Arranged marriage : Married to an unknown man



“It’s good that you’re smiling. May I know the reason behind your secret smile?” Mrs. Molly’s voice pulled me out of my dreamland. I glanced at her to find her looking at me with a mischievous smile.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Then I realized where I was and what I had been doing. I was in the kitchen, dressed up for work, helping her with breakfast. And I was in my dreamland thinking about what happened yesterday. I was thinking about Xavier. For the first time, he called me his wife. I don’t know if that slipped out his tongue or he really wanted to call me his wife. But him calling me his wife was more than enough for every organ of my body to dance in happiness.

“Umm.. nothing, Mrs. Molly. I was just thinking about yesterday,” I replied.

“Oh, the day-out with the boys. Your smile is proof that you had fun.” She commented.

“A lot.” I gave her a satisfactory smile.

“I’m happy that everything is getting on track. And I like your hair.” She said patting my cheek. Her eyes showed warmth. And yes, I had my hair down. Xavier’s compliment gave little confidence to me.

“Why don’t you take a day off? You must be tired roaming here and there yesterday.” She asked.

“Mrs. Molly, you very well know what business is like. I can’t just take a day off when I know there’s loads of work waiting for me. Besides, the off I got yesterday filled me with energy. Now it’s time to use that energy in a good way.” I explained.

“I guess you’re under Xavier’s influence, he has turned you into a workaholic.” She laughed.

“Now go and call Xavier for breakfast.”

I nodded my head and headed to his room. He was still home, I don’t know what was he waiting for. It’s the second time he was being for work. Not exactly late, but still, he used to leave early.

I reached in front of his room. The door of his room was half open so I knocked and entered without even waiting for his permission.

And what I saw inside his room made me freeze in my place, my eyes went wide and my face heated up. Xavier was standing near his bed with a shirt in his hand.. not on his body. He was standing just in suit pants with the upper body bare.

I gulped when my eyes landed on his toned abs. His stomach area looked like…like someone carved those beautiful shapes there. His body was amazing like some sculptor had patiently craved all the cut, dips, and bends in his muscles. How much time does he spend in the gym? And when does he get time for the gym? I never saw him doing any exercise.

“Is the show worthy? If it’s not, I can make it more worthy.”

It took me a few seconds to register the words that echoed in the room and then it drowned me, I was gawking at his naked body.

I immediately turned my back at him, covering my innocent eyes with my hands.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to…I umm…I just came to tell you that breakfast is ready.” I mumbled. I could feel the heat on my cheeks.

“Oh! Okay, but why are you covering your eyes?” He asked and I could bet on my food he was smirking.

“Because you’re not wearing your shirt,” I stated in an obvious tone. Then I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me.. no, no no.. he’s coming near me.

He stopped behind me. The heat radiated in my body told me that he’s just a few inches away from me.

“So?” His breath fanned my neck making me shudder.

“It means you’re naked” I mumbled under my breath not wanting him to listen to what I said.

Then he moved more closer to me. My heartbeat started beating at a rapid rate. My hands were still covering my eyes.

“Oh sweetheart, I can assure you that…you haven’t seen me naked…yet.” He whispered huskily in my ear. A shiver ran down my spine and goosebumps erupted on my body.

Goodness, he heard that? He wasn’t supposed to hear that!

“But I heard that.. loud and clear.” He whispered. His lips touched my ears which send tingles in my body.

Did I say that loud?

“Not that much loud but what do you think, you’d talk about my body and I’d not hear that?” He kissed below by ear, making me jump a little.

What is happening here?

The next thing I did would make me the stupidest person in his eyes. I ran out of his room without pulling my hands away from my eyes. Not caring about tripping over, I just ran until I was in the living room. I removed my hands from my eyes and blew a breath of relief.

What was that? I embarrassed myself in front of him, first by gawking at his perfectly sculpted body and then running away like a fool.

I composed myself by patting my cheeks and counted till ten before heading to the kitchen. I can’t let Mrs. Molly see my flushed face.

