Bargain Bride: The Billionaire’s Forced Wife

Giovanni’s Trial

OUTSIDE OF THE LAW COURT in Rome, various journalists from different media outlets gathered. Reporters were finding their own spaces to have a better scoop of one of the most famous trials in Italy: Giovanni Giordano’s trial.

Clicks from journalists and flashes from their camera can be seen and heard outside the law court. It’s still early in the morning, yet the crowd already filled the area. Some people even wanted to enter the court in order to see what’s happening.

The first people to arrive is the Leon Family. Sophia, together with her in-laws emerged from a van. All of them wore a poker face as they walked towards the entrance of the law court.

Hurriedly, the media personnels ran to them, blocked their way, and asked for some questions about the case. The guards of the Leon Family as well as those who were working for the government tried to block the journalists’ way towards the family. However, they were stubborn and determimed to get their statement that they even extended their arms to get to any member of the Leon family.

“Mrs. Sophia, how many years do you think will be given to Mr. Giovanni as a punishment?” one of the female reporters to squeezed herself between the guards asked as she put the black microphone towards Sophia.

The widow looked calm and looked at the reporter. “I hope for a life imprisonment,” she answered straightforwardly.

Another reporter, a male this time, used his height as an advantage to make his way towards the family. “Life imprisonment? Don’t you think that’s too much for a punishment, Madam Sophia?”

Sophia and her family continued on walking as she answered. “It’s not too much. Actually, that’s not enough for what he did to my husband,” she responded as they got near to the stairs that will lead them to the law court.

One journalist went to Marco’s mother. “Mrs. Leon Sr, do you think that the defendant will be proven guilty?”

Marco’s mother nodded while staring straight ahead. Her children helped her climb up the stairs as she has difficulties because of her old age. “I’m confident that we will get the justice that we want. We have enough evidences that could pin him,” she answered.

The other journalists would like to ask more questions and statements from them, however, the family already entered the law court, joining the other people inside.

“Please wait outside, and we’ll cater you later. Only one journalist per media can enter,” one of the marshalls spoke to the reporters who were eager to enter the court.

Suddenly, another luxurious car stopped in front of the law court. The journalists swarmed towards the car, as they recognized who the owner is.

“Ms. Monika! How do you feel when you found out that it was your ex-husband who killed your ex-fiance?”

“You’ve been married to Mr. Giovanni for years. Don’t you feel anything now that you’re going against you husband?”

“Ms. Monika, it has come to us that your father arranged your marriage with Giovanni. Does your father know about Giovanni’s trial?”

Several questions echoed in Monika’a ears, buy she chose to ignore them. She walked towards the entrance while letting her guards take care of the reporters who were bothering her.

“Ma’am! Just one statement, please!”

The reporters plead for her to talk or answer just one of their questions. They tried to break the barrier of guards that covered Monika.

Before Monika could walk upstairs to the law court, she stopped and turned to the reporters. They hurriedly pointed the camera and microphones towards her, waiting for her to speak.

“Mr. Giovanni murder my fiance because of greed for wealth and power. My father was supportive of me on this case,” she spoke, answering the questions of the reporters. “The only verdict I will accept for this case is for him to be found guilty and rot in prison.”

She turned her back to the reporters before entering the law court. As she entered, she was surprised to see Chiara and Ezio sitting inside, just beside her assigned seat.

“Chiara?” Monika asked as she reached her friend. “You’re here? Why?”

Chiara found the confusion on Monika’s voice and face. She gently patted the space beside her, and Monika seated. Her friend still has the questioning look, so Chiara answered her truthfully.

“I hope you won’t get mad, but,” Chiara swallowed a lump in her throat before speaking again. “I was the one who sent that video.”

Monika was still confused, trying to think what video Chiara was talking about. Suddenly, her eyes widened upon remembering the recent video that she received – the one that helped her know Giovanni’s true colors.

“That came from you?” Monika asked and Chiara nodded slowly. She breathed a sigh of relief when her friend smiled at her.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“Silly, how can I be mad at you?” Monika spoke. “If you didn’t gave me that video, I would have spent the rest of my life thinking why Ariti left me. I wouldn’t have given justice to his death.”

They engaged in a conversation, mostly about their recent happenings and their hunch on the final verdict for Giovanni. After a few minutes, various reporters entered in an organized way. They occupied the seats at the back.

Shortly after that, police officers led by Chief Bruno entered the law court. Just behind them, Giovanni in orange shirt with cuffs on his hands followed with two police officers escorting him.

The people inside the court, especially those who were supporting the victims, threw insulting words to Giovanni. Someone even tried to punch him in the face, but was stopped by the police.

It didn’t take long for the trial to start. Evidences of Giovanni’s deeds were presented, and there were a lot of them. Most of the evidences came from Monika’s side.

Afterwards, Dante – who is representing the Leon Family – walked in front to present the evidences of Giovanni’s connection to the mercenaries who killed Marco Leon.

Then he asked the defendant, “Did you pay those mercenaries to kill the victim?”

Giovanni didn’t even hesitate to answer. “Yes,” he said, earning a bad reaction from the audience in the court.

“Why did you use the Romano Enterprise’s name to pay them?” Dante asked again while standimg confidently in front of a lot of people. Ezio can feel that his friend is enjoying the attention.

