Beneath Her Darkness: The Alpha's Little Demon

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Chapter 038 - Pro Kalmero Et Reginae Nostrae


"The demons of the Kingdom of Athwart, led by King Arturos, stand by the border between the two kingdoms. They wanted to avenge Princess Nyneve’s death." Dorian stated, his eyes fixed on mine.

I was right. It was only a matter of time before he would come for her the moment he felt a descendant’s soul disconnect from him.

But I was sure Nyneve meant nothing to him, and he perhaps just wanted a reason to take my kingdom.

I didn’t say anything and just kept staring at my second-in- command. I wanted to tell him to just let King Arturos destroy Kalmerus. Maybe it was the right time to just succumb and let my own life perish.

Thad nothing to keep fighting for, nothing to live for.

‘You’re fucking stupid if you just let him destroy your kingdom!’

Lucija’s words rang in my head. She could read me. But I kept my silence. I felt numb.

Lucija stepped forward, and Dorian’s attention went to her.

"Prepare your demon guards, but make sure that the tower is fully secured. We will meet you in a quarter of an hour outside of this tower. Prepare to fight for Kalmerus. But I want your strongest warrior to remain here and guard Lucius’ chamber. Now, move!"

She ordered in one breath, her voice lacing with authority while her eyes were blazing red.

Dorian’s gaze went back to me, asking for approval, and I just nodded my head.

His eyes then returned to Lucija before he tipped his head down to her. "I will prepare our demons for battle, Princess Lucija. See you in a quarter of an hour."

He didn’t wait for any response before he vanished in front of us, followed by Gargon and the rest of the demon guards behind them.

"Lucius, look at me." Lucija stood in front of me the moment all of them disappeared, her hands clutching my arms tightly. ''You need to get yourself together and fight for Kalmerus."

"They can take it," I said in a low, defeated voice.

"If they take Kalmerus, just think of what Arturos will do with Patrea’s body."

"I will take her away from here."

"And where will you go? This is the best place for you and for Patrea at the moment. Her heart is beating, Lucius. She’s fighting to stay alive, and the best you can do is make sure she will wake up to a safe Kalmerus."

“But what if she doesn’t wake up? What if she dies?" Tears trickled down my face again as I stared at Lucija. She was centuries younger, but at the moment, she was stronger than me. "I don’t think I can do this."

"If she dies, if you want me to kill you, I will. You have my word, Lucius. Whatever you decide after this, I will let you. But this kingdom needs you now. Let’s save Kalmerus, for Patrea, for Luther."

I closed my eyes and stopped myself from tearing up. For Patrea and for Luther.

"Are you coming with me?" I asked her, the moment my eyes snapped open.

"Tam. And Adan too." She answered.

"Who will protect Patrea?" I asked again.

"I will," Blade answered from behind me. "I don’t have any fucking magic, but I have a wolf and a strong witch with me. We will find a way to protect Patrea."

“With your life," I told him as I turned around to face him.

"With our lives." He added before he extended his hand for me to take.

I looked at it before I clasped mine with his as we shook hands, firmly sealing the promise he made to me.

"Do you still have the coin Patrea gave you?" Lucy asked Blade.

"In my pocket," he answered before he slid his hand into his back pocket and showed me the coin that I gave Patrea. I had no idea how it got to him, but I didn’t care anymore.

"Use it if you need help or if something changes in Patrea’s condition. Do not hesitate to summon Lucius." Lucy instructed him.

He clutched the coin tightly and nodded his head. I walked past him and went back to my bedroom. I asked Althea to allow me a moment with Patrea.

I could still see the anger and pain in her eyes, but she didn’t say anything and just moved away from her grandmother’s side.

She had every reason to be mad at me. I did all of this to Patrea.

I let my eyes wander over her body. They had dressed her in along black dress. But I wish they had chosen a different color, but maybe it was a color that perfectly described how Lucija and Althea feel at the moment.

After a while, I sat beside Patrea and placed a soft kiss on her forehead before letting my lips brush against hers, kissing her gently before I whispered another ‘I love you’ in her ear, hoping that wherever her soul was at the moment, she could hear that.

I rose from her bed and turned around to find Stone and Lucija already in their demon forms, ready for the impending attack. My heart and mind were still not on it, but I had a duty to fulfill. I needed to keep Kalmerus safe, at least for Luther.