“Oh, you’re here. Xavier is coming, right?” Mrs. Molly asked as I entered the kitchen.

Uh…He didn’t say anything about coming. What should I say to her? He’ll come, why would he skip breakfast?

“Yeah, he is…I guess.” I mumbled the last words under my breath.

“Okay. Should I serve you first?” She asked me.

“No, I’ll wait for him,” I replied as it would be rude if I start eating without him.

I picked up the glass of water to drink as my throat was dry because of what happened up in his room. I started drinking water but choked when I saw Xavier entering the kitchen just in his suit pants.

“Oh dear, you okay?” Mrs. Molly grabbed the glass from my hand and passed me tissues. She patted my back.

“Yes *cough* I’m *cough* okay,” I replied, wiping my mouth with a tissue.

“You sure you okay?” The one who was the reason I choked asked and I could bet on my favorite chicken nuggets that I sensed playfulness in his voice.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” I replied looking everywhere but him. Why is he here without wearing his shirt?

“Okay, now come sit both of you. I’ll serve breakfast.” Mrs. Molly said and rounded the counter.

“Ariana, come sit here.” Xavier sat on the barstool placed against the middle counter of the kitchen and patted on the chair placed beside him.

He wants me to sit beside him when he’s looking like that?

“We don’t have all day, Ariana. Come, sit.” He said. I scratched the back of my ear. Will I be able to eat peacefully sensing the effect he has on me?

“Ariana dear, why are you standing there. Come sit otherwise your breakfast will get cold.” Mrs. Molly said. I sat on the chair beside him. Mrs. Molly served breakfast to both of us.

Xavier didn’t utter a word and I avoided looking at him but still, my body was shaking a little. Shaking of my body couldn’t be seen by others but I was affected by it as wasn’t able to eat properly. He was sitting too close, almost naked.

“Xavier dear, you want anything else?” Mrs. Molly asked him.

“Not now,” Xavier replied and then I felt his gaze on me, I didn’t dare to look at him. “Maybe afterward.”

My hand stopped in mid-air when he said that. What did he mean by that?

“Ariana, you?” I looked up at Mrs. Molly. She had a mischievous smile on her face and was wiggling her eyebrows. My face flushed, I hurriedly replied ‘no’ and dug in my breakfast. I didn’t look up until I finished my breakfast.

After Mrs. Molly left, I stood up from the chair and turned to leave but was stopped by the tug on my wrist. What does he want now?

“Going somewhere?” He asked.

“Yes, umm, work,” I replied without turning around. He stood up from his chair and pulled me back, trapping me between him and the counter. I gripped the edge of the counter tightly and pressed myself against the counter to make some distance.

“From now on you’ll go with me.” He said looking into my eyes.

“People will see us,” I pointed out.

“Do you think I care about people?” He asked.

But I care. I care about your reputation. People will say many things if they’ll see us together. I wanted to say this but I bit back my words.

“O.. okay, then maybe.. you should get ready,” I said, averting my eyes.

“I will, but first… let me teach you the lesson of the day.”

My eyes instantly met his. He smirked and leaned forward, placing his hand on either side of me on the counter.

“Wha…what lesson?” I asked. I knew what he was talking about. I’m very shy, I can’t just accept to learn to kiss openly.

But Ari why don’t you accept that you want to learn it and only from him. An evil voice in my head said.

“You’re a bad student Ariana. You have a very bad memory. But being a good teacher I am I’ll make you a good student too.” He winked.

He tilted his head and inched closer and closer, and closer. Just when his lips were about to touch mine, he pulled away from me a little and grinned, showing his white teeth.

“Are you planning on making a world record of the highest number of kisses in the kitchen?”

I looked at him in confusion.

“This will be our third kiss and that too in the kitchen again.” He laughed, making me blush.

“Well, I don’t mind till I’m getting what I want. Now kiss me.” He instantly said, making me look at him with wide eyes.

