing so.

Without hesitation, he dialed Davis’s number, despite the clash that the two men had, Peter knew that the bitter fact was that Davis had been closer to Lotus.. The line came through  “Davis,” he whispered desperately, “Do you know where Lotus has gone? Please, Tell me her whereabouts, please.”

There was a pause, and then a cold, bitter sneer echoed through the phone. “Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you, After everything you did to her, even as a husband you couldn’t stand for her.” Davis spat, his voice dripping with disdain. And just like that, the line went dead, leaving Peter in stunned silence.

His mind raced what could he do? How on earth would he get in touch with her? He could feel the walls closing in on him, suffocating him with guilt. He never knew how it felt to be so hurt until this moment. Exhaustion seeped into his bones, and he couldn’t fight it any longer. Without even realizing it, he shut his eyes and slept off.

When he awoke, the light in the room had grown dim, casting long shadows across the walls. The television stood in the corner, its screen flickering with the latest news. As Peter’s eyes focused on the headlines, his heart seized in his chest. Lotus’s company had been forcibly shut down, her dreams crushed. He knew how much she loved the job. He knew how much time and effort Lotus placed in making sure that the company could stand the way it was, he had let her down.

He staggered to his feet, the guilt eating him on the inside. He had not only lost his wife, but he had demolished everything she had worked so hard for. The pain was unbearable, and in that moment, he felt like an unforgivable betrayer.

He knew the only place that could relieve his agitation. The bar. These days he had visited there quite frequently.

As he entered the dimly lit bar, the smell of stale alcohol and the sound of music filled the air.  Peter found an empty stool at the bar, where he sat. His eyes scanned through the entire bar. His clothing was a bit rough and he didn’t look like the billionaire tycoon everyone admired and loved.

The bartender, a weathered man with a kind smile, approached him. “What can I get you, friend?” he asked.

Peter glanced up, his eyes bloodshot and weary. “Whiskey,” he mumbled, his voice hoarse. The bartender nodded silently, pouring him a glass.

As Peter drowned himself in the dangerous hands of the alcohol his mind reeled with thoughts.. but the sharp taste in his throat made him glad that his pain could be physical.

The murmur of voices intertwined with laughter, creating a tapestry of life and distraction. Yet, no matter how hard he tried to lose himself in the noise, the weight of his mistakes never left his side.

“Do you think he’ll ever find her?” a voice interrupted his thoughts, drawing Peter’s attention to two men sitting a few stools away.

The other man shook his head sadly. “From what I’ve heard, I don’t think she wants to be found. She up and disappeared, and no one seems to know where she went.”

An ache tore through Peter’s heart as he listened to their conversation. He wanted to scream, to demand answers, but he knew deep down that he had driven her away. His actions had forced her into hiding, creating a void around herself. He had failed her and he wasn’t sure she would forgive him.

Lost in his own thoughts, he stared hopelessly into the bottom of his glass. His life was meaningless. He had no hope of living anymore, Sheila wasn’t a source he could depend on.

He wishes he could go back in time and change everything


The next day, Peter trudged into his company, his shoulders slumped and his heart heavy. The office, once a place that buzzed with energy and camaraderie, now seemed dull and lifeless. As he took his seat at his desk, he couldn’t shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at him.

Lost in his thoughts, Peter was startled by the ringing of his phone. He hesitated for a moment before answering, knowing that it could be someone calling to check up on him. Natasha’s voice filled his ears, filled with a mix of concern and disappointment.

“Peter, I can’t believe how you treated Lotus!  She didn’t deserve that. I’ve known her since she got pregnant three years ago, and she’s always had a kind heart. You know how much she cares about you,” Natasha scolded him firmly. “What were you thinking?!”

“I’m sorry.” He pleaded. “I didn’t know what I was thinking. I thought I could protect her.”

All that could be heard were Natasha’s slow breaths. After what felt like an eternity, she spoke. “Peter, I’ve always been there for you, right from. when you were a kid. but I can’t stand by and watch you hurt someone I care about. Lotus is someone I care about so much, she is like a sister I have never had and you just destroyed her life.. I won’t contact you again until you can make things right with Lotus.”

Peter dropped the call, his heart heavy with remorse. He knew that it would come to this. Truth be told he had been expecting the call from her. and he had managed to ruin that relationship as well. As he sat there, his mind filled with thoughts of what he had done, he was interrupted by the presence of Sheila. A growl escaped his lips as he sat straight.

“Seems like someone’s not happy to see me?” She drawled with a smirk on her face that Peter knew too well.

“What do you want Sheila?” He didn’t have any time to mince words with her.

Sheila strolled into his office, a hint of amusement playing on her lips. “When are we going to tie the knot, Peter? I mean, you can’t keep me around if you don’t want to get married to me. And you know you don’t have a choice in this.”

Peter groaned inwardly at Sheila’s words. The last thing he wanted to think about right now was marriage. He stood up abruptly, frustration evident in his voice as he replied, “Sheila, I can’t and will not marry you. I’m still mourning the failure of my previous marriage. This was your plan all along you’ve ruined Lotus! Are you happy now? And this is not another. It’s purely blackmail and I’ll make sure you don’t get away with it.”

Sheila cocked an eyebrow, an icy tone creeping into her voice. “Well, I hope you’re not just playing me around. Don’t think you can reconcile with Lotus, I’ll make sure all parts are blocked and you have no way of communicating with her. And I won’t hesitate to track her down and make sure she suffers even more.”

Peter watched her leave in anger, regretting the very minute he had asked her to be his girlfriend.


