Beauty and The Beta (Bailey)

Chapter 0235

Chapter 0235

My heart would not stop pounding within my chest from the moment Miles had appeared. The heaviness in the pit of my stomach had only increased as he mindlinked while we drove away with a threatening promise. 'I am coming for you.' That was enough to warn me of what was to come. He was not going to let me go easily.

Having Harley and Dana offer to hold him back so we could make our escape meant the world. I wasn't surprised at Harley, he had always been protective, but now I was terrified for them. I could not take my mind off them and what could be their final fate. Miles had already proven the damage he could do. He had brought Harley so close to death once before, and that had been for no real reason... this time, he was helping me escape. This time he likely saw it as a reason to kill Harley, and that terrified me.

"Bai, just try to be calm." Marc's voice sounded far away despite being in the driver's seat, with how unfocused my mind was right now. "I can hear your heart from here. We need to get a good head start, and things will be okay."

Morgan turned to look at me, and gave me a sad smile. "I know you are thinking of Harley and Dana, but they will be okay." She whispered, but the uncertain expression on her face told me she wasn't quite as sure as she was trying to imply by her words. She knew what Miles was capable of. She knew they were in serious danger right now.

"What if they aren't? Miles will be on a mission. We should have stayed." I chewed my lower lip in anxiousness, knowing now we should never have left them. We should have fought him together. We may have stood a chance then. "Maybe we should go back."

"Not a chance." Marc's voice boomed. "I am not putting you girls in danger. And, as horrible as it is, Bai, going back won't help them. Not now."

"But Harley and Dana could die. They are having a baby." I urged, hoping he would see sense. We needed to go back. "Marc, please. We could work together to bring him down. We can't just leave them."

"Harley wanted to do this, Bailey. He made that choice. He knows what Miles can do. But he still stood up to protect you both." Marc said calmly. "And Dana agreed without hesitation. They are both warriors through and through. There to protect, and that is what they wanted to do for you. So just let them! Besides, I can't see that Miles will want to hang around battling to the death, he will want to come looking for you, which is why it is important we get away."

Morgan looked toward her mate nervously, but she nodded in agreement. "Actually, I think Marc could be right. Miles will want to get on his way. He will want to make sure he can follow us and not be far behind. Staying and fighting for too long will only hold him up. So, are we going a different route?"

I raised my brows in surprise at my sister's initiative, as Marc nodded. "Already on it, beautiful. I will be taking the longer routes back rather than the direct route. Regularly changing it up, to allow some confusion if he was to be on our tail. Also, we are stopping in the next town to hire a car, and I will get one of the guards to come with me to collect mine when things have settled down. Because Miles will be looking for this truck, not a different one."This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Everything they said made sense, but right now I couldn't help but worry. I still didn't know if my Dad was okay. Still no closer to knowing what had gone on in the packhouse, and now we were out of the area where our pack mindlink would work, so I had no way of being able to contact him easily unless I called or messaged him. And my Dad wouldn't be able to reply if things were still going down or he was handling the aftermath...

And as for Harley... well, I don't even know what to think. I could only pray that he hadn't lost his life because of me. Especially not after finding his mate... and with a new baby on the way. I felt tears prickling my eyes.

I could feel eyes upon me and met Marc's gaze momentarily in the rear-view mirror, before he looked back at the road. "I know you are worried, but we needed to get you away Bailey. Put yourself first for once, okay?"

Morgan nodded. "He is right. You know if Miles gets you, you will be stuck with him. I am scared for you. Who knows what his plans could be?"

I ignored her statement, not even wanting to consider the outcome if Miles were to find me. I could not allow that to be an option. "Morgan, what about Dad?" I pushed her. "We don't even know if he is okay. We don't know what was happening in the packhouse."

She let out a deep breath. "No, we don't. But let us be logical Bai, Miles came to the house, didn't he? So we know he wasn't at the packhouse. anymore, causing carnage. And if anything major had happened to Dad, we would have been told. And if he had died, we would have felt the family bond snap. We would have felt it. We didn't. So, we should assume he is okay."

Marc smiled across to his mate with a nod. "Exactly. Now, Bai, do you want to call Asher and let him know what has gone on, or do you want me to?"

Asher? He wanted us to let Asher know about all this? I could only imagine what he might think...

“Asher?” I questioned, a little wobble to my voice and saw Marc smirking.


"Wow, you have been away a few days and you have already forgotten him? You know, the tall, dark, kind, handsome Beta... mean and moody Marc said as Morgan. began to chuckle. "Terrifying gaze... no sense of humor... abs to die for, well generally a body to die for... which I imagine he has shown you by now." He winked at me now, as I glared at him.

Morgan covered her mouth with her hand, holding back her giggles, as I then moved my glare to her. “Neither of you are funny. Why would I have forgotten him?"

“Aww, is that because you loooovvveee him?" Morgan teased, and I found myself frowning at her now. She was so embarrassing. Acting like a teenager.

"Not funny."

Marc was smirking. "Whether you love him or not is irrelevant right now, but I am sure it would mean the world to him if you did. But, I want to let him know what is going on, he will be waiting for an update. I messaged him while at the house."

I looked at him in shock. Just how much had he been messaging Asher while we had been away? Did he already know everything that had happened? "You told him?"

"Of course. He cares for you, Bailey. He is worried And he replied saying focus on getting you away, then let him know what was happening. He will be desperate to know you are okay Me, meh" he shrugged, nonchalantly. "Probably not so much. But, regardless, we should call him. So, you doing it, or am I?"


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