“I want to hide my traces,” he answered shortly. He doesn’t want more suspicions about the Romano Enterprise to emerge. Besides, he made a word to Ezio that he will clean Lucio’s company regarding this matter.

Dante nodded before turning to the judge. “I have no more questions, Your Honor,” he said before going back to his seat.

Giovanni was uncomfortable being out, let alone being surrounded by several people. One of them could be sent by Kazimir, and he might die. He almost got a heart attack when someone tried to hurt him earlier.

He can’t die yet. Not when Kazimir is still on the run.

After the break, the verdict on Giovanni’s case was announced. A man – the court clerk – stood in the middle, reading the verdict.

“In the case of People vs. Giovanni Giordano, the jury finds the defendant guilty of first-degree murder of Ariti Gomez and Marco Leon. The court sentences the defendant a life sentence with no bail,” the court clerk announce.

Afterwards, the gavel banged and the court is adjourned. The family of the victims were crying, not because of sadness but because of joy and relief, as they got the justice that they deserved.

Giovanni didn’t dare to look at them. All that he was thinking at that time is to get back to the jail alive. Some of Ezio’s men – those who were tasked on guarding Giovanni – escorted them out.

Before Giovanni could leave, Ezio spoke in a tone that only them could hear. “We’ll move against Kazimir. For now, make sure you’ll be alive on the day of his trial.”

All of them left the area. Ezio and Chiara rode on separate cars, as Ezio needed to finish some paper works in the office.

“I’ll fetch you in Mamma and Pappa’s house later,” Ezio spoke because Chiara will visit her mother and father. “Wait for me, okay?”

Chiara nodded. “Okay. Come quick, okay?” she asked before sending a text message to her husband.

To: Tesoro

With a smile and a song, life is just like a bright sunny day. Your cares fade away. – motivational quotes for today

Ezio chuckled by the fact the Chiara sent him a message even though they’re standing face to face.

Chiara kissed him before bidding goodbye to her husband. They separated ways with a feeling of relief, as their friends got the justice for their late loved ones.

ON THE COLOMBO MANSION, Kazimir was watching the news about Giovanni’s trial while cluthing his phone. He grinned, knowing that Giovanni fell down without him.

Kazimir turned the television off before staring back at his phone, waiting for a text message from the woman he’s obsessed with. His grip on the phone became tighther, as his blood boiled.

It’s been a day since the time he gave to Elisa. He couldn’t wait anymore, so he decided to make a move. He will make sure that Elisa will regret not meeting with him.

BACK ON THE ROAD, Chiara was dozing on and off while travelling. It didn’t escaped Victor’s eyes, so he asked her while he was driving.

“Signora, are you feeling fine? Are you sleepy?” he asked while checking her in the rearviee mirror.

Gabriel, who was observing their surroundings, looked back to Chiara and noticed that she’s sleepy. “You can sleep, signora. I’ll wake you up once we arrived.”

Chiara was too sleepy to respond, so she just gave them a thumb up before laying down on the backseat. She closed her eyes and let her drowsiness claim her.

Just before Chiara could sleep, a strong force hit the left side of their car, pushing them away from the main road. Victor didn’t even noticed the car going towards them, because it was moving so fast.

“Damn!” Gabriel cussed while grabbing his gun from the holster. He opened the car window on Victor’s side and tried to shoot it.

However, another car from the right side bumped into them. Their car is now being squeezed by two other cars. Chiara panicked and grabbed her phone to call her husband, but another impact from the back hit them. It sent the three of them fly towards the front.

Gabriel was the first to recover. He hurriedly put his signora under his protection, as he looked around, looking for the cars of Ezio’s men. But he can’t see them. The only one he can see is the one that’s crushed on the side of the expressway. The three cara squeezing them blocked their sight.

Gabriel shot the car on their right side, targeting the wheels. It popped and sent the car swerving on the side of the road. However, they didn’t notice that they were being pushed towards the edge.

Everything happened so fast. At one moment, Chiara was trying to leave the car with Victor and Gabriel. Just after a few seconds, the car behind them accelerated, pushing them forward.

Chiara felt her body being thrown away, as Gabriel tried to lessen the impact of the falling car to her body. Chiara saw how Victor’s head hit the steering wheel and the car door several times. She was getting dizzy. Her surroundings felt like rotating as they fell.

She doesn’t know how long they’ve been falling, but Chiara woke up coughing because of smoke. She felt hot all over her body, as pain shot through her core when she opened her eyes.

When she looked around, flames were surroundings her. She can’t see anything but fire. The tip of her fingers was caught by one, but she can’t feel the pain. Her body suddenly became numb.

Blood fell down from Chiara’s forehead, as some parts of her skin were burnt by the fire. When she looked down, she saw the unconscious Victor, also bleeding from head to toe.

“Tesoro,” Chiara whispered, feeling that this will be her end. Tears fell down from her eyes. Just a few minutes ago, she was looking forwars spending the day with her husband and her parents. But now, everything behind chaotic.

Her energy slowly left her body. The pain came back, and it’s much worse the earlier. Chiara screamed as she felt the fire burning her fingers.

Her voice became hoarse, asking for help. Suddenly, she felt a pair of hands grabbing and pulling her. But she was too weak to respond.

The last thing Chiara saw was Gabriel pulling her out of the burning car, before darkness engulfed her, hoping that once she woke up, she will see her husband’s face looking at her lovingly.

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