Arranged marriage : Married to an unknown man



My eyes fluttered open when I felt rays of sun falling on me. I sat up on the bed, rubbing my eyes with my hands. I glanced around only to see that I again slept with curtains wide open. I slept in the clothes I wore last night. My eyes were sore because of crying, my throat was hurting because of screaming which was not heard by anyone.

Last night…

Last night was still fresh in mind…that woman’s false accusation, the slap, my own mother’s hurting words, my tears. And it was fresh in my mind that I was left with no hope of a better life. I was born to be left alone.

I glanced at the clock, it was ten past seven in the morning. Oh no, I slept for long. I have to get ready for work. I ran into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror and what I saw made me wince; my eyes were puffy and red, my hair was messy, and my face-my left cheek had a bruise.

It was the impact of the slap that Mr. Smith gave me. All his four fingers were visible as red marks on my skin. I touched my cheek and winced; tears started welling up in my eyes, tears… not of physical pain, but emotional pain.

I shook my head, it was not the time to cry. I had cried enough last night, but now I had to do something to cover the bruise because I couldn’t go to work with the bruise on my face.

I brushed my teeth, then took a quick shower and changed into my work outfit. I then looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes were not red anymore but they were still puffy, and my bruise was as it is.

“I think, first I should apply an ice pack on the bruise and I should also drink lukewarm water to ease my sore throat,” I mumbled to myself.

I glanced at time again, it was seven-thirty. Mrs. Molly won’t come for a few days as she had gone to Florida to meet her son. And Xavier must also have left for work. So, it was safe to go downstairs without letting anyone know about the bruise.

Walking out of my room, I headed to the kitchen but I halted on my steps at the entrance of the kitchen when I saw Xavier standing there, dressed in his navy blue suit. His back was facing me. Oh no!! What is he doing here till now? He is never around at this time. So why today?

I immediately turned to run back to my room before he could notice me, but I froze when he spoke,

“Wait!”Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Oh no, he already noticed me. What now?

“I wanted to ask, umm, how was the party?” He asked in a very calm and hesitant voice.

“Um, it was g.. good,” I replied in a croaked voice without turning to him. My throat hurts.

“What happened to your voice? And how many times do I have to tell you to look at me when I am talking to you?” He said firmly. I could hear heavy footsteps behind me. No, no, no, don’t come near me.

I tried to run but before I could take a step forward, with a firm grip on my arm I was spun around forcefully.

“How many times-What the hell happened to your face?” He asked angrily by letting go of the arm. I looked at him with shock and wide eyes.

Suddenly, he gripped my jaw with his large hand and turned my face to another side.

“Who did this to you?” He asked sternly, scrutinizing my cheek.

I was about to make an excuse but what he said next sent a shiver down my spine.

“And don’t you dare lie to me or give any lame excuse like you fell and bruised yourself because I won’t believe it. This bruise on your cheek shows a handprint which means someone slapped you. So tell me, who the hell did this to you? And tell me the damn truth.” He asked in a dangerously low voice, gripping my jaw tightly while gazing directly into my eyes.

I tried to look downwards but his grip on my jaw was firm, not letting me make any movement. I closed my eyes, not daring to look at him.

“Tell me the truth, ARIANA.”

My eyes instantly met his. This was the first time my name came out of his mouth. Though he took my name firmly, the way my name rolled down his tongue sent tingles through my body.

“I am asking you something, Ariana? Are you trying to find an excuse? If this is so, don’t you even dare to think about it.” He warned me.

I couldn’t lie to him because if I did, he’d go deep into this matter and would dig out the truth. He’d ask Finn and that’d be bad because he’d threaten him. That will not be good for me. So, it’s better to tell him the truth.

“Mr. Smith did…t-this.” I stuttered, fearing how will he react. His grip tightened on my jaw.

“Andrew Smith? Why?” He asked with gritted teeth while pinning his gaze with mine.

“I.. mis.. mistakenly bumped into his.. important g.. guest.”

“Just because of that he slapped you?” He asked disbelievingly. I meekly nodded my head.

“Fuck!” he cursed as he let go of my jaw and ran his fingers in his hair.

“And your mother? What did she do?” I looked down and just shook my head in no.

He mumbled some incoherent words and ran his fingers in his hair frustratingly as he turned his back to me. He again turned to face me. His hands were clenched in a tight fist.