“What? Do it. I’m waiting” He whispered huskily. I can’t escape. Can I? I think I have to do this. Well, because maybe I want to.

So I mustered up the courage and moved my face closer to his and pressed my lips on his cheek. He stiffened on my action. Did I do something wrong?

I pulled away immediately and lowered my head, feeling embarrassed about myself. I can’t give him what he wants. He placed his index finger under my chin and he lifted my head and gave me his sweetest smile.

“I loved it but that is not what I was asking for, Ari.”

Organisms in my stomach did the backflip together making me feel fuzzy all of a sudden. He loved it? He loved the kiss I gave him? And he called me Ari?

Only my father called me by this nickname.

“But what I want is…kiss on my lips.” He said, pointing his finger at his lips.

“I.. ca.. can’t. I don’t know.” I stuttered.

“That is what I’m here for. To teach you exactly what you don’t know.” He said, grabbing my hands and placed them on his bare chest. I flinched a little on the intimate skin-to-skin contact. I felt the muscles of his chest flexed. He then made my hands slide up around his neck.

“Keep your hands like this.” He slid his hands down my body feeling my every curve and braced his both arms around my waist.

“Now touch your lips with mine.” He whispered looking into my eyes with desire. Yearning desire of something extensive, something deep was visible in his eyes.

The desire in his eyes made me lost in eyes. I was hypnotized. The longing in his eyes made me do the thing that I wouldn’t dare to do even in my dream.

I inched closer and closing my eyes, I pressed my lips on his. Current instantly flowed in my veins. He gripped me tightly and my hands automatically tightened around his neck.

Neither of us moved our lips. After a few seconds, he pulled away.

“Open your eyes, Ari.” He whispered but instead of opening them, I closed them more tightly. I could feel heat flaming on my face. I can’t meet his eyes after what I did a few seconds ago. All my courage drained.

“I think you really don’t know the meaning of ‘open your eyes’.” He chuckled and kissed the corner of my mouth. I slowly opened my eyes and looked into his eyes.

“Damn! Your eyes.” Saying that he crashed his lips with mine. He kissed me sensually and passionately. This kiss felt different from the other kisses he gave me. The kiss was full of desire.

He glided his one hand up my back and tangled it in my hair. He gave a tug in my hair making me gasp. He took it as an advantage and plunged his tongue into my mouth. My hands around his neck tightened to get some support as my knees turned into jelly. I moaned into his mouth which earned a groan from him.

He then slid his hand down my back. His hands go lower and gripped my hips, making me freeze. My mind went blank.

Ari stop, don’t you dare go there. It’s over, you’re not there anymore. You’re free. It’s Xavier & you like him. He won’t hurt you in any way.

But he touched me where I hate the most. It reminds me of those filthy hands that touched me there. His touch was not at all like the way they touched me. But the part of my body he touched brought those painful memories back. All of a sudden I felt like crying, I felt dirty. The way I was being touched in my past gave me the most dreadful scar on my body and soul.

I immediately pulled my hands away from around his neck and tried to push him away by pressing my hands on his chest. But he didn’t budge instead he gave a squeeze on my butt and pulled me more against him. I was out of the air. I needed oxygen. He sensed that and spared my mouth. My breathing was heavy and ragged, not just because of the kiss but also because of what was going in my mind. His hands were still on my hips.

“Xa… Xavier.. let go.” I stuttered. I didn’t want to speak. I knew I would break down but I didn’t want to do it in front of him. I didn’t want him to see me vulnerable. I don’t have an ounce of courage to explain to him any single thing.

“Something wrong? Di.. did I hurt you in any way.” He let go of my hips and cupped my face. I silently sighed in relief.

“No, you didn’t. I’m fine.” I voiced out a little confidently. I didn’t want him to ask any question to which I don’t have an answer.

He was about to say something when his phone rang. He answered the call.

“Yes, Sean…what urgent matter?.. Okay, I’m on my way.” Saying that he hung the call.

