Be My Wifey Or Lose Your Job

Chapter 31 Fuck Lewis. Fuck George.

Wh… what?…., George!. You can’t just jump to a conclusion like that. I have nothing to do with that man. He’s just my boss”

“The one you’ve been engaged with in a office romance that makes you deny satisfying your husband’s wants”he scoffed.

Lewis came out of the room and he smirked.

“Meet me in the office when you done with your… your whatever”he says and walked away.

“And I’m guessing you lied to him that I’m not your husband.”

“Take a deep breath, George, take a deep breath and get back to your senses”

George eyed her and walked away.

Janelle balled her fist in a ball and brushed down her hair.

She stomped to Lewis office and barged.

“Are you crazy?, are you mad?. Who do you think you are to meddle inside my business?.”she yelled.

“I guess he left. Listen, if you accept my offer, I promise to always trust you even in the…”

She charged towards him and slapped him hard across the face.

“Let’s this be the last time Mr, no, Lewis.. let this be the last time you would ever do this and also, even if the world is short of men, I won’t even think of marrying you. Idiot, fool, bastard, psycho, rubbished man… you have your wife at home so why still chasing after another man’s. Men like you are never satisfied. I wonder what your wife sees in you anyway cause you’re a nonentity in my eyes. I wonder how you manage to get to this position, probably by bribing. I will be the end of you, don’t worry”she says and stomped out angrily.


“You came earlier than I expected”Betty said seeing George .

He didn’t respond. He made his way to his office and sat down then buried his face in his palms.

Why is it that he’s the one one getting hurt in the relationship?.


How chance she always hurt him. How!.

“Sir”he heard Betty’s voice.

“Just, just go away”he said.

“No, sir. You look down. What happens?. Is it about your wife again?”

“I. said. go. fucking. away!”he yelled at her.

Betty flinched and sighed.


She went out immediately.


Janelle went to a bar after work to have a drink.

She sat on a stool and ordered for a drink.

The barman slides the glass to her and she grabs it as he pours the drink inside.

After he was done, she carried it and gulped it down in a Go.

She slammed the empty cup on the table and smiled.

“More”she demanded and the man gave more to her.

She keep asking for more and the man keep giving it to her, more.

After a long while, she stood up and carried her bag.

“Your money, miss?”

“Oh….”she smiled and opened her bag while staggering forth and back.

She brought out her purse and gave him some notes then staggered out of the bar.

When she got to the roadside, she flagged down a cab.

The cab stopped in front of her.

She struggles to open the door and when she finally did, she jumped in.

“Wohoo!. I can jump!”she laughed hysterically.

“Close the door, miss”

“Hey… you don’t tell me what to do. Fucking drive me to my house!”she shouted and laughed afterwards.

Okay, what the hell?.

The cabman stepped out to close the door and returned after wards.

“Where to?”

“To my house”

“Where’s your house?”

“It’s in my house!”she laughed.

The cabman cursed under his breath.

She’s really drunk, isn’t she?.

Why would a lady drink to stupor fully aware that she could be taken advantage of?.

He’s had a very long day and all he just want right now is to go home and have a goodnight rest but he can’t leave her like this.

If he does, someone might really take advantage of her state.


“Give me your phone”he demanded.

“Yes sir”she saluted and burps.

She opened her bag and rummaged through her things.

“I think I left my bag at home, oh, oh oh oh…. I brought my shoe instead oh oh oh”

The man opened his mouth slightly and shook his head.

“Hand over the bag to me, I will search for it myself”

“No!, are you deaf?, I said I left my bag at home.. I only have my shoes here!”

“Alright, give me your shoe, I want your shoe”

“Yeah, that’s it. But then, you will have to pay but I will give you free of charge..”she threw the bag on his face.

He sighed and opened it.

He picked up her phone and went to her call log.

She searched for a possible number to call.

He saw a number saved with *sweet hubby* and started dialing it.

The line rang for a long moment without and actual response.

The line ended and he called it again.

The same thing happened. No one picks the call.

He dialed it the second time having it in mind that if the person did not pick it again, he will call another person.

First ring. Second ring. Third ring. Fourth ring…. fifth ring…

He moved his hands forward to the red button but moved it back immediately the line got connected.

“What?”the person says.

“What??”the man asked.

“Who is this?”

“I’m just a cab man. I saw your… your wife I think on the road and she looks really drunk and she didn’t even know her way back home so I decided to…”

“What?, where are you?”

“In front of a bar but I can drive her home, all you just need to do is to give me an address..”


“Leaving your wife all alone in the night is very risky, sir. I can’t just imagined what could have happened given that someone else saw her and decided to take advantage of her”

“That won’t happen. And, if it does, the person is sure to die”George replied.

He gave the man a wad of money with *thanks.

“Wow, all this for me?. Thank you so much sir”

“More thanks to you”George says and lead a drunk Janelle inside the house.

He led her inside the living room and she slumped on the couch.

