Two days later, Sasha was sitting white-faced and trembling at her kitchen table when Tilly walked in. She’d used the spare key she had so she didn’t have to knock.

“Good morning” Tilly greeted, “How was your night?”

“Good morning” Sasha replied, but Tilly could tell that her attention was barely on anything happening around her. She took one look at her pinched face and grimaced.


“Yuck! No thank you,” Sasha replied.

Tilly stared at her for a while, “Can you please just tell me exactly what is wrong with you, Sasha?” she blurted out, “And don’t tell me it’s nothing. I’m tired of hearing that lie. There’s something bothering you and it’s not the cold. You’re distant and you’re clearly keeping something to yourself. Just tell me what it is for heaven’s sake.”This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

Sasha blinked, but she knew the time had finally come. She was tired of hiding things from her best friend and she didn’t want Tilly to find out during dinner with their parents that weekend. So she sat up.

“You’re right, Tilly. I have been hiding something from you”

Tilly shrugged, “Well. What is it?”

Sasha breathed deeply, “I’m pregnant” she said, and watched as Tilly’s eyes widened in shock, then the surprised look turned into a smile.

“Are you serious?” she asked, then jumped out of her chair when Sasha nodded, “I knew it! I knew something really big was going on! Oh my god Sasha. That’s really amazing news.”

It was Sasha’s turn to look surprised, “Really? You really think so, Tilly?” she asked,

Tilly nodded then moved forward to hug her tightly, “Of course I do. You’re going to be an amazing parent. Congratulations bestie”.

Sasha stared across the table at her in dry-eyed shock. “Oh, God,” she groaned, and leaned onto the table, resting her head wearily on her arms. “The problem is that I don’t feel very amazing, Tilly. What am I going to do?”

“You don’t really have a lot of choices, do you?” asked Tilly crisply. “How many weeks are you? Three? Four?”

“A bit more,” mumbled Sasha against her forearms. “Eight weeks now,”

“Wow. Well, in that case you’re obviously going to have to go ahead and have the baby-”

Sasha sat up, her expression one of outrage. “Of course I’m going to go ahead and have the baby!” she stormed. “Why ever would you think-?”

“Shh!” soothed Tilly. “Keep your hair on! I didn’t mean to offend you, or to suggest anything-it’s just that a lot of women in your situation would have considered-”

“Don’t even say it!” warned Sasha , and then her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What situation?” she asked

Tilly shrugged. “You’re not with the father, I take it?”

“Is it that obvious?”


“Oh, Tilly, I feel so stupid! How did I ever get myself into this position?”

“Sasha,” Tilly sighed. “You’re no more stupid than countless other women have been. These things happen.

Have you told him? The father, I mean.”

“Yes.” Sasha stared at the table. “I’ve told him.”

“And what does he say?”

“We talked…And then we argued. I guess we’re still figuring things out,”

“Well, I’m sorry about that but I guess it’s good that he’s getting involved,” Tilly said drily, and then she creased her nose up. “I don’t suppose there’s any chance of the two of you ever-?”

“No,” said Sasha firmly. “None whatsoever. He’s made that perfectly clear.” She picked a rosy apple out of the fruit bowl and began to rub it absently against her sleeve, but then a wave of nausea hit her and she quickly put it back. “You haven’t asked me whether he’s married.”

“Why should I ask that?”

“Well, it is an obvious assumption to make when a woman has a lover that no one has ever seen. Isn’t it?”

“But I know he’s not married,” said Tilly slowly. “Because you already told me about him. The guy who sent you those flowers that day. The one you were worried about because he has a girlfriend. He’s the father, isn’t he?” She saw Sasha’s dazed expression and gave a short laugh. “And before you ask, no-I’m not a mind-reader. It was just pretty obvious to me when you told me how many weeks pregnant you are. When you told me you guys ended things, you seemed very sad about it too,”

“How are you so sure? When I haven’t seen him for weeks?”

“You were so distracted after I saw those flowers. You used to jump six feet in the air and snatch your phone up whenever it rang. Then your face would crumple when you discovered it wasn’t him. But not for long. There was always that gritty smile lying in wait.” Her face softened.” You were always determined not to look upset when the bastard didn’t call you.”

“He is not a bastard,” defended Sasha .

“Maybe his mother and father were legally married,” conceded Tilly. “But he’s behaved like one towards you, hasn’t he?”

“Actually, no.”

“Sasha-now you’re just being soft!” Tilly said.

“Stop talking, Tilly!” Sasha said with a worried look. “There’s something you need to know…. About the father of the baby. It’s Kaleb….. your brother. It’s Kaleb’s baby.”

Tilly took a step back, “What? You’re kidding, right?”

Sasha shook her head, “I’m not. Look, Tilly, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you weeks ago. It’s not something that has always been happening between us. We… We kissed at his party and then things took off from there.”

Tilly frowned, “I don’t understand this at all,” she said, “Just how long ago has this… been happening between you and my brother?”

“It happened at his party… Nothing ever happened before then. You have to believe me, Tilly. I wanted to tell you about it but I was just too ashamed, and I didn’t know what you’d think of me,”

“That’s why Kaleb invited all of us… Including your parents for dinner. I should have known something was up” Tilly said, mostly to herself, “And you’re only telling me now because you don’t have a choice”

Sasha shook her head, “No, Tilly. That’s not true.”

“Just how long did you think you could keep your relationship with Kaleb from me?”

“It wasn’t a relationship” Sasha explained, “But it doesn’t matter. I’m sorry”

“What for?” Tilly asked as she grabbed her bag, “It’s not like it’s any of my business, is it? I need to go…. Congratulations on the baby. I’m really happy for you… The both of you, I mean. I’ll be calling Kaleb to congratulate him too. Bye”

“Tilly, wait!” Sasha called, but Tilly wasn’t listening.

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