Be My Wifey Or Lose Your Job

Chapter 48 Mother of my kids

★Ten days later★


“What if I tell you I don’t want you to go?”Janelle asked as she walks toward George in the dinning room.

He was dressed up, ready for work.

“Then, you will have to let me go.”he replied.

She scoffed and sat down.

She took a berry from the plate of berries on the table and dropped it in her mouth.

“This taste so good.”

“Right?. By the way, don’t you think you’re….. like adding weight, or is it my eyes?”George asked.


“Yeah. Your cheeks are so chubby and…”

Janelle raised her eyes up in surprise and touched her cheek.

“But then, I think it’s just signs that testifies to the fact that I’ve been taking care of you.”he grinned.

“Hey, don’t flatter yourself too much. You didn’t allow me to get spicy noodles last night.”She whined.

“Really?, when?”

“Do you want a punch?”she balled her hand in a fist.

“Ah, no.”he shook his head.

“I’ve been feeling dizzy lately also. I guess I will have to see the doctor sooner or later but I think it might be from the drugs I am using.”

“Oh, then. I think so too.”he smiled.

He checked his wristwatch and clicked his wristwatch and clicked his tongue.

“Time to go”he stood up.

“Bye…”she waved at him.

“You should at least escort me to the park”he scoffed.

“I don’t wish too. I’m too tired.”

“You’re always tired.”he huffed and left.

She moved to the living room with plate of fried potatoes and a bottle of orange juice and turned the TV on.

She changed the channel to Soap Opera and crashed down on the sofa.


“Luce!”she called.

Luce came out almost immediately.

“Do you need anything, ma’am?”

“Yeah. More fries. Another drink”she handed the empty plate and emptied bottle to him.

“You finished the potatoes in no minutes?”Luce was surprised.

“They are not that very much before..”Janelle rolled her eyeballs.

Luce collected both the plate and bottle from her.

She moved to the kitchen but sudden stopped and stared back at Janelle.

She tilted her head.

Something is off about her.

She’s been eating a lot this days and she’s been becoming more lazy.

She’s always complaining about being tired every now and then..

Could it be possible that she is …..

Well, time will tell.

She went back in to get some fried potato for her and a bottle of juice.


Janelle later slept off in the living room with the TV still turned on.


“Alright… I need lunch. Like, I’m hungry. Guilia, Luce, don’t you guys think something is wrong with me?. I’ve been eating a lot this days, sleeping alot and getting constantly tired. What could he wrong with me?”This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Janelle walked inside the kitchen that afternoon.

“Actually, I also think so. You’re getting all fatter and all. Wait, your breasts are getting bigger and..”Luce let’s out.

“This could only mean one thing”Guilia completed.

“What’s that?”Janelle asked.

Her legs were wobbling and her eyes aren’t doing justice to her. She suddenly felt weak.

She held the sink for support.

“Pregnancy!”Luce and Guilia exclaimed.

Janelle’s hand slips from the sink and she glides down to the ground.

“Ma’am Janelle!!!!!!”


“Mrs Farland, can you see me?. How many fingers I’m I holding?”Janelle’s eyes were half opened and it keeps closing on its own accord.

They opened again and a blur image of the doctor appeared.

His voice sounds so distant.. like, very afar.

She tried sitting up but she felt a constant headache and she went back to lying down.

“Can you see me?. What’s the colour of the cloth I’m putting on?”the doctor asked, waving his hand on her face.

At that moment, all she could say was;


George swooped in simultaneously, breathing faster.

“What’s…. what’s wrong with her?”

“George”she calls and her eyes closed finally.


George walks into the doctor’s office, looking all sullen.

“Mr George”the doctor called with a smile.

The doctor stood up and handed him an envelope.

“What’s this?”George scoffs.

“Open it and see yourself”he replied.

George opened the envelope and examined it with his eyes quickly.

Something caught his attention.

“A week pregnancy?”he asked.

“Yes!. Congratulations, Mr Farland. Your wife is a week gone.”

George was overwhelmed with joy.

He threw a punch up in the air.

“Yes!”he jumped up in excitement.


★ Nine months later ★


“I want chocolates. George, get me some chocolates”Janelle said.

“What?, chocolates?. Then why didn’t you say that when I went to get some ice cream??”he complained.

He look tired.

“Are you asking me?. You should be asking the baby!. Gosh!.”

“You are always blaming it on the baby. You’ve ordering me around and i haven’t got a chance to finish my work!”he closed his laptop angrily.

“Are you even supposed to be working right now that your babies is hungry than ever?. Do you think I’m the one eating all this?, it’s the baby.”she pouted.

George stood up angrily and went down to get some chocolates in the fridge.

He returned back and gave it to her.

“Awn, you’re such a nice husband. Baby… your father is really nice.”Janelle collected the pack of chocolates and rubbed her protruding belly.

George rolled his eyes.

“Hun.. he kicked.”she gasped.

“Awn, he really likes his dada.”she grins.

George smiles and drop on a crouch and touched her belly before kissing it.

“Dada loves you too, pumpkin”

He kicked again.

They looked at each other and smiled.

Janelle suddenly felt a sharp pain and she winced.

She felt something wet in between her legs and she gasped..

“George…, it’s time.. my water broke… it’s time….”

Now, the pain took her really bad.

George’s eyes bulged out of its sockets and he quickly went to grab his car keys and went to carry her in a bridal style then rushed down the stairs.

“Luce, Guilia…. the baby is coming out, get his stuffs and join me in the car!!!”he yelled out to them as he rushed out to the garage.


George stood outside the labour room.

He was pacing tho and fro.

From each cried she heard from Janelle, he kept getting more restless and wished he could go in and support her.

He felt bad because she is the only one bearing the pains.

He wished he could take all the pains and bears it for her.