“You will not go there anymore!” He exclaimed which made me look at him. His face was showing anger; anger that I hadn’t seen before.

I nodded my head. I myself didn’t want to go there.

He looked into my eyes, the rage that was blazing in his eyes instantly died, and his eyes…. Softened. He took a step towards me and slowly raised his hand and touched my bruised cheek, making me flinch, but I relaxed when he began caressing my cheek soothingly with his thumb, spreading warmness in my body.

“Does…does it hurt?” He asked softly creasing my cheek. I could sense…. Concern in his voice?

I wanted to say it hurts, not physically but emotionally. But I just shook my head.

He audibly sighed and let go of his hand from my cheek, taking away the warmness with him.

“Come.” He gently grabbed my wrist and made me sit on the couch in the living room.

“Sit here,” he said and went into the kitchen.

What was he doing?

He came back within a few minutes and stood in front of me.

“Drink this.” He ordered, giving me the glass of water. I raised my hand to take the glass from his hand and as soon as I touched the glass, my head shot up and my wide eyes instantly met his.

He brought lukewarm water for me? It was unpredictable.

“Drink it, it will help to relieve your sore throat,” he said, bobbing his head at me. I took the glass from his hand and slowly drank the water. He took the empty glass from my hand and placed it on the center table. Then he sat beside me, keeping a little distance from me.

I didn’t try to move. I was just watching his every move silently. I looked the other way from where he was sitting. Suddenly, I felt something cold on my left cheek which made me wince.

“Ow,” my head quickly turned to him only to find him holding an icepack. Why was he doing this? Showing concern? Why did he seem to be bothered by this?

“Oh.. does it hurt?” He asked softly.

“N.. no… it’s just cold.”

“Oh…okay, umm, hold this icepack and pat it on the bruise by yourself so that you can adjust according to the cold.” He said handing me the icepack.

He stood up from the couch and cleared his throat.

“You are not coming to work today.” He ordered.

“But…” Before I could say anything he gave me a you-dare-defy-me look. I couldn’t do anything but agree to his order. After all, he’s the boss.

“So, umm, I’ll just take my bag and leave for work,” he said and walked to his room upstairs.

I just stared at him as he walked to his room. I bent slightly to look at his disappearing figure properly, my one hand was pressing the icepack on my cheek and the other one pressed on the armrest of the couch. I must be looking like a fool.

What had just happened? Did he show concern towards me? But why? He never cared what’s happening to me. Why now? What’s different this time?

I abruptly straightened myself when I saw him coming out from his room with his office bag in his hand. He walked past me, not glancing at me but stopped at the door and turned back slowly. I kept noticing his every move.

He began walking towards me which brought me to alert mode. Why was he coming towards me?

He stopped in front of me and bent a little, I slightly pulled my head back because his face was way too close to mine. I slowly gazed into his eyes. His eyes were showing hesitance… but I couldn’t figure out why and of what? What was he trying to do?

With hesitance in his eyes, he did something and said “Take care.” And left in a hurry without glancing back.

The thing he did, surprised me, not surprised me, it shocked me. I sat there, frozen on my spot. I couldn’t move and at that moment I couldn’t even feel the coldness of the icepack which I had pressed tightly against my cheek.

Thank goodness that I was sitting on the couch or I would have fallen on the floor because my legs had turned into jelly; living beings inside my stomach started doing summersault and butterflies also entered my stomach to accompany them and they were giving me a tingling sensation. Goosebumps climbed up to my spine. I felt warm and fuzzy inside.

The thing he did before leaving holds the most beautiful meaning. The thing he did shows care, concern. The thing he did shows respect. It shows protection, it indicates an emotional connection. The thing he did could melt anybody with happiness and is the most beautiful gesture in the world.

He did something to me that was last done by my father..

The thing he did to me made me realize something.. that..

That my hopes that died last night, maybe they were still alive somewhere.

I could feel the side of my lips tugging up and at the same time, tears started welling up in my eyes. Tears of hope, hope that maybe be someday I would also be cared for and would be respected by someone.

I slowly raised my hand and touched my forehead with my fingers. I closed my eyes, tears instantly rolled down my cheeks but the smile was still there on my lips.

Yes, I touched my forehead because…

He kissed my FOREHEAD…

Xavier Knight kissed my forehead.

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