Arrogant Boss

Chapter 3

For a long moment, all I could do was stare into the curious green eyes looking back at me. Julian Hunt-billionaire playboy, America’s tech sweetheart-was prolonging the moment. Making conversation with me.

“Yes, it was alright.”

“That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement.”

Maybe it was the fall, or maybe it was the teasing glint in his eyes, but I surprise myself with my answer. “I don’t know if you heard but there was a launch party tonight for an app. A bunch of rowdy Silicon Valley types were making a lot of noise from the VIP section.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Is that so?”

“Yes. Sort of ruined the mood for the rest of us, to be honest.” I bent forward, and dear God, but I’m flirting with him. “Don’t let them know, if you see one.”

Julian’s smile turned crooked. “Oh, don’t worry. I stay far away from that crowd.”

My heart was beating fast. This was too much, and I was too inexperienced at this. This wasn’t a college guy fumbling around. This was a man, a man who was experienced and wealthy and used to perfection and by God was he handsome. I wetted my lips.

“Thanks again for finding my bag.”

Julian looked amused. “One of my lesser talents.”

“Very impressive.”

“I’m sure.” He looked out towards the parking lot. “Were you heading out?”

“Yes, I was planning to. My car is parked here.”

“But now you can’t.”

My eyes widened. I couldn’t leave? Because now I had met him?

But then he glanced down at my bare feet. “Because you have no shoes.”

“Oh. Right. I don’t.”

He shrugged. “There’s only one thing to do then.”

Before I could register what he was doing, Julian Hunt bent and put his arms around me. I was lifted up with a very unflattering screech.

“What are you doing?”

“You can’t walk barefoot out of a nightclub,” he said, not looking winded in the least. “There might be glass on the pavement.”

“But… this is weird.” I was being carried by a veritable stranger-a famous stranger-and I hadn’t been carried like this since I was twelve.

His crooked smile was back. “I’ve never been bothered by ‘weird.'”

Julian Hunt smelled good. Too good. My arm wrapped around his neck as an employee opened the front door for us.

“Valet stand?”

“To the left.”

People were lingering outside, some in line to get in and others just out for a smoke. All of them watched us walk across to the valet stand. My cheeks had to be on fire, that’s how hot they felt.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Julian didn’t put me down when we arrived, just looked at me expectantly. So did the valet worker.

“Oh, right! Let me just find it.” I clawed through my bag in search of the ticket. Seemingly unable to stop myself, I rambled on. “My heel broke, by the way. That’s why… that’s why he’s being chivalrous.”

The valet worker accepted my ticket with a grin. “I’m sure, miss.”

He disappeared to fetch my car and I glanced up to see Julian grinning too. He was far too close like this-it was impossible to ignore just how excruciatingly attractive he was. He always had been, on the magazine covers and online interviews. But weren’t famous people supposed to be, well, just less when you saw them in person? Shorter than you expected, or less attractive? They were not supposed to be more good-looking.

“You can put me down now,” I said. “This will take a while.”

In a smooth movement, Julian let me slide down. My feet touched the cold pavement and I pulled my jacket tighter around me.

“Stand in your shoes?”

I nodded and slipped them on, mismatched heights and missing heels and all. “Thanks for carrying me.”

“Just being chivalrous,” he repeated with a smile. “I have to say, I’ve had a lot of women do interesting things to get my attention, but fake-falling is new.”

My eyes snapped to his face. “What?”

“I’m complimenting you on your ingenuity. The drink was a nice touch.”

For a long moment, all I could do was stare at him. Julian Hunt might be handsome but he was surely not humble.

“You’re serious,” I said slowly. “How arrogant do you have to be to believe I willingly tripped just to get your attention?”

His lips quirked at my tone, and the fact that he was enjoying my outrage only made me angrier. “You’re unbelievable. Do you think I snapped my heel on purpose? Waited for the right moment when you passed by the exit?”

Julian’s dark eyes were alight. “You have a temper.”

“I do when I’m being accused of… of… I’m not even sure what to call it.”


“Yes. That.”

“Are you OK driving yourself home?”

I blinked at him. “Um, yes. Of course.”

“Are you sure? I could drive you home, if not. My Porsche is parked just over there.” He nodded to the front.

I couldn’t help myself-I laughed. This man was unreal. “Was it really necessary to mention the car brand in that sentence?”

His smile turned bashful, and then a bit teasing. “No. I’m bragging, aren’t I?”

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