“I’ll just go and get ready then we’ll leave for work together.” He kissed the side of my mouth and rushed to his room.

I touched my lips and smiled, apart from that touching part, I loved every single thing.

I wonder what the urgent matter was. Hope it’s not anything bad. And thank heaven the topic was diverted by the call. I picked my bag and coat from my room then we went to work together.

It was just ten minutes sitting in my office working when my intercom buzzed. I picked it up.

“Send media relations head from the PR department in my office,” Xavier ordered gravely and hung the call.

What happened to him? He was in a good morning back at home and now he sounds angry. And why is he asking for Bianca and Diana? They’re the head of media relations.

I shrugged my shoulders and called the PR department to deliver the message.

After about ten more minutes Bianca and Diana barged into my cabin without knocking.

“You could have informed us that our bosses were in a bad mood,” Bianca said glaring at me.

“Just because of you we had to go through their wrath in the morning,” Diana said in a clipped tone.

I didn’t know that Daniel and Sean were also in Xavier’s office. And Wait.. because of me? I didn’t do anything.

“Then you should have first come to me before heading to Mr. Knight’s office. You didn’t come to me so how do you think I’ll inform you about his mood.” I replied calmly but I was getting irritated by their accusation.

“Oh, don’t you dare spill it on us. You should have informed that when you delivered the message asking for us.” Bianca accused.

Okay, I don’t want to say this but have they lost their mind? Why are they acting like fools?

“Listen, I don’t know why are you accusing me of the matter which doesn’t have anything to do with me. But right now, I’m busy. Can you play your blame game some other time?” I bit out, standing up from my chair. I picked up the files from my desk which needed Daniel’s signature on them and walked past them, my work was more important.

But before I could exit my office, a tug on my leg caused me to stumble on my steps, and the next thing I knew I was on the floor.

“This is what you get when you mess with us. Don’t think that we’ll spare you. Just because of you Mr. Knight threatened to fire us. It’s all your fault.” Diana said, gritting her teeth.

“Let’s go, Diana, we can’t let her mistake fire us,” Bianca said and dragged Diana out with her.

I winced as I tried to stand up, my ankle hurt. What did ever I do to them? These women are so cruel. And what did Xavier say to them that made them angry? Why did he threaten to fire them? What’s going on? What’s the matter?

I stood up with the support of the wall. What did they think that they could break me by giving me this little physical injury?

Well, they’re wrong. I had endured much more than this and I surely can endure this negligible pain -which I don’t even consider as pain-.

Wincing, I picked up the files from the floor and wobbled my way back to the chair. I removed my flat pump shoes and rubbed my right ankle. I picked up a pain relief spray from the drawer and sprayed it on my sprained ankle.

I then called Scott to pick the files from my office. My ankle just needed some rest, it’d be okay soon.

For the rest of the day, I was so busy. I didn’t see Xavier for the whole day but he gave me orders through the intercom. He gave me so much work that I didn’t even have time for lunch. I had to skip lunch.

I was also glad that Xavier didn’t give me any work where I had to walk around.

I was wondering what exactly happened. Each time when Xavier buzzed the intercom to give orders, he sounded angry. Why was he angry? I didn’t even hear anything from Daniel and Sean.

Hope there’s nothing serious.

Xavier Knight

I was wondering what urgent work they had to discuss with me that couldn’t wait. I was enjoying kissing Ariana but those fucking disturbing elements had to interrupt in between.

I entered my office to find Daniel and Sean sitting on the couch with grim expressions on their faces.

“What made you two so gloomy in the morning?” I asked, walking towards my chair.

“Magazines on your desk,” Sean replied curtly.

What happened to him?

I picked one of the magazines to see photos of four of us walking out of the restaurant printed on the first page. I gave a glance to other magazines, all had different articles and photos printed about us. I was glad that Ariana’s face was not revealed. My hand was covering her face.

“What’s new in this? The media always print photos and articles about us. Even Ariana’s face is not visible. So, what’s wrong with you guys?” I asked both of them.

