Betrayed Heiress: My Second Chance Mate is A Lycan King

Chapter 67: Her Power

Aira’s POV

“Well, that is quite the interesting entrance,” Vincent chuckles lightly. He has a knife in Alex’s throat, and that is when my eyes lock with his. My heart shatters at the sight of him. He looks so tired and beaten up.

When his eyes meet mine, anger flashes within them. “You shouldn’t have come back. You are putting yourself in danger; I am fine,” Alex says stubbornly, and I raise my brow slowly. He is just a few seconds from losing his life, and he is telling me he is fine.

I love you.

“I am not leaving this place without you,” I tell him simply, and he smirks proudly. I shift my gaze to Vincent as I step into the room. The others encircle me, but I show no hint of fear. At this point, I do not think I am capable of feeling anything other than rage right now. “Release him.”

Vincent grins and says, “I will once you hand over the deed.”

Tilting my head to the side, I dig into my pocket and take out the deed. I hold out the paper to him, clenching it tightly in my bloody fist. “Here is what you are looking for. Come get it.”

Damon inhales sharply, pinching the bridge of his nose. The irritation is obvious on his face. “You seem to be forgetting who is the one with the upper hand here. We have your precious mate and you are clearly outnumbered. Stop this tough girl act and hand the deed so we can all go our separate ways.”

Vincent nods in agreement then looks at me. “You heard your uncle, hand it over.”

“I have no uncles,” I mutter, then do something that awakens an uproar. “I have no family.”

I tear the deed to pieces.


“You damn bitch!”

Vincent growls and the rage in his eyes is immense. “You have no idea what you have done. I am going to make you watch me kill your mate and then I will kill you as well.”

He brings the knife down on Alex’s throat, but before it could make contact with his skin, I flickered my fingers, and the knife flew out of Vincent’s hands and plunged right into Damon’s chest, right into his heart.

The room grows silent. Damon’s eyes widen as his hands slowly come up to the dagger’s handle. He doesn’t even touch it before falling on his knees with blood spilling out of his mouth.

“Brother!” Mason cries out, coming to stand by his twin’s side. He takes out the dagger from his brother’s heart and blood spews all over the floor. “Stay with me, brother. Keep your eyes open!” Mason pleads as Damon starts to choke on his blood. His breaths become more harbored and his eyelids flutter shut.

Soon his breaths seized. He is dead.

“Well then, who is next?” I ask teasingly, feeling no hint of remorse for the deceased man.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

Mason’s chest heaves up and down. His body begins to tremble with rage, and when he lifts his gaze, his eyes glow. “You,” he seethes before raising his hand and clenching his fists.

A surprised scream leaves my lips as I crumble to my knees. I can feel my own bones crushing within my body, and pain erupts across my body. I shut my eyes for a second, and the moment I do, I see Malaya speed walk up to me and grab me by the throat.

My eyelids fly apart, and I lift my hand towards the dagger lying on the floor. It flies into my hand just in time for Malaya’s arrival. She attempts to grab my throat, but I bring the dagger down on her wrist, severing her hand right off her arm.

She screams in pain and falls right down on her ass. I barely have time to recover from what just happened when someone grabs my head from behind. Before they can snap my neck, I plunge the dagger several times into their abdomen.

The person’s grip on my neck loosens, and I use the opportunity to twist my body around and embed the dagger right into their throat. I watch the life leave Rebekah’s eyes as she clenches her bleeding throat in her hands, desperately trying to stop the bleeding. But it was pointless; she was as good as dead already.

She chokes on her own blood, getting down on her knees as more blood spills out of her neck. Finally, she falls lifelessly to the floor.


Betty’s screams pierce my ears, but they are in no way inferior to mine. My blood began to boil, and it felt like my whole body had been submerged in boiling hot water. My knees met the floor as both Mason and Betty came up to me with their hands aimed at me, and I could feel the crushing of my bones once more.

The pain-it’s just too much.

Tears spill out of my eyes, and without thinking, I desperately reach out for Alex. Once his eyes lock with mine, I watch as something in him snaps. His roar shakes the very foundation below us, and I watch with amazement as he breaks free of his restraints.

His movements were too fast for me to comprehend. One moment he was breaking free of his constraints, and the next he had Mason’s severed head in his hands. My bones stop crushing, but what surprises me is when my blood stops boiling as well.

That is when I realized that Betty is now laying lifeless in the arms of someone I least expected.


He holds his sister’s heart in one hand and her corpse in the other, watching me without a hint of emotion in his eyes. My shock is evident as he drops both the heart and body casually to the floor and walks up to me.

“I have failed my brother once before; I won’t let him down again,” Richard says, and a bitter laugh fills the room.

“Well, this was quite the show to watch,” Vincent says, walking over his siblings’ bodies casually. He has his hand in his pockets, looking so unbothered, like he did not just witness his family get slaughtered.

