Beauty and The Beta (Bailey)

Chapter 0245

Chapter 0245

The journey felt like it was lasting an eternity. But we had ditched Marc's car, he said, for an additional safety measure, so if Miles managed to get on our tails he'd at least be looking for the wrong car. Something I don't think I'd ever have considered in a bid to escape. Evidently, Marc was better skilled at this sort of thing than me. But as things were, the car ride was now calm and Marc seemed at ease, which told me things were likely good.

If he seemed on edge, which he had at the beginning, then I knew we had to worry. He had taken it upon himself to be the sole protector for Morgan and me right now, and he had been frequently reassuring Asher on the phone that he would be taking care of us before we cut the call.

I thought it was sweet he was so concerned about us... or maybe me. Perhaps the other day had been nothing more than an overreaction caused by a build up of emotions and a messed up mind... there was no denying my mind was messed up from all the stuff going on over the last few years! I needed to make it up to Asher when we got home.

'Wow. Home?' Akira questioned with a hint of sarcasm in her tone. 'Already set then are we? Decided Autumn Valley is our home?' she was so clearly teasing, and I chose not to respond.

Yet, I found myself smiling at her words. I hadn't even considered my thoughts then. But, it was my home right now, regardless of where my pack may be. However, I have to say, I felt more content in Autumn Valley Pack than I did in Lotus Shadow Pack. Happier... and more settled. And, I think so much of that was because of Asher. The more I think about what he said on the phone, I think I do want him to speak with the Alpha. Formally take me into the pack. I just wish I had asked sooner. I have no doubt Luna Eden would have accepted without a second's thought, especially if I had explained my reasoning for leaving my home pack.

I glanced down at the buzzing phone in my hand to see a message from Harley. And I released a long breath of relief as I opened the message.

Just a quick one, 'sweetcheeks' haha. It is Dana, here, Harley is driving, but I wanted to let you know that we are on our way back to our pack. Harl delayed that psycho as best as he could, but I didn't want to put him at risk, or at least not for too long, not with the baby on the way. He did fight valiantly though. We escaped in your Dad's car, leaving it at the packhouse, to collect our own. As we left Miles, your brother and Ellis arrived, so Harl said hopefully they had delayed him even longer or took him back to the packhouse.

It was so nice meeting you. Though I won't lie, I wish we never accepted the offer of an invite to the wedding now, but think they invited all pack members and former pack members, and Harley had wanted a chance to see you were okay, and it meant I got a chance to meet you. We will arrange something soon. Just wanted to let you know we are okay.


I smiled as I read her message, so relieved they were on their way home, and they were safe. That had been weighing heavily on my mind since the moment we had left them ready to battle with Miles. I know how he fights, and it definitely is not fairly. But,

y. But, the fact that Ellis and Jordan had then come along meant it was likely Miles had been taken back to the packhouse. That had to be good for us. It meant we had so much more of a chance to get back to Autumn Valley safely with no further issues. I snuggled into the seat, planning to snooze for a little while as I was more than shattered after the stress after today. I would reply to Dana and Harley when I get home...

Suddenly, I was swung into the door of the car, jerking me awake. I blinked, quickly trying to adjust my eyes, as I heard Morgan scream. "Be careful!" "I'm trying!" Marc growled.

Through sleepy eyes I could see the fear upon Marc's face, as I saw him battling to get the car back under control. "Are you okay?" I asked, knowing it was the silliest of questions because right now the car was swerving back and forth across the road. Marc appeared to have lost control of it.

"Someone just appeared in front of the car. He swerved to miss them, but I think he hit something else." Morgan said, her voice trembling with nerves.

My heart was pounding heavily as I

looked out of the window, trying to get a glance at what Marc had hit, but could see nothing. But as I looked around, I was sure the road was familiar, this was the road to town from Autumn Valley, I was sure of it, Set deep within the forests, the road running through the middle of the trees, it felt suddenly intimidating. Imposing. We needed to get out of here. Stopping here would not be a good idea, even with a warrior by our side. But, suddenly, the car came to a screeching halt, the engine making a strange hissing noise.

Morgan looked back at me, terror within those beautiful eyes of hers. "We will be okay, right?"

"Course you will. I am here, baby. And I can fix cars." Marc said with a shrug. "I just need to see what damage there is." And with that he stepped from the car, flipping the bo to go and see if he could fix the car. I truly hoped he could. I did not want to be here too long, especially with the fact it was getting darker now...

My eyes were frequently falling into the darkness of the forest either side of us, something that normally I found great calmness in. Always loving running through the trees, or relaxing as I sat enjoying the stillness and calm of the forest. The peace and quiet. The sereneness. But today the forest felt nothing but dangerous.

"Should I call Asher?" I suggested to Morgan, who was still sitting in the car with me. "He may be able to come and help?" I suggested, and she nodded eagerly.

But as I glanced down at my phone, I

realized there was no service. IOwned by NôvelDrama.Org.

couldn't call him, and I think we would be too far out for Marc to use his mind link too. Right now, we were isolated within the forest, while Marc fixed the car. My heart dropped as I looked out of the car once more, as I was certain there were eyes out in the forest watching us...

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