Arranged love

Chapter 50


I SIT BEHIND my desk, the dark curtains pulled closed to block out the early morning rays of the Las Vegas skyline. Taking a sip of my black coffee, I look up at the five women standing in my office. “Strip down to your bra and underwear,” I order.

Four of them begin undressing without hesitation. They do this for a living, though it’s usually under flashing lights, fog machines, and thundering music. And don’t forget the money that comes with selling your body. But still, they’re not shy. The last one on the right watches the others with wide green eyes as she nibbles on her bottom lip.

“Problem?” I ask.

She looks at me and swallows. “I … uh, I didn’t know … I didn’t wear a-”

“You don’t have anything I haven’t already seen,” I interrupt her rambling.

“Here,” Sandy chirps. “You can wear mine.” She unclasps her black lace bra and holds it out to the blonde. Her rather new and perky looking paid for DDs are now fully on display.

“My boobs are too small for that!” the girl shrieks in horror.

Sandy drops it to the floor and shrugs. She slaps her palms down on her bare thighs and does a little hop in her six-inch heels.

Fuck! It’s too early for this shit. I’m not a cheer coach gearing them up for a game. Rubbing my temples, I stare down at their paperwork that covers my black desk. “Megan, you didn’t list your limits,” I announce, glaring up at her through my lashes.

Her eyes drop to the floor, and I don’t miss the fact she’s still dressed. Her arms now hugging her small chest. “I didn’t understand …”

“What a limit is?” I bark out.

She flinches and whispers, “I’ve never done anal …”


The other girls laugh. “It’s more than just that,” Sandy tells her with a smile on her face.

“What else could there be?” Megan asks wide-eyed.

Fuck me! This girl is sheltered, and I should have stayed in bed.

“Are you willing to do bondage?” Sandy fills her in, placing her hands on her wide hips. “And if so, do you mind being gagged, flogged?” Megan gasps. “If you enjoy being tied up, do you prefer rope, handcuffs, chains.” The girl begins to tremble. “There’s also fisting …”

Just then, my office door swings open, and the only woman I don’t mind seeing enters the room.

I stand. “Ladies, this is GiGi. Think of her as your … house mom.” Good enough. “She will take your measurements and record them for your files.” The four half-naked women nod with excitement. “Once the fitting is over, Dr. Lane will see you.”

“Doctor?” Megan swallows.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes.” Growling, I look at her. Has she not listened to a damn thing I’ve said? “All Queens are required to be on birth control. Ninety-five percent of our clients already have wives and children. They want to be guaranteed that there won’t be any surprise babies or a Queen trying to get knocked up for blackmail money.” We guarantee our clients’ satisfaction. And unplanned pregnancies are not going to obtain that. And I’m not about to trust any woman with my reputation and dedication with my clients.

They all turn and bounce out. “Megan, have a seat.” I stop her.

She falls into one of the black leather chairs across from my desk and looks up at me. Jesus, she has tears in her eyes.

I walk around my desk and lean up against it. “Why are you here?” I ask. Crossing my arms over my chest, I glare down at her.

She picks at a piece of nonexistent lint on her jeans. Her dirty blond hair shields her face from me. “I need money.”

No surprise there. “What do you need money for?”

She heaves a heavy sigh, unable to meet my eyes. “My father is a druggie. My mother left us a year ago. Went to the store to buy a pack of cigarettes and never returned.” She swallows. “I have a younger brother who’s three. I want to get him away from our father, but I don’t have that kind of cash. Not to give him what he needs.”

“Your application stated that you’re twenty-one.”

“I lied,” she whispers.

I already knew that. And I’m pretty sure she’s a goddamn virgin. “How old are you?”


“Attending high school?”

She shakes her head. “I dropped out when my brother was born. I needed to stay home with him.”

I run a hand down my face, that headache intensifying. “Being a Queen isn’t a good fit for you.” That’s as nicely as I can put it.

Her head snaps up. Her green eyes narrow on me before she averts them and slumps her shoulders. “I know. I don’t know what I was thinking.” She pushes her hair behind her ear.

All types of women come and go from my office, and I can tell when someone is being neglected. Her cheeks are sunken in. Her eyes have circles under them. Her tank top keeps falling off her shoulders, and her collarbones are prominent. She probably makes sure her brother is fed before herself, and I respect that. “Are you quick on your feet?”

She nods once. “And I’m a fast learner.”

“Have you ever been a waitress?”


I sigh. Just let her leave …

“But I can do it.” She sits up straighter, eyes wide with hope. She doesn’t wanna take her clothes off, but she’s willing to carry drinks around in a tight mini skirt and halter top. Doesn’t matter how you dress it up, sex equals money. The more you show, the more you’ll make.

Maybe it’s my fucking headache, or maybe I’m just in a giving mood. Doubtful, but I say, “Go to this address and give this to Mitch.” I walk around my desk and sit down in my chair. I write as I speak. “Tell him I sent you, and he’ll get you on the schedule.” I tear off the Post-it and reach across the mahogany surface. She can’t work in Kingdom. In the state of Nevada, you have to be at least twenty-one to even serve drinks. But I have hookups all over this town, including restaurants.

She grabs the note. “Thank you, Titan. Thank you so much.”

I nod and hold up the paperwork. “I’ll tear this up except for the NDA.” She nods quickly. “What happened up here does not leave this room.”

“Yes, sir.”

I point at the door. “Get going.”

She runs out of my office much faster than she had entered.

Opening the bottom drawer in my desk, I pop the top off the pill bottle and toss a couple into my mouth before washing them down with my coffee.

The girls re-enter my office with GiGi. “All done, Titan.” The sixty-five-year-old lady smiles at me. She wears her bleach-blond hair up in a tight bun. It’s not even eight a. m., and she has a full face of makeup topped off with fake eyelashes and red painted lips. She’s always well put together and in a good mood.

The girls giggle, and Sandy picks up her bra and places her tits back in it.

“Thanks, GiGi. Send Dr. Lane in, will ya?”

She nods.

Sitting back in my chair, I fold my inked arms over my chest and look at the four women who stand before me.

The Queens of Kingdom.

Three of my best friends and I own a hotel and casino in the heart of Las Vegas. I oversee the Queens, our secret service. I have a list of men a mile long who want our girls. A couple of senators, a handful of movie stars, and even more rock stars. CEOs and some blue-collar hardworking dads who just want to blow off some steam before going home to their nagging wife and screaming kids. They fly in from all around the world.

They want a date for a work event, they call me. They want a woman to take on a trip to Maui, they call me. They want a woman for the night in one of our exclusive suites here at Kingdom, they call me.

I pull four cells out of my top drawer. “Here are your phones.” I place them on the desk.

They had to hand them over when they arrived earlier. “I downloaded the Queens app on them. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or think it’s getting out of hand, make the call. It calls me directly.”

The brunette who hasn’t said much over the past two hours looks at me. Her name on the NDA she signed says Maggie. She came with Sandy. “Do you have to end a date early often?”

I shake my head. “No. Our clients understand how it works, but I understand that sometimes things can go too far. You have too many drinks. He decides he wants more than what he pays for. You call me, and I’ll take care of it.”

“Have you had to do it before?”

I nod.

“And?” she asks.

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