
29. Stunned!

Author’s POV

Bella took a quick shower and head downstairs. She thought a lot about it, there are more cons than pros but she decided to tell him everything.

She started looking for Alexander but then she saw Lilly, her kitten. She was rubbing her head on her ankles.

Bella sat down and patted her head.

“I am very nervous, Lilly”

Bella said.

“I know Alexander will hate me for this… May be he will kill me but I can’t betray him anymore… Last night was more than just a night, he has really bounded me with him.”

Kitten meowled at her.

“I hope he will forgive me… Tonight I will leave this house… Amanda is coming back, his wife… I am no one. I don’t even exist for him.”

She said sadly.

“Will he forgive me for this… I swear Lilly, I had no intention to betray anyone but i had to do it for Jasmine and myself… I want to give her freedom, she deserves better life… I thought I will just do my work and will leave but things got messed up. I have started liking Alex which is wrong because he is married… And I can’t die because I need to live for Jasmine…”

She kissed her furry head.

“Wish me luck…”

Bella checked his study but he wasn’t there.

“Is Alex home?”

She asked his bodyguard.

“Yes, Capo is in the basement”

He replied.

“Which way?”

She asked.

“I don’t think you should go there”

He suggested.

“I am his wife”

She argued.

“Go straight… Turn left”

He replied.

Bella thanked him and head towards the basement.

Guard opened the door for her and she walked down the stairs. She quickly took a support of the dusty wall when she almost slipped from the stairs. Her nose scrunched due to weird smells. She turned right and took few steps. It was dimly lit but she can see everything properly.

She heard painful groan and quickly hid behind the wall which was separating two rooms. She peaked inside and her eyes widened with shock, she quickly clasped her mouth to muffle her scream.

She couldn’t believe her eyes whe she saw what Alexander is doing.

“Capo… Give me one last chance”

The man who was tied to the metal chair begged.

His shirt was covered in dirt and blood.

Alexander tusked at him. He placed the knife aside and leaned back in his chair. His sleeves were folded and hair was messy. He was too relax for the man who was begging him.

“Lie, Rider… You know how much I hate it.”

He shook his head and grabbed the pliers from the table.

“You know how much I loathe betrayer…”

He plucked his nail and the man screamed in agony.

Bella stood there Frozen looking at his heartless behavior.

“Just one chance, Capo… I was your trusted man.”

He cried.

Alexander sighed dramatically.

“That’s the problem Rider… You were my trusted man and still you betrayed me… To be honest, I would have given you second chance if you weren’t my best man…”

He plucked out his finger making him scream for mercy.

“But it’s hurts more when you get betrayed by the person who is dear to you… You hurt me now it’s my turn”

“Capo please”

He begged.

“I can forgive anything but not betrayal… You have to die, Rider…”

Alexander stood up and looked at his men.

“Make it painful”

He stood there as his men tortured him and Alexander was standing there with evil smile on his face.

Bella couldn’t recognise his, this isn’t the Alex which she spent night with. They tortured him until his soul left the body.

Bella ran outside before they see her, she locked herself in the washroom and cried her heart out.

“I can’t tell him anything, he will kill me”

She sobbed.

“I can’t die… Jasmine needs me”

She tried to calm down.

“He is a monster… He is killer. I can’t love him, he is not the one.”

She cried.

“I have to leave from here. He doesn’t need to know anything”

She changed her mind after watching that horrified scene.

“How can I be so stupid”

She grabbed her head in disbelief.

“How can I even think that he is a good person… Oh god! He is so cruel.”

She cried.

“I made peace with the fact that he is a mafia but like this?”

She said in disgust.

“How can he kill someone so brutally”

She gathered herself back and decided to get out of this situation with cool mind. She washed her face and walked out of her washroom.

She froze in her place when she saw Alexander standing in front of her.

“Were you looking for me?”

He asked and her breath hitched.

She looked at him, he has changed his bloody clothes. He is standing in front of her like he haven’t killed a man few minutes ago.

“Yes, but i couldn’t find you so came back”

She thanked herself for not stuttering. She is suddenly feeling unsafe around him. Within minutes his image changed completely in her eyes. Now she see only killer.

She stiffened when he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

“It’s been only few hours and I was dying to see you”

He mumbled in her neck.

“What are you doing to me, Bella”

He played with her curly strand.

“Where Were you?”

She asked wondering if he will answer honestly.

Alexander sighed.

“I had important online meeting…”

He looked at her and saw her mad expression.

He lied fluently which made Bella look at him like that.

He cupped her face.

“I am sorry, i know I left you in the bed but it was important… Are you mad at me for that?”

She shook her head. She has nothing to say, now she has started feeling unsafe around him. Scared that what if he hurt her like that man.

Alexander kissed her neck.

“I am addicted to you… You haven’t left my mind since morning.”

He started sucking on her neck.

She closed her eyes thinking she was on his mind when he was torturing that man. His scream is still in her ears.

Her eyes snapped open when his hand slide under her top. She tried to push him away.

“Alex, I got my periods today… I am not feeling well…”

She lied she lied and stepped back from him.

“Is that why you are in a bad mood?”

He asked and she nodded.

“Sorry, I won’t bother you… Do you need something to eat… Is it hurting?”

“I just want to sleep…”

She mumbled she was on verge of crying.

“Fine, Fine…”

He raised his hands in surrender.

He picked her up and placed her on the bed.

“Take a good sleep… I am going out, I have to go to the office…”

He kissed her forehead.

“When will you come back?”

She asked.

“I’ll be quite late… I have important meeting.”

He replied.

“Do you need anything?”

She shook her head.


Her eyes was capturing his face.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.


He patted her head and covered her with blanket.

“Take care…”

Bella started crying when he left. First time she liked someone with her heart and got heartbroken. She can’t trust a man who kills people for fun. As a woman she needs to think about her safety, he clearly told that man that he hates lies and after telling him everything she can’t guarantee her safety. Even if he forgive her, there is no guarantee that his behavior won’t turn abusive towards her.

She knows that he has that thing in him, he can abuse her. He has welcomed her in his life with slap, she can’t guarantee that it won’t happen in future. Her whole life she has been abused, she can’t do it her whole life.

She fell asleep while thinking about it and opened with jerk when she heard her phone ringing.

She looked at the watch and realized she has slept whole day. She quickly received the call.

“Hello, where the fuck are you Bella… We are waiting outside, I told you to wait here…”

Valentino scolded.

“Sorry, I am so sorry… Give me one minute”

She hurriedly left the bed and rushed outside.

Lilly crossed her way and mewled at her. She picked her up and kissed her head.

“I want to take you with me, Lilly but you are living better life here. Your mom is here. But will miss you…”

She kissed her head and placed her down.

She took a last glance at his room door and left the house. She ran towards the back door where Valentino and Amanda was waiting for her.

Bella stopped and looked at Amanda in disbelief.

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