Bargain Bride: The Billionaire’s Forced Wife

A Date With Kazimir

THE NEXT MORNING, Elisa opened her phone clicked on Kazimir’s number, the one he used before in urging her to meet him up. Although she can’t reach the number for the past week, she still wanted to try it out, hoping that he will respond to her messages. If not, she will find another way to contact him.

She typed her message, constructing it to perfection in order to catch Kazimir’s heart. This will open the way for their plan, and every word that Elisa will say to their biggest enemy must be calculated, or else they will lose their only chance.

To: Kazimir

Meet me at the Enoteca La Torre, 6 PM later. I’ll wait for you, Kaz.

It was just a short message, but Elisa knew that the details were enough for Kazimir to understand her intentions. She knew that he will have some doubts on her, considering that it’s been only a week since her daughter-in-law “died”. And her task for now is to remove any doubt that Kazimir has, before playing him with her fingers.

After sending the message, Elisa went out to go to Luminosa. If Kazimir will come, that will be their first meeting after a couple of years. She has to be presentable to leave an impression on him.

On the other hand, Kazimir received a message on his phone that he abandoned after he sent his men to go after Chiara. At first, he doesn’t have any plan to open the message, as he planned to hide from them for a month.

However, he cannot stop himself from opening it when he saw Elisa’s name as the sender. She had been persistent on contacting him for the past week, and he ignored every texts and calls from her. It was torture, as he craved for her, even her voice.

Suddenly, his pupils dilated as he read the content of her message. He cannot help but to grin. Kazimir even read the message several times, and pinched his skin repeatedly just to make sure that he is not dreaming.

“Enoteca La Torre,” Kazimir spoke while reading the text. He couldn’t help but to feel butterflies in her stomach. Elisa, the woman he’s obsessed with, just invited him to a dinner in a fine and romantic restaurant.

His eyes landed on the last word on the message. “Kaz,” he spoke before pursing his lips to stop himself from smiling like an idiot.

No one gave him a nickname before, not even his parents. Elisa wouldn’t even say his name, and everytime she does, it is full of hatred and disgust.

Now that Elisa called him with a nickname “Kaz”, he couldn’t help but think that the woman is slowly opening up to him to let him in her life. It’s like she unlocked the door to her heart for him to enter, like an invitation.

He quickly called for his men who were stalking Elisa. “Where’s my wife right now? What is she doing?” Kazimir asked, already owning Elisa as his wife even though there is really nothing going on between them. He is just delusional.

“Madam Elisa just entered a botique in Luminosa. I think she’s going to buy a dress, signor. Madam Elisa is eyeing on a red dress,” the man on the other line reported while subtly watching Elisa who is talking to a saleslady inside a botique.

Kazimir smiled as he already imagined Elisa wearing a red dress, looking gorgeous and sexy in it. He couldn’t stop himself from getting hard. He was hust imagining it, yet she already had much effect on him. What more once he saw her later? He might not be able to stop himself from claiming her.

Once he ended the call, Kazimir called Jacob to prepare a suit for him, the one that will highlight his features well, and will also compliment Elisa’s beauty.

“Are you sure you’re going to meet her, signor?” Jacob asked carefully. “What if it’s a trap? It’s so sudden.”

Kazimir glared at his assistant. “Do you think I’m dumb? Of course, I already thought of that” he spat out before turning his head back to the choices of suits in front of him. “She can’t do anything to me. Besides, I’ll have my men check the parameter before meeting with her.”

Jacob just bowed down and nodded slowly. He was just worried that his signor might be doing reckless decision. They’re talking about Elisa after all. His signor is always unpredictable when it comes to her.

Hours passed and Kazimir is starting to get nervous. He doesn’t know if it’s because he will meet Elisa, or because something might happen to him while going out. For months, he kept himself inside his hideouts and didn’t interact to other people outside. This interaction is somehow new to him.

Nevertheless, he won’t let his emotions ruin his night with Elisa. Now is his time to shine. He will get Elisa using his charms tonights.

At five in the afternoon, Kazimir is already waiting outside the restaurant that Elisa mentioned. They parked the car outside, away from the cameras and almost hidden from other people and the buildings.

He anxiously waited for Elisa to arrive. Kazimir kept on glancing on his watch, his phone, and to the entrance of the restaurant. He didn’t reply to Elisa’s text, as he wanted to know if she will wait for him.

Back on Elisa’s condominium room, Chiara was helping her in making herself look presentable. Elisa has a natur beauty, and she doesn’t look that old compare to her age. But Elisa wanted to go all out since it’s her time to use her appearance to get Kazimir on his knees.

“You look like a young lady going on her first date,” Chiara teased as she clasped the locks on the necklace. She looked at the mirror to check Elisa’s appearance. “You’re perfect.”

Elisa smiled, feeling contented on how she looks. She stood up and twirled around to check every part of her body. It’s been a long time since she wear something a little revealing than what she usually wears.

“The plan will officially start now. I can’t wait to show off my acting skills,” she spoke before leaving the condominium. Before going to the restaurant, she stopped on their mansion first, going inside using their hidden passage, before going out again to make it look like that she’s still living in it.

Kazimir was then informed that Elisa just left the mansion, together with a picture of her hopping on the car. He was in awe that he didn’t even notice that his mouth is hanging open.

In his eyes, Elisa looked younger again, just like how she looked like when he first saw her. His mind were immediately filled with dirty thoughts as he cannot wait for her to arrive.

Just after a few minutes, a familiar car parked in front of the restaurant, and Elisa emerged from it. Looking at her in person made Kazimir think that the photo didn’t give justice to her beauty.