“Wow… cool, cool, cool …”she smiled.

“I love this place….”

“Let’s go to the bedroom. You can’t sleep here”

“Well, who says so?. I can!”

“Stop it, Janelle. Don’t stress me too much. I have a lot of work on my neck already so just do the damn I say”

“Okay, okay…”she sat up and smiled and turned to the direction of the kitchen.

She went to the fridge and grabbed two can of drinks that contains alcohol also.

She went back to the living room and sat down on the floor, resting her back against the chair.

She opened the can and gobbled it down.

“What are you doing?”George asked with a scoff.

What’s up with her tonight.

“Let me die. Let me just die. Don’t worry, you can always put the blame on me”

“No body is killing you or is going to put a blame on your head. Just you get up and let’s go to our room”

She belched loudly and threw her head back on the chair.

*As life goes on I’m starting to learn more and more about responsibility I realize that everything I do is affecting the people around me So I wanted to take this time out To apologize for things that I’ve done And things that haven’t occurred yet And things that they don’t wanna take responsibility for I’m sorry for the times that I left you home I was on the road and you were alone I’m sorry for the times that I had to go I’m sorry for the fact that I did not know That you were sitting home just wishing we Could go back to when it was just you and me I’m sorry for the times I would neglect I’m sorry for the times I disrespect I’m sorry for the wrong things that I’ve done I’m sorry I’m not always there for my sons I’m sorry for the fact that I’m not aware That you can’t sleep at night when I am not there Because I’m in the streets like everyday I’m sorry for the things that I did not say Like how you are the best thing in my world And how I’m so proud to call you my girl I understand that there’s some problems And I’m not too blind to know All the pain you kept inside you Even though you might not show If I can’t apologize for being wrong Then it’s just a shame on me I’ll be the reason for your pain And you can put the blame on me You could put the blame on me You could put the blame on me You could put the blame on me You could put the blame on me Said you could put the blame on me Said you could put the blame on me Said you could put the blame on me You could put the blame on me *she sang the popular song – You can put the blame on me by Akon unconsciously.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she drifted to sleep.


*Next morning

The birds chirped and flies around in the compound.

There’d been a powerful rain the other night so everywhere is wet and silent.

The aroma of roasted chicken hit Janelle’s nostrils and her eyes snapped open.

She squinted her eyes and sat up.

She felt like an heavy load is on her head.

She whimpers and adjusted on the couch.

Wait, what?.

She slept on the couch?.

Oh… what happens tho?

She remembers getting drunk and she gasped

She must have acted stupid!.

Oh. Getting drunk just isn’t made for someone like her.


She stood up and walked to the kitchen were the pleasant aroma was coming from.

She met George in the kitchen and she wowed.

He look so good in the apron, more handsome.

This is the second time she would be seeing him like this.

First was on their honeymoon and she must admit, he is good, more good than she could ever be.

George felt a presence and turned back.

“Hi, hello”he greeted and turned back to what he was doing.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

She moved closer to him and smiled.

“I like roast chicken”

“Nope. The roast chicken for me. And, chicken noodles soup for you. It will help you greatly in your hangover”he replied.

“What?, I don’t want that.”she pouted.

“Well, then. You can as well as prepare the food you wanna watch by yourself. And, I’m out of here”he said after dishing out his food and walked away not after removing the apron he tied around his neck.


She followed him.

“What did you mean?”she asked him.

He sat down and grabbed a chicken then took a bite.

He didn’t reply her.

“George”she tapped his shoulder.


“I asked you what you mean by what you said earlier and also, why didn’t you carry me to our room last night?. You left me all alone sleeping on the chair”

“Oh, really?, I did?”he says.

She sighed.

“This is what you want now, huh?”

He doesn’t reply.

“Alright, I’m losing it already, do not let me go crazy”

“If your going crazy is about the chicken, I give it to you, you can take one and leave so I can have peace of mind”

Janelle folded her arms and smiled.

Nice one!.

She walked to the room.

She doffed her clothes and wrap a towel around herself then went to the bathroom.

She grabbed her toothbrush and brushed her mouth then after that she walked to the shower and stepped under it. She turned it on and cold water gushes out.


She stepped out and changed the water to warm.

She stepped back inside and the water rushed down on her body and she sighed.

This kinda calm her nerves a little.

Fuck George. Fuck Lewis.

She was gonna teach them both a lesson. Especially George.

All he knows is silent treatment every damn time he is angry…

She stood under the running shower for almost an hour then after that, she moved out and tied the towel around her body then moved out to the room.

She creamed her body and put on a red shirt with blue trousers.

She wore a black stiletto and applied a deep red lip gloss on her lips.

She packed her hair in a bun and curled the front.

She wore the silver earrings George got for her and wore her gold wristwatch. She took her blue bag alongside it.

She went to stand in front of the mirror.

She looks really pretty.

She smiled to her reflection before walking out.

Fuck Lewis. Fuck George.

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