Anamika- The broken beauty

Chapter 5- first meeting

Chapter 5- first meeting

Massimo's pov fuck me...

We are looking straight into each other's eyes And trust me I have never seen beautiful eyes like her

before. my whole world stopped and time freezed, just by looking at them.

They are mesmerizing, almond shape eyes, deep ocean blue orbs, long thick eyelashes, are they even

real, they are looking so fucking out of this world.

I roam my eyes on her face, admiring her features, pointed nose it's so perfect, high cheek bones,

Heart shaped lips, so plumped and sexy and her mole on the upper lip is adding shining stars to her

beautiful face.

how much I want to kiss, suck and bite those beautiful lips, with all these sinful thoughts all my blood

rushed south and my cock hardened. I am lost in her beauty, so fucking unreal and angelic...

I am officially doomed...

I looked into her eyes and for a second, saw something unreadable in her eyes that I can't point out. I

can't read her face. what she is thinking? And she quickly hid it before I find out.


she replied back and brought me out of my trance with her buttery soft voice. Damn I can't imagine how

it will sound when she will moan and scream my name under me with her angelic voice... fuck...

I shook my dirty thoughts aside for now,

" Hello, I am Massimo Marino"

I said with my deep and husky voice looking into her eyes and they are staring right back at me with the

same curiosity and intensity like me.

" I am anna "

" Beautiful lady like you, why sitting here all alone"

I wanted to know if she was really sitting here alone or I have something else to take care of.

" I am not alone mr. marino I am here with my friend.."

She said while breaking our intense eye contact, she grabbed her drink and took big gulps leaving it

empty. was it a fruit punch. I didn't expect her with this type of drink...

" I see, and please call me Massimo"


She replied back still not looking at me and I didn't like it. I want to see those beautiful eyes. look at me

damn it...

" Can I buy you a drink... If you don't mind"

" No, thank you.... I don't drink"

I can't help but chuckle at her reply.

"What's so funny?"

She asked me while looking straight into my eyes... good, keep looking at me just like that, I want your

eyes on me, kitten. how badly I wanted to say that but I can't, not yet atleast..

"Nothing just...never heard this kind of thing from a person who is standing in's wierd"

I replied casually.

"I know"

" You don't look Italian, are you new here in city"

"Yes I recently moved here for business purpose" she replied back.

"Great...what kind of business anna"

"Nothing big... I just own some restaurants here...what about you Massimo, what kind of work do you


She asked me, Baby you have no idea who I am and what I do and you don't have to know that either.

"Well I am the CEO of Marino group of industries"

"I see"

She replied back and I can see that she is nervous. goosebumps are making their ways on her body

and she is trying to avoid eye contact, so cute. well atleast I am not the only one feeling things here or

am I ?

Don't worry kitten... It's just the beginning...

" Would you like to dance with me anna"

I asked her and she looked at me with wide eyes, probably trying to judge my intentions... ohh kitten

how badly I wanted to tell you that they are sinful, very sinful. finally she nodded and hesitatingly placed

her hand on my mine, her hand is so soft so small compared to my rough and big one, so delicate...

I took her to the dance floor and placed my hands on her perfect waist. she placed hers on my shoulder

and we started to sway with the music.

We are so close that I can smell her delicious scent, she smells divine, Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

But she is nervous, her body is stiff and looking everywhere except in my eyes. I put my fingers under

her chin and brought her face near mine so that our lips are almost an inch away from touching.

" Why so nervous bella" (beautiful)

I asked her looking at her beautiful blue orbs.

Anamika's pov

I am swaying at the music in the arms of this incredibly handsome man.

his amber orbs is staring at me with such intensity that it's sending weird kind of shivers in my body. his

sharp features, sharp jawline, red and kissable lips, so tall that even with my high heels we still have a

difference of 1ft. I feel so small in front of him. well build body anyone can tell that he is hiding perfect

muscles under that suit. I have never seen a man more handsome than him, like Greek god...

My bodyguards are looking at me with wide and confused eyes And I understand, they know that I

never talk to any man besides business let alone dance with them. I give them a assuring nod and they


But I don't know what the fuck I am doing. why this man has such effects on me. His deep husky voice

is sending shivers to my core.

His hands on my waist occasionally roaming on my naked back, his touch is so different that it's

burning my skin, his amber eyes is doing something to my heart, they are so intense, so dark, so

powerful. he has this dark intimidating aura around him which definately screams danger and the way

he is talking his voice shows domination and authority. I can tell that he is a powerful person and I am

nervous, my throat is dry and I am gulping down on my saliva, it's hard to look at his eyes. I don't want

to show him what effect he has on me, he doesn't need to know that.

This is wrong so wrong I shouldn't be here, with him, this is so not me. I want to leave but something in

me is asking me to stay. I am not thinking straight and rationally and his deliciously toxic scent is not

helping me either. it's like a drug, clouding all my rational thoughts with irrational one. I have to get a

grip on myself I can't do this, I am not in my right state of mind and I know I will regret it later.

He is no different, he wants the same thing like other men, his eyes showing lust and something else

too what is it I can't point out. his hardness poking on my stomach which is clearly telling me what he is

thinking and what he wants from me, my body... atleast I am not alone who is feeling like this...

He lifted my chin up and we are looking straight into each other's eyes, our lips are few inches away

from touching. looking at his lips made me subconsciously lick my own, I want him to kiss me, I want to

taste them.

'Shit... Anamika stop it' my inner voice snapped at me

"Why so nervous bella"...

He asked me with his gentle but husky voice and I melted there.

I nodded negatively and said..


my voice come out as a whisper. good now he will know that he is having an effect on you ,stupid...

He chuckled at my response...oh god... he looks so sexy while doing that I can't take my eyes of him.

he is so perfect.

"You are so beautiful anna"

He said..

His lips near my earlobe I can feel his uneven breathing like he is trying to control himself. his wet lips

touched my earlobe and ignited this strange spark making goosebumps appear on my body.

He must have noticed it...

"I want you anna... Tell me you want me too..."

" Say"

He said with so much desire, almost like he is not asking me,he is telling me.

And I lost it, I know I will regret this later but I want to live this moment. this is the first time I want to

forget everyone and everything, I want to melt in his embrace, I want to feel him, I want to know how

does it feel. I want to set myself free tonight, I know I have to return back to my dark cage tomorrow but

before that I want to taste this sinful freedom... I want to fly...

" Yes, I want you Massimo "

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