Beauty and The Beta (Bailey)

Chapter 0262

Chapter 0262

I sat once more at the side of Bailey’s bed. Eden had left to go to collect the children so she could sort them for bed. It was already getting late, and I imagined they would already be sleeping, but Eden was adamant she needed them home with her. Telling me she would not settle if they were not there. I think, given everything that has gone on today, I can understand that.

I reached out and gently stroked back Bailey's dark curls. The curls she had tried so hard to hide for so long. I had no clue why. She looked amazing with them. “Come on beautiful.” I whispered, feeling silly speaking to her, but having a desperate need to talk. “Please come back to me. You know I can’t do this on my own anymore, right?”

I felt tears building in my eyes as I spoke, and I wondered if she did know. I think I had kept my emotions hidden from her… hell, I think I hid them from myself… or maybe had been in denial for so long. I gently took her hand in mine, stroking my thumb over her palm. “I mean it, Bai, this last day or so while you have been away I have felt like a part of me has been missing. And that part was you. I don’t think I had realized just how big this had become this quickly. You came into my life beautiful, and turned it upside down. I think I may have fought it, like the stubborn and crazy fool I am, but you coming into my life was the blessing I needed. I wouldn’t change it for the world now. Even if it means I have got to share my chocolate.” I smiled slightly, as I poured my heart out to her, totally unaware if she could hear me.

“But, I just make sure I buy extra chocolate for you now. Seeing that smile of yours when you get your chocolate… or anytime that smile appears on your face… well, it makes my heart melt. And don’t even get me started on that laugh of yours… my heart melts even more each time I hear that! Which is maybe a good thing as I was pretty sure my heart had turned to ice after everything I went through. I was a mess, Bai, and you with your sweetness… your kindness… just by being you, I think you were fixing me. I am begging you, beautiful, come back to me. I will spend my life doing all I can to make you happy. So I can see that smile and hear that laugh as much as possible. I don’t want you feeling scared again. Or being sad again.”

I looked up at her beautiful face, but still Bailey lay there, her eyes closed. There was absolutely no response to my words and I felt hollow inside despite the emotion in my words. I don’t think she has heard me, in spite of the fact I have told her everything I felt for her. Everything I should have told her before she went. Or even while she was away. I wish terribly now I had called her. Spoken to her... Opened up to her... So she knew what she meant to me. I would do anything for another chance right now…

I gently lifted her hand to my lips and placed a kiss on her hand. “I love you Bailey.” I whispered, a lone tear slipping from my eye. NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

As I placed Bailey's hand softly down onto the bed next to her, the door opened, and Morgan came rushing in, with Marc not far behind. “Oh, you are still here. Do you want me to sit with her a while?” Morgan asked, and I shook my head. I don't think I could bear to leave her. I needed to be here the moment she woke up.

Marc smiled at me. ‘You aren’t leaving her, are you?’ he mindlinked, and I shook my head again, making Marc continue. ‘When she is better you need to make this right, Ash. It is time to let Isla rest. You being happy doesn’t change anything with her. You understand that, right?’

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