I knew from the beginning that there was something evil about Vincent. At least the others cared when they watched each other get killed. But he just stood there and watched, like it was his favorite show. It was as clear as ever that Vincent did not give a damn about family. He only cared about power.

“I wanted to do this in a nice and friendly way, but I guess you did me a favor by getting rid of the rest. At least now I do not have to do it myself,” Vincent says, and I stare at him with utter disgust.

“They were your family,” I whispered, but even I knew he could hear them. I may not have known them well, but even I felt something knowing they were dead.

“They were nuisances,” Vincent states, pulling off his suit jacket and pulling back his sleeves. “And by getting rid of them, I will make your death less painful.” His gaze shifts to Alex, and he smirks. “I can’t say the same for him.”

I wasn’t fast enough.

What happened next would haunt my dreams for as long as I lived. One moment Vincent snapped the handle of the chair Alex was strapped to and threw it straight at Alex, propelling with a violent wind. The stake goes right through Akex’s heart; the force sends him flying across the room, pinning him to the wall.


I rush over to him and pull the stake, pinning him to the wall with a strength I did not know I even possessed. His body drops to the floor, and I take his face into my hands. Tears spill out of my eyes as blood spills out of his lips.

“Hey, you are going to be fine, okay?” I say desperately to him. I am doing my best to get him to keep looking at me.

A smile lifts his bloody lips as he stares up at me with droopy eyes. “You were so badass today. I never knew you could fight like that.”

“Well, if you piss me off, I will definitely fight you in ways you have never seen before,” I say against his lips, our noses brushing.

“I don’t think I will get the chance to piss you off anymore,” he says, his voice growing faint. My heart pounds wildly in my chest as I do my best to hold back my tears.

“Shut up! You will. Your pack needs you, and I need you. So that is precisely why you will be going home with me,” I say, and he tries to chuckle but only ends up spouting out blood.

“You have no idea how much I love you. I am sorry I was unable to protect you. I am sorry you had to go through all of this because of me,” he whispers to me, and my tear drops on his face.

“You don’t have to be sorry about anything. And you do protect me; if it wasn’t for you, I would have died.” I swallowed the bile that had risen within my throat as my body began to tremble. I could not explain it, but I could feel him slowly slipping away.

I drop my head on his and whisper, “Please do not leave me.”

“I will always be with you” is the last thing he says to me before his eyes finally fall shut and his breath seizes.


“Alex? Open your eyes,” is what I demand, but he doesn’t respond. “You are scaring me. Please just open your eyes.”


A sob wracks my shoulders, and a tornado of emotions erupts within me.

“I think he is dead, love.”

Something snaps in me when Vincent’s voice fills my ears. My eyes snap up at him, and a violent wind fills the room. It is so strong that it pushes him back a bit. The smirk on his lips falls when the lights start flickering.

The door and windows begin to slam open and shut, and the power flowing within the room is like none I have ever felt before. It is when I lift my hand towards him that I realize that my body has begun to glow.

“You will bleed by the hands of your own blood.”

I have no idea what made me say that, but the second those words leave my lips, the Kingston siblings rise to their feet.

“What the fuck?” I hear Richard mutter as he takes a step back.

For the first time since I have known Vincent, fear flashes within his eyes. He tries to run, but Malaya uses her superspeed to hold him down.

“Malaya, what are you doing?! Let go of me!” Vincent growls, but Malaya doesn’t do as she is told; as a matter of fact, she is still pretty much dead. They all are.

That is when Moriah’s words come flooding back into my memory.

“You have power over life and death.”

How could I forget? All this time, I have been wondering what exactly my powers were, and she has told me all along.

Damon and Mason get on top of Vincent, then proceed to rip both his arms off his body. He howls in pain, but it does not end there. Betty lifts her hand to Vincent’s head, and in a matter of seconds, Vincent’s blood is set ablaze.

He releases a howl of pain as he burns from the inside out. The scent of burning flesh fills the air as the fire spreads to the rest of them and burns their bodies to ashes.

“I am so glad I switched to your side.” I hear Richard mutter, but I pay him no attention.

My gaze falls on Alex, and a tear slips past my eyes. I wish I could bring him back the way I did the Kingston’s siblings, but the truth of the matter was that they were still dead. They were only doing my bidding.

Which means Alex is gone.

For good.

Another teardrop falls on his eye. A sob leaves my lips as I bring them to his bloody ones. I kiss him gently, muttering, “I love you,” just as I pull away. A bright light glows from my chest; it goes down my arm and transits into Alex.

My eyebrows furrow with confusion, but it soon morphs to shock and a mix of happiness when the most unexpected thing happens.

Alex smiles at me.

“I love you too.”

“Alex!” I scream, bringing him up to engulf him in a tight hug. I can feel the beating of his heart against my chest, and I pull him back to inspect him closely. “But how? How are you still alive?”

“It was you. You brought me back, Aira.”

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