I nodded at them, and we walked out of the chamber together, leaving Althea and Blade to look after Patrea. I cast a strong protective shield on my room before I left instructions to the three demon guards that would stay and guard this area. Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I then transported our bodies to the outside of the tower, where several of my demon guards were already geared up for the battle.

I looked at my armies before I connected my mind to the globe that held the energy I fed to my demons, opening its seal to distribute the remaining energy to everyone who would go to the battle with me, including the guards that would remain on the tower.

The moment the energy had been transferred, my demons roared, and I willed for my body to be raised in the air, letting the golden mark in my chest glow as I spoke to my demons.

"Sairemos e protexeremos a Kalmerus esta noite. Non se debe dar piedade aos demos que queren destruir o reino que construimos co noso propio sangue. Tueamus Kalmerus et futuram reginam Kalmerus tueamur!"

[We will go out and fight for Kalmerus tonight! No mercy should be given to demons who want to destroy the kingdom we built with our own blood! Let us protect Kalmerus and let us protect the future queen of Kalmerus!]

I didn’t need to explain further, as I knew everyone in my kingdom had been aware of Patrea’s presence in my life before I flashed them an image of her in my bed, unconscious with my mark glowing on her neck.

Another roar erupted around us as the ground shook with the intensity emitting from my demons’ bodies and souls.

"Et usque ad finem pugnabit! Pro Kalmero et Reginae nostrae!"

[We will fight to the end! For Kalmerus and for our Queen! ] My demons bellowed, and with a nod of my head, Strone and Lucy ascended their bodies beside me, with Lucija in between us. I didn’t give any more warning and transported my whole battalion to the border, where King Arturos awaited us.

[What do you need from my kingdom?] I asked King Arturos the moment I appeared at my side of the kingdom while he remained at his.

We had three acres between us, but we both knew that in split seconds, with our demon powers, we would be able to reach each other’s armies.

[I want my daughter’s body, or your kingdom will suffer!] He said it in an arrogant manner.

[Nyneve is dead, and her body is already rotting with the scum of hell. She knew what she was getting into when she stepped insideKalmerus and threatened my female.]

[Nyneve is my daughter! A king’s daughter! You have no right to take her life! You are not a god!] He roared, eyes blazing with fire, as one by one, his demons escalated from the ground and into the air, and I knew the battle had just begun. My eyes blazed red as my whole being was engulfed in fire. My adrenaline pumped up as I let my innermost demon take full control of me.

[You wanted war. I will give you war.] I mumbled and laughed despite myself before I launched forward and met one demon in the air. My hand aimed directly at his heart, which I ripped out in seconds, as everyone around me began jumping and elevating from the ground, ready to fight until death.


My eyes snapped open as my body jolted forward, making me rise from laying down.

I found myself sitting on a bed covered with black sheets in a place I had never seen before.

Wasn't I in Lucius’ bed a few minutes ago? Where am I now?

My hand went to my throat as it felt too dry. I was thirsty.

I looked around, but I couldn’t find anything to drink. In fact, the whole place looked too empty and too dark. The only visible thing I could see was the bed where I was seated.

"Hello... Anybody here? Lucius?" I called out, but I was met with silence.

The silence was eerie, and then, one by one, flames flickered all around the room as candles began to light up.

"Lucius?" I called again as my heart began thudding loudly. I couldn’t remember anything about how I got here. All I could remember was Lucius — that I missed him, and that I wished I had his coin so I could summon him to come for me.

"Can anybody hear me?" I shoved the blanket off my body as I was about to stand up from the bed when I heard a movement from the other side of the room, and a figure was slowly taking form in the dark.

I inched back until my back hit the headrest, giving me no more space to move. I clutched the blanket to my chest, trying to think of a spell to summon to protect me, but my mind was blank.

I couldn't remember any spells.

What’s happening with me?

"Who are you?" I asked when I finally found my voice, while the figure in the dark kept moving forward.


My heart stopped as my jaw dropped and tears welled up in my eyes. I knew this voice. I kept praying and wishing for her to reach me in my dreams.

Am I dreaming now?

"Adora?" I asked as the tears finally trickled down my face at the exact moment the figure came into the light, revealing the girl I was so longing to see.

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