He wanted to go out and join her immediately, but he stopped himself. He wanted to know if Elisa will wait for him, just like what she said on her message.

Kazimir was just watching Elisa waiting for him inside the restaurant. Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes, twenty minutes have passed. Elisa kept on checking her phone and looking outside, seemingly looking for someone.

After thirty minutes, Kazimir left the car and walked towards Elisa with poise and confidence. He wanted to look cool, like an aristocrat, in front of her. Making for her wait for half an hour is enough for him to know that Elisa meanth the words she said.

“Kaz,” Elisa’s gentle and angelic voice reverberated in Kazimir’s ears. She stood up and greeted him with a respectful bow.

Just by hearing her voice, Kazimir’s day is already complete. Elisa never talked to her in that tone, because she always talked to her in angry or disguted voice. But now, hearing her talked go him so gently makes him want to cage her with him forever. He felt so special.

“Belleza,” he responded before slowly reaching for her hand. He pulled it closer to him before kissing the back of her palm.

It wasn’t enough for him. He cannot stop himself from inhaling the scent on her skin. She smelled so sweet, with a touch of lanvender. Even if they’re already in their 50s, Elisa’s skin is still smooth as a baby.

They took a seat after that interaction. Kazimir sensed that Elisa felt shy and a little bit awkward, so he tried to lighten up their mood. He doesn’t want to talk about anyone, not even her son or what he did to her daughter-in-law. He wanted them to talk about him and her.

Their food was served after a few moments. Kazimir stared at the woman in front of him as she ate her dinner with elegance. He watched as her lips moved in every bite, as his manhood started to harden everytime Elisa licked his lips.

For him, it was unintentional. He thought that Elisa was just enjoying her food, and licking her lips is just to remove the sauce on it. But for Elisa, it was intentional. She did it in purpose.

She wanted to know how long Kazimir can hold on himself as she tried to seduce him with subtle ways. She knew how he wanted her, and she will use that in her advantage.

Their meal ended shortly, and Kazimir was worried that he might lose his chance since he wasn’t able to give a meaningful conversations to Elisa. He was so focused on watching her that he forgot about his plan.

He was about to speak when Elisa started talking. “Kaz, I want to watch the light show behind the center. Will you accompany me?” she asked, inviting him.

Kazimir didn’t think twice before nodding at her request. He offered his hand to guide her while standing up, which Elisa happily accepted. Now that they’re walking side to side, Kazimir felt more sexual tension wanting to be freed from the inside. But he hold himself up, because he can’t mess up this opportunity to get closer to her.

“Sit here, belleza. I don’t want you to hurt you feet,” he gently whispered in her ear while tapping the nearby bench. Elisa smiled at him before doing his request.

Suddenly, she felt something war covering her shoulders. When Elisa looked at it, she saw Kazimir putting his coat over her with a gently gaze.

“You’ll get cold, belleza,” he sadi to her before his hands rested on her arms, slowly caressing them.

He wanted to see if Elisa will stop him from touching her. Before, just being close to Kazimir made Elisa vomit. Even the slightest touch of their fingers is enough to annoy her.

But now, Elisa didn’t even stiffened as he caressed her arms. She was just watching the light show with beaming eyes. Kazimir smiled inwardly, thinking that Elisa now likes him. His hand slowly lowered down to her hands that are resting on her lap.

Kazimir used that opportunity to hug Elisa from behind. He was standing behind her, so he was bending downto reach her hands and to envelope her it in his embrace.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

He felt Elisa shivered, which made him thought that she doesn’t want what he is doing to her. But to his surprise, Elisa smiled and spoke. “This feels comfortable.”

Kazimir felt relieved and succesful at the same time. He was now able to hug such beautiful woman, just after a few days, he will be able to do anything that he wanted to her. Just thinking of it makes him excited.

They were just quiet. Elisa was focused on the light show, while slowly caressing Kazimir’s arms with intent. But the latter thought it was a reflex from her. Kazimir watched Elisa closely, looking for any bad intention from her, but he can’t find anything. All that he can see is a woman happily watching the beautiful lights.

As the shoe ended, Elisa whispered. “I’m sorry.”

Kazimir was taken aback. “Why? Why are you apologizing, belleza?”

Elisa turned her head to an angle to see him, before acting. “I realized that I was really dumb,” she then looked down on the ground as her fingers started to tremble. “I didn’t see the good in you. I was too focused on your flaws that I didn’t realize that you love me wholeheartedly.”

Kazimir cannot find the words to say. He was torn between what Elisa said, and her pitiful appearance. Elisa looked like she is going cry after a few seconds, as her body shook a little bit whild sniffing silently.

He reached for the corner of her eyes and tried to wipe the tears that are starting to form. “You don’t have to apologize, belleza,” he responded. “What’s important is that you recognized my feelings for you. That’s morr than enough for me.”

He lied. That was not enough. He wanted more. He wanted her body, her soul, everything. He wanted to possess her until Elisa cannot live without him. That’s his goal. That’s why he kept on chasing her for years.

“Thank you, Kaz,” Elisa replied. “I hope you’ll give me a chance to make it up to you. I made it difficult for you for the past years, and I-”

Kazimir stopped her words. “Hush, belleza. It’s not your fault. I just love you so much that I’m willing to do anything,” he said. “I’ll accept anything you want, as long as you will reciprocate my feelings.”

Elisa swallowed a breath before staring at Kazimir’s dark brown eyes. “I want to stay with you. I want to know you more, Kaz.”

That’s it. Kazimir smiled and celebrated inwardly. Elisa is now just within his grasp, just a few improvements, and he will own her. Kazimir couldn’t wait for the day were Elisa will be stuck with him forever.

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