Billionaire’s Little Bride





I stared at the girl through the rare mirror and smiled.

” Who’s she? “I asked Mr. Mateo and he shook his head.

” I don’t know her, She looks like a random citizen, Maybe looking for job “He replied tactically and I smiled again.

Her skin is so pale and her legs are fresh as well, She looks a little bit skinny and slightly endowned.

Her jet black hair covering her face and I chuckled as I watch her talk to the driver rudely.

” Sir, why are you smiling? “He suddenly asked staring back at me and I straightened my face back.

” I’m not smiling, Don’t mix things up “I mumbled and he nodded.

When I noticed things are not getting better, I turned to my PA.

” Get some notes and give the girl, Tell her to get a new dress and shoes, We are running late for the appointment “I mumbled and he nodded before opening the suitcase containing money.

He counted some clothes and stepped down the car to attend to the girl.

I took a deep breath Immediately he left and closed my eyes.

Why am I smiling?

This girl is of not match for me, and she’s too skinny for me.

Who’s she?



The attendant attended to me and gave me a new dress, It’s a little bit short and I returned it back to her.

She smiled but refused to stretch her hand.

” Ma’am, This is an order from above, The boss said we should give you this dress, It suits your pale skin well ”

” Don’t call my skin pale, Who’s your boss? ”

” Mr. Maynard, He paid for the dress already ”

” Whatever “I mumbled and put it on again before leaving the mall.

Now, Where to go?


Shuffling through the streets can be so stressful, Gosh!, I think I have to accept the job offer Mr. Hampson gave me.

I can’t cope with this anymore.

I dragged my legs towards the end of the street and saw a notice board in front of the big mansion like company.

The company is so big with lots of beautiful designs.

They are in need of a secretary.

” Alvarez Coporations “I read aloud and sighed.

Maybe this will work out, There’s nothing wrong in giving it a try.

I took slow and steady steps to the company due to how tired I was.

After knocking on the door, A young man opened the door for me and I smiled.

” Hi, I’m here for the job “I said softly and he scoffed.

” Do you think we are looking for paupers here?, You are to work for Mr. Maynard “He said empathetically and I bit my lips.

” Wait, Do I need to dress sophisticatedly before you know I’m ready for the job?, Or I need to wear skimpy dresses?, What’s wrong with y’all mentality?, Is it until I sit your stu*pid as*s down before you know I’m qualified for the job or until I…. ”This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

” Hey, it’s okay, You can go in for the interview, You talk too much ”

” Watch your mouth, Don’t talk to me anyhow, Where’s the way or you will lead me in? “I asked feeling so pissed off already and he sighed.

” Take the way to the lobby, Then, The guards will lead you in ”

” Thank you “I said under my breath and I rushed to the lobby.

Getting there, The security guards ushered me in and I walked towards the receptionist.

” Hi, Good afternoon, I saw the announcement outside so I’m here for the interview to take the job? “I introduced myself in the most polite way and she scoffed.

” Who are you?, And what are you doing here? “She asked irascibly and I scoffed.

” I think there are clogs in your ears?, You lizard face, I said I’m here for the job “I yelled and she gasped.

The other workers turned to us and I rolled my eyes.

” Why…, Why did you call me that?, I’m not a lizard face “She stuttered feeling so angry and I scoffed.

” Are you ready to take me….. ”

” What’s going on here? “A soft familiar voice stopped me from talking and I turned to the direction.

I gasped and arranged myself properly.

This same guy is here again.

” Hi, Seems you’re always around me “I said with a chuckle and he smiled.

” Why are you here?, Seems you’re having problem with the receptionist “He mumbled and I sighed.

” This lizard face was…. ”

” No use of abus*ive words here, They can get you kicked out “He corrected immediately and I nodded.

” I’m here for the job ”

” I see, Come with me, You will be the last person to get interviewed today “He mumbled and I followed him to the stairs, Then I heard the girl whispered.

” I hope you don’t get the job ”

” I will get the job and you will be the first person to leave the company, Wit*ch ” I whispered back at her and ran away before she caught up with me.

” Why are you this troublesome?, And clingy as well? “The man leading me to the stairs suddenly stopped walking and scolded me.

I hugged the files tightly to my chest and rolled my eyes.

” It’s not my fault, They are always getting on my nerves “I mumbled and he sighed.

” I hope you get the job, Because my boss don’t condone such nonsense, Now, come with me “He said softly and I nodded before going to the office.

I met the young man sitting on the chair, With his head bent at the laptop.

Firstly, His hair, They are curly and well arranged, His eye brow well curved and full lashes resting well on the…

” Young lady, Introduce yourself “A voice jolted me out of my thoughts and I took another deep breath.

“My name is Magnoila, I’m from a noble background, Just graduated from the college and I think I’m the perfect one for the job “I blabbed and he sighed.

” Your qualifications? “He asked in a soft tone and I closed my eyes.

God!, I don’t want to stare too much at him, He’s so cute and alluring.

” Here’s it, check it yourself “I gave him the file and he scanned through it.

” The job of a secretary is very stressful and time consuming, Sometimes, We have to work overnight and you must get early to work, The pay has been added to the contract you’re going to sign, Now, You need to get me some coffee ”

” Can I use your restroom first?, I can sign the contract later “I asked softly holding my skirt and he nodded.

” This is the way to the restroom, Use mine ”

” But sir…. ”

” Don’t worry, Mr. Mateo, She’s pressed right now “He cut him off and I scurried to the restroom.

I bring out my small phone since I forgot the big phone at home.

” Huh…, Gael called? “I asked loudly staring at the phone.

I pressed on the dial button, After a while, He picked the call and I screamed.

” Hey, How are you? “I asked happily and he laughed.

” I’m fine, I have a surprise for you “He said going straight to the point and I sighed.

Gael is a man of few words, He doesn’t talk much.

Gosh!, I wish he’s ready to ask me out.

” Really?, What’s that? “I asked curiously and he chuckled.

” I’m here for your birthday party ”

” Wait…, Tomorrow is my birthday? “I asked myself trying to be sure and I slapped my head.

” You stubborn head, I know you would have forgot, Now, I’m back, We will talk later bye “He mumbled and cut the call.

Finally, Things are falling into place.

I’m sure he’s ready to propose to me, Gladly, I will accept it.

Gael has been my long time crush, He’s my classmate and male best friend as well.

Just like I said , He’s a man of few words, Maybe that’s the reasons why he hasn’t confessed his love to me.

” I’m so happy, Thank you Lord! “I screamed happily before leaving the rest room to attend to the BOSSES.


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