“You haven’t seen all the magazines. See this one.” Daniel said pointing at the magazine placed on the center table in front of him. I walked towards the table and picked up the magazine.

Photos in that magazine were the same as others, I looked at both of them confusingly.

“Read the article,” Sean said. I started reading the article.

“Looks like three hottest bachelors had a great time last night. Three of them were seen exiting a fancy restaurant with a woman. We couldn’t see the face of the woman as Xavier Knight’s hand was securing her face. We wonder who that woman is. Is she his girlfriend or a mere timepass? It looked like they were out on a date. But what Daniel Adams and Sean Peterson were doing there? We wonder if three of them are sharing a woman because only one woman was seen instead of three. Is this woman some hooker who wanders with the rich to make money? Is she playing with three of them? Is she sleeping with three of them? Hope the richest men are not doing something wrong.”

Chief Editor & Anchor

Global Business News

Sarah Park

“Fucking bitch!” I gritted my teeth and threw the magazine on the table.

“How can she write something like this about a woman? I didn’t know she can stoop so low. She wanted revenge on me then she should have written about me. But she dragged Ariana in this.” I spat angrily running my fingers through my hair.

“Exactly, I don’t care what anyone writes about me. But this Sarah bitch called Ariana, my sister, a hooker and she dared insult her in the worst way possible.” Sean spat angrily.

“No one knows who the woman in the photo is. But we know and if Princess gets to know about this what would she feel?” Daniel also spat angrily.

“This fucking article is even on the internet. What if she has already seen it?” Sean said worriedly.

“I don’t think she saw it, we arrived just a few minutes ago, she must be arranging my schedule. And don’t worry I won’t let her see this.” I assured them.

I will give her extra work so she’ll be busy. I don’t want her to read this and feel low of her. Scarlet had done enough damage to her. This time I won’t let it happen.

“And what the hell is our PR team doing? How they don’t get hold of this news? And why the news is still in the market?” Sean asked irritatedly.

I picked up the intercom receiver and order Ariana.

“Send media relations head from the PR department in my office.”

After I put the receiver down I cursed myself. I didn’t want to show my anger to her. She was not at fault.

After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door.

“Good morning, Mr. Knight, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Peterson. You asked for us?” One of them asked.

“Explain this,” I said, sliding magazine towards them. Both of them picked up the magazines and their eyes went wide. I could bet that it was a fake reaction because they were media relation managers, how come they didn’t see it?

“Don’t tell me you are not aware of this,” I said in a dangerously calm voice.

“No.. um.. yes.. no I mean yes Mr. Knight.”

And Just like that, I lost it.

“Then why this fucking news is still in the market and on the internet,” I shouted making them flinch. I don’t care if I was cursing at this moment. I won’t spare anyone who doesn’t take their work seriously.

“What we pay you for? For reading the news after it is published?” Sean snapped angrily.

“Sorry, sir.” Both of them mumbled.

“We don’t want your sorry. We want this news out of the market.” Daniel snapped.

“Listen, you two. If every single magazine and every single article on the internet is not taken down within half-hour, consider yourself fired.” I threatened them.

“Sir.. please, we didn’t know.”

“And we don’t care, now out you two. Make sure these magazines should not circulate in the office building. I want every single magazine burnt.” Sean snapped. Nodding their heads, they scurried out of the cabin.

“Now what about your friend Sarah Park,” Daniel asked. I knew this was coming.

“This time she took it too far. I’ll handle her my way.” I assured them.

“You better, or I’ll do it. And fuck I don’t know if I’ll be able to face Ariana after this.” Sean said and left my office. Daniel followed him.

They’re really angry, well they should be. Sarah, through her article, degraded the purest relation of brother and sister.

It was the time to show her mirror, it was the time to bring her back to reality. It was the time to show who Xavier Knight was and what he does to those who hurt his dear ones.

“It’s time to have a serious talk with Sarah Park.”

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