“She would be fine, George. She would.”Janelle’s mom walked up to him.

“I’m… just feeling bad she’s the only one there, feeling the pains.. I…”he sniffed in and quickly wiped his eyes.

“Then, you should help her with prayers.


A baby cries filled the whole room at exaxtly 8:00pm.

They all ululated.

“The baby is out!”a nurse exclaimed in the room.

They all walked to the door.

Soon, the door opened and the doctor’s face popped out.

“Congratulations! Your wife has delivered safely”he broke the good news to them.

The women hugged theirselves in joy.

George bursted into tears. Tears of joy. He palmed his face.

“Can… can I see them?”he asked.

“Of course. But, you will have to put on a coat and gloves before you can go in”


George was given a coat and gloves to put on by a nurse.

He walks inside the room slowly and when he got to Janelle’s bed side, he saw her look-in tired than ever.

“We made it, George”she smiles weakly.

He palmed his face and turned away and snivelled.

“Yes, we made it. And, it’s all thanks to you.”He wiped the tears that fell out of his eyes.

A nurse came to give the baby to him.

He collected it, carefully.

He stares at his face.

“He is beautiful”he sniffed in.

“Look at him sleeping so peacefully.. I love him.”

“He is so small and lovely. He is an egg that shouldn’t fall down. He..”he busted into tears again.

The nurses left, giving them space.

The baby whines, raising his little hand.

George was overwhelmed.

“Do you remember me?. I’m your dada”

The baby’s little mouth stretched into a smile.

George looked up at Janelle.

“He smiled”he said.

Janelle only nodded but with a smile.

He looked down at him again.

“How come he only looks like you?.”he pouted.

“Don’t worry, the coming girl will look like you”

“Coming girl?”

“Yes. Our next child”

“I like that”he grins at her and looked down at the baby again.

He took his hand which was balled and slowly inserts his between it and kissed it.

“Should we name him Nathaniel?”

“That sounds good. Nathaniel.”

~ Two days later ~

It was a beautiful day, beautifully morning.

It was the day Janelle will be coming home with the baby.

George took them home in his car.

When they arrived, the guards, both Luce and Guilia were all waiting for them eagerly.

They greeted them warmly and excitedly.

Guilty and Luce went to get the baby stuffs from the boot of George’s car.

George led Janelle to the room and opened the door for her to get in.

She paused by the door.

The room looks different.

“Did you took the shelf away?”

“Well, yes. I took it to the study room. Did I do bad?. I can return…”

“I like it.”she smiled and walked in.

She went to lay Nathaniel in his crib.

She turned when she heard approaching steps.

George came to stood beside her.

She placed her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his left arm around her.

“He is a cutie”she commented.

“He is.”he replied.


Families and friends came visiting later in the day.

“Congratulations to you, Mr and Mrs McFarland”Ren came around and gave Janelle the present he got for their son.

“Thanks. By the way, where is Diana?. Shouldn’t you come together?”

“Ah… we…”

“Janelle!!!”Diana’s voice rang behind Ren.

She rushed towards her to hug her but stopped when she sees that she is carrying a baby.

“Wow. This baby is cute!. He looks so much like his dad!”Diana said.

“You think so?. I think he looks like her mom.”George replied.

“He looks like a combination of you both tho. But he looks more like his mom.”

George excused himself to attend to other guests.

“Alright. I will just go to the kitchen to get some water. My lungs are dried. Congratulations to you, bestie. You’re now a mother.”she pecked Janelle’s cheek and went to the kitchen.

Luce and Guilia were out attending to the guests needs.

She took a glass cup and filled it with some water and drank it in a go.

“Hi”she heard Ren’s voice behind her.

She didn’t turn around.

She refiled her cup with water again.

“You must be pretty thirsty.”he says.

“Yeah?”she shrugs.

She turned to look at me.

“Where’s your girlfriend?”

“We ended it last night”

“Oh”she mouthed and turned back.

“She says I’m always mistaking her name for yours which is quite through. She says I still love you but just wouldn’t admit which is…”he paused.

She stared at him.

“Quite through. You’ve been in my head all this while. I just couldn’t get you outta my head.”

Diana quickly looked away from him.

“But, we’ve broken up. There’s…”

“Let’s start afresh. I still love you, Diana. I.. just think I Don deserve you, that’s the reason I let you go. I was coward but I’m not going to be one ever again should you give me another chance”

She turned to him.

“And, you think i…”

He quickly plant a soft kiss on her lips.

“There, the feelings are still there. Let’s start afresh again, Diana.”he says with pleading eyes.

Diana looked down.

He raised her chin up so she could look him in the eyes.

“What did you say?”he whispered.

“You’ve always have an effect on me”

“You too. So, please, say yes.”


He smiled.

“Thanks for saying yes”he pecked her cheeks.

“So, should we continue our wedding plans?”

“We really should”


After everyone has left, George and Janelle went to sit under an umbrella by the poolside.

“He is so big. No wonder you’ve been eating a lot.”George commented looking at Nathaniel.

“See?. I told you. I wasn’t the one eating all this stuffs. He sure like food.”

A moment passed.

“You’ve been an amazing woman Janelle, which I well appreciate. Through you, I get to know marriage isn’t about bed of roses, I get to know that there will be a lot of ups and downs in marriage, I get to know that not every day will run smooth but with your love, mine, our love, it will go smoother. I’ve really learnt alot.”

“You’ve been an amazing husband also. Words alone can’t explain how happy I am to have a husband like you.”

“Thanks for being my Requested Wife and for being the mother of my kids”

“Thanks for being my husband also.”

Nathaniel suddenly started crying.

“And, I guess he is hungry again”Janelle smiles.

“Yeah. He loves sucking alot. Duty calls, wifey, duty calls”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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