Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste Chapter 46

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste Chapter 46

Chapter 46

My forehead rest on the window pane as I watch

the overhanging branches of the trees as we drive

past. Blake had asked his dad to borrow his jeep

for the day and he’d happily obliged.

With the faint sound of music in the background

and the continuous vibration of the moving vehicle

was relaxing. I sighed, enjoying the scenery. Blake

had come to pick me up early for our date.

It had just been five minutes after nine. Apparently

it was a long drive. And it was indeed because

we’ve been on the road for at least forty minutes

and I still didn’t know where he was taking me for

our date. I’ve been asking him but he answers with

the famous ‘ It’s a secret.’

I move away from the window and look over at

him. He looked nervous, bottom lip sucked in

between his lips and tense form. I cracked a soft


“You know I’m beginning to think that you’re going

to kill me and dump my body in the woods.” I

joked watching as he turn on a narrow twisted


His heated palm comes to lay on the top of my

bare thigh. With the heat of today I had chosen to

wear a cut up short jeans and a tight fitted t-shirt.

Tingles crawl up my thigh and I feel in between my

legs throb.

He turns to me for a second and smirk before

going back to stare at the road. “Now why would I

want to kill my future wife?” He jokes but I could

hear the seriousness in his voice. My heart pounds

at his declaration.

Future wife? Why did I like the sound of that?

He squeezes my thigh as he slows down until

stopping beside a cabin. It’s a reasonable size and

looks to be well looked after judging by the very

alive potted flowers on the porch.

Thick forest trees surrounded the cabin and the

green leaves created a shadow over us as we got

out of the jeep.

My converse hit the earth and the scent of mulch

and wildflowers reach my nose. I inhale the smell

and I found out that I loved the scent. Birds are

chirping a beautiful tune high above the branches

of the trees.

Rays of sunlight penetrate through the rustling

leaves and cast a soft glow over the ground. I

smile and look up to see a tiny bird flying high


“This is beautiful.” I breathed out following Blake

inside the cabin.

“What part?” He teases and turns around to raise

his brow. I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

“Everything.” I admit and looked around the cabin.

It had a homely vibe to it that could soothe

anyone. “Nice cabin.” I complimented.

He smirks. “This used to be my aunt Rebecca’s but

since I was conceived here she gave it to my mom

and dad. We make sure to come here often since

my sister loves the flowers.” He says.

I choke on my spit and raise my brows. “Hope you

didn’t bring me here to conceive here too. At least

not until for a few years.” I joked.

He throws his head back letting out a laugh. “So

does that mean you’re already planning our kids in

a few years?”

A light blush coats my cheek. ” Don’t flatter

yourself.” I rolled my eyes. He laughs clearly

knowing that I was flustered.

“You know this isn’t exactly where we’ll have our

date.” He declares and sidesteps me to walk out of

the cabin.

I turn around and watch him with furrowed brows

when he opens the boot of the jeep and pulls out

what looked to be a picnic basket.

My heart warms knowing that he actually put effort

into our date. I smile and walk over to him when

he calls me over. “You know I was supposed to

give you a tour of the cabin but I’m impatient to

have that date with you, so that’ll have to wait.”

He breathes out.

My heart squeezes and a soft smile curls on my

lips when he interlocks our fingers and starts to

guide us through the trees.

“Is the basket heavy?” I question after five

minutes of walking . He held my hand while the

other held onto the basket. I could hear the soft

sound of water hitting rocks in the close distance.

“Your man can handle a picnic basket babe.” He

snorts and squeezes my hand. I smile and jump

over a branch.

“Always so cocky.” I giggle. My converse crunched

the dead leaves under my feet as we walked along

the narrow path.

The more we walked the louder the sound of

rushing water could be heard. Excitement crawled

in my stomach knowing that we’d have the picnic

hopefully by a body of water. And I was right

because after a minute the path brought us to a

beautiful waterfall.

I gasp in astonishment at the clarity of the

waterfall. Its waters spurted over the rocks and

created a very relaxing sound. Blake drops the

basket on the soft green gra*s and turns to stare

at me. “Well, do you like it?” He asked nervously

scratching the back of his neck.

“Are you insane?” I asked with wide amazed eyes

and run to him. Jumping on him, he stumbles a

little before bracing himself. His hands came to

hold my a*s to keep me from falling. “I love it!” I

said honestly and brought my lips down to his.

He groans in the kiss, squeezing my a*s until I was

sure I’d feel it afterwards. Pulling away, I smile.

“Thank God, I wanted our first date to be special.”

He admitted and kissed the tip of my nose.

“And it is.” I stated and kissed him one last time

before he placed me down gently on my feet. “You

know we’ve been bestfriends for forever and I

didn’t know you were such a softy.” I gushed when

he pulled out a blanket that was in the basket and

spread it on the gra*s.

Flowers growing nearby were nodding as the

gentle breeze pa*sed by.Their scent like

honeysuckle. “I’m only a softy for you so don’t tell

anyone. This is our secret.” He laughs placing the

food he brought in the center of the blanket.

I nodded and giggled. “Secret is safe with me.” I Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

crossed my fingers over my heart and laughed

when he sent me an are you serious look.

Finally happy with how he placed the food he looks

up and gives me a shy smile. “Lunch is served.”

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