Peter paced back and forth in his study, Peter heard the sound of a car pulling up outside. It was Lotus’ father. The front door swung open, and there he stood, tall and imposing. Peter straightened himself, attempting to appear composed, but inside he was trembling. Prior to this, he had always held the upper hand in condemning Lotus’ father for abandoning her. But now he has done the same.

“Peter,” Lotus’ father said sternly, his voice filled with a mix of anger and concern. “What have you done to my daughter? And where is she? Why did you divorce her? I thought you two were in love?”

Peter tried to maintain a calm demeanor, his voice measured. “Please, you must believe me. I would never harm Lotus. She means the world to me.”

“She means the world to you treated her that way?”

“I’m sorry about how I treated her. I really love her and would want her back.”

Lotus’s father’s face contorted with rage. “You say that now, but how often have you let her down? Failed to protect her? As her father, it’s my duty to ensure her safety, and I will not let you make the same mistakes again.”

Peter’s heart sank at Lotus’s father’s harsh words. He had always tried his best to be there for Lotus, to shield her from harm. Yet, he knew deep down that he had faltered. He had let her down, and now he was paying the price.

“I understand your concerns, Lotus father,” Peter said, his voice filled with remorse. “I will do everything in my power to find her and bring her back. Please believe me.”

But Lotus’s father shook his head, his eyes filled with tears of frustration. “Words mean nothing, Peter. It’s your actions that matter. And right now, all I see are empty promises. I cannot trust you anymore.”

With that, Lotus’s father stormed out of the house, leaving Peter standing alone in his study, hollow and defeated. He knew he had to find Lotus, to make things right. Determination burned within him as he made his way to the garage, determined to begin his search.

Peter drove to Lotus’s old mansion, a place filled with memories of their shared past. As he approached the grand gates, he noticed they were locked. Desperation etched across his face, he leaned on his car, his shoulders sagging with disappointment.

Just then, the sound of another car approaching caught his attention. He turned to see George stepping out, a smug grin on his face. Anger surged through Peter’s veins, his frustration boiling over.

Without a thought, Peter stormed towards George, his voice dripping with anger. “I know what you’ve done, George. You’re behind all of this. And when I find out the truth, mark my words, you will pay for it.”

George scoffed, his arrogance evident in his every move. He brushed past Peter, his words laced with contempt. “You think you can intimidate me, Peter? You’re a fool. I have nothing to do with Lotus’s disappearance, but if you want a fight, you’ll regret it.”

“Oh really? Then why did you kiss her and raise a ruckus?”

“Why did you divorce her? Which pain would she bear the most? Give it up Peter, we are both winning her heart now and I don’t think you stand a chance.”

Peter clenched his fists, his gaze burning with fury. He wanted nothing more than to confront George, to force him to confess to his crimes. But deep down, he knew he needed to find Lotus first. Only then would he have the answers he so desperately sought?


As Peter drove down the familiar streets towards his family mansion,

Just as he was lost in his thoughts, his phone beeped. He glanced at the screen and saw that it was from his father, requesting him to come to the house. Peter sighed deeply, already dreading the confrontation that awaited him. He felt a pang of guilt, his father loved lotus and now he had taken that from him. With a heavy heart, he made a sharp turn and changed his course towards his family mansion.

Upon arriving, Peter was greeted by his father, standing in the grand entrance hall.  His stepmother, Nina stood beside him. A pleasant look on her face.

“Peter I need to talk to you,” his father said in a stern voice, gesturing towards the study. Peter followed him silently, his mind racing with apprehension.

Once they were inside his father’s study, Peter closed the door behind them. His father took a seat behind his grand oak desk, and Peter sat across from him, nervously fidgeting with his tie.

“I’m disappointed in you, Peter,” his father declared, his voice heavy with disappointment.

Peter clenched his fists, trying to maintain his composure. “I did what I thought was best for us,” he replied, his voice laced with a hint of defiance.

“Best for you? You hurt the poor girl and you said you love her? I didn’t raise you like this.” His father reprimands him. “And now you are single.”

His stepmother, stepping forward with a sly grin, couldn’t help but interject. “Perhaps it’s time for you to consider settling down with someone like Sheila. She would–”

“Enough!” Peter exclaimed, his voice filled with anger. “Thanks, Father, but I think I am old enough to make my own decisions.”

He stormed out of the study, unable to bear the presence of his stepmother any longer. Thoughts swirled in his mind as he walked briskly towards the parking lot. The tension between him and his family had gotten worse especially with Natasha ignoring him, and he knew he needed to settle things.

As he stepped out into the cool night air, he noticed something was wrong  The street seemed deserted, with only the distant hum of a car passing by. Peter’s heart raced as a black sedan sped towards him, coming out of nowhere. The sound of screeching tires filled the air, and before he could react, masked men armed to the teeth leaped out of the car and began firing.

Bullets whizzed past him, but Peter’s car, a state-of-the-art armored vehicle, served as his shield.  The engine roared to life as he escaped the hail of bullets, leaving his pursuers behind in a cloud of dust.

Shaken, Peter gripped the steering wheel tightly, trying to catch his breath.  Things were not as they seemed. This attack had been targeted, and he had a sinking feeling that it had something to do with Lotus.

As he sped home, Peter’s mind raced with questions. Who were those men, and why were they after him? Was there more to the situation with Lotus than he had believed? And most importantly, who could he trust in this tangled web of deceit?Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

It turned out that he had only himself to depend on. There was no one, not his father or Lotus’s. He had thought that staying away from Lotus would make Sheila fulfill her promise. But Sheila only made it worse,  he was such a fool for thinking she had any conscience to keep to her end of the deal

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