Beauty and The Beta (Bailey)

Chapter 0182

Chapter 0182

I rushed through the packhouse after being notified of my sister's arrival. A small part of me was a little apprehensive to see her after everything that had happened between us, but mainly I was excited. Looking forward to seeing her. Having not seen any family since my move here. Upon our arrival back at the packhouse Asher had decided it would be better for him to let me go and sort my room for my sister alone, telling me if he returned to my room with me, he would not be able to promise what he would do, which made me giggle.

As I stepped out into the late afternoon sunshine, I saw Morgan's car pull up, and she wasted no time in jumping out and flinging herself at me, "Aww Bai Bai, I am so glad to see you!" she squealed, just as Asher and Alpha Caleb walked around the corner, making my cheeks flush with color, especially at her using the nickname from when I was a lot younger.

I saw Asher smile as they approached. Before, Morgan decided to humiliate me even further. "You look so much better with your hair like that, you know? Less 80s glam rock star. More modern and almost chic." She grinned at me, and I could see she was teasing, but I rolled my eyes at her, my hair was far from that frizzy, it was naturally curly, a little difficult to tame, but still I heard Alpha Caleb chuckle.

"I assume this is your sister, Bailey?" he asked, as the two of them were almost next to us now, and there would have been no denying they had heard my delightful sister's final comment.

I nodded to agree with the Alpha and he smiled. "Beta Asher did say she was arriving today. Welcome to the pack."© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Morgan smiled politely. "Thank you for letting me visit my sister. I am surprised you'd want her here. What with all the drama she causes." She chuckled, and I looked at her with a stare, hoping she might realize I did not share my past with the pack, and she giggled awkwardly. "Joking, obviously."

While Asher was eyeing my sister warily now. This was not the best start to her visit...

"I don't think she has caused any drama, and she is a wonderful teacher." Alpha Caleb said with a polite smile to Morgan, who rolled her eyes playfully.

"Yeah, so everyone says." She nodded. "But she should be, always having her head in a book to make sure she would get her qualifications, right Bai?"

Asher's face was etched into a frown now, telling me he did not particularly like my sister right now. "I think that would be considered quite admirable, actually." He stated with a sideways glance at my sister, who looked a little startled. And even the Alpha looked a little surprised at Asher defending


"Oh, definitely." Morgan smiled sweetly. "I didn't mean it in a negative way. Bailey was always different to the rest of us. She was a bit boring, and loved studying. I'd rather be out enjoying my time with friends. Having fun." She shrugged.

"All about perspective, I suppose." Asher stated bluntly. "And what you perceive as boring, personally, I'd consider it as being dedicated to her future goals." He defended me once more, and I could feel my cheeks flushing.

Morgan looked at me, seeming unsure what to reply, so she simply nodded and said. "I guess."

I could feel Asher's eyes on me, and I was desperate to get away before Morgan or the Alpha noticed. "Well, it was nice to see you both." I smiled at the Alpha and Asher. "Please tell Luna Eden I will come and see her and the little ones again soon." I added, and Alpha Caleb grinned at me.

"Ah, she will be happy, she keeps

asking after you. You seem to be her new texting buddy. It would be so much easier to formally make you a pack member, Bailey, then you could mindlink one another. Though you'd probably never get any peace from Eden then. I know I don't!" he grinned at me, and I smiled in response.

If I was honest, the thought of being a formal pack member here sounded like heaven to me. Formally leaving my pack and being part of such a wonderful pack and


community here would be truly amazing. Not to mention, I loved my job here, and now things were the way they were with Asher, and the potential of them developing. I was excited about my future. But, I knew in order to leave my pack I was going to need my Alpha's permission, and that was always going to be difficult... Content

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“Come on then Morgan, let us get your things, I will show you to my room." I told my sister, who was watching me, as I looked shyly at Asher, who was smiling at Alpha Caleb's words too.

Morgan waved toward the Alpha and Asher, as we moved toward the trunk of her car, before she looked at me. "So, what is with the moody one?" she demanded.

I smirked. "What do you mean?"

"I think his face would crack if he smiled, that is even assuming he knows how to smile." She said as she pulled her bags from the trunk and I tried hard to hold back my laughter. Her thoughts were almost the same as mine and Akira's had been when we had first met Asher when we had arrived. Asher really did not give off the best first impressions...

"Aww, he isn't too bad." I told her with a smile.

Akira giggled. 'Easy for you to say, he likes you!'

'I should hope he does!' I told her. 'Considering the things we have been doing!'

She giggled once more. 'Oh he does. I think we got him good!'

"There something you not telling me?" Morgan asked me with curiosity, and I looked at her innocently.

"No idea what you mean." I shrugged, not wanting to go into all this right now, especially with others around who may hear. "Let me show you to my room."

Morgan and I grabbed her bags as she closed the trunk and locked her car. Before we walked into the packhouse. She looked a little deflated, I have to say. Despite her brashness as she had arrived, she did not look herself. I sighed, "Are you doing okay, Morgan?"

She slowly shook her head. "Not the best Bai, I can't lie. I wish I had stayed away from him. Wait until you hear the things he has done!"

I knew now the next few days with her here were likely going to be difficult...

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