An Understated Dominance Chinese

Chapter 1051

Chapter 1051

Chapter 1051

As Trent’s command echoed through the halls, all of the Harmon family guards and hidden forces poured out en masse.

In an instant, the entire family was in an uproar.

“Quick! Surround him, don’t let this kid escape!”

“Damn it! He dares to act recklessly in the Harmon family, he must be tired of living!”

People and horses from all directions gathered, each brandishing weapons and emanating a menacing aura. As soon as Dustin had left the reception hall, he found himself encircled. There were at least two hundred people, their eyes locked onto him. Most of them were Harmon family guards, with a few elite covert operatives and some soldiers from the Dark Panther Cavalry. These soldiers were all trusted subordinates of Dylan. As a senior officer, he had around a hundred or so people under his command.

“Dustin! Release my son now! Otherwise, you will die today!” Jacob shouted angrily.

“Kid! You are surrounded, there’s no way out. Release the person, and I might consider sparing your life!” Trent Harmon threatened.

“I only want Dylan’s life. All unrelated people, get out of my way!” Dustin said with a stern face.

“Kid! You’re oblivious to your impending doom. Open your eyes and look around. Who calls the shots here!” Trent Harmon declared loudly.

Now, the Harmon family had guns and manpower. Dealing with a single brat was a piece of cake, wasn’t it? After all, even if Dustin was formidable, could he stop bullets?

“Although he defeated Dylan, he still can’t escape from the Harmon family.” NôvelDrama.Org content.

“I have to admit, this kid has some skill, but it’s a pity he’s outnumbered.”

“He dared to intrude into the Harmon family singlehandedly; even if he dies, it’s his fault!”

As they watched Dustin being surrounded, the guests couldn’t help but discuss. Challenging an entire aristocratic family alone seemed like a fantasy.

“Humph! What use is martial prowess? He’s just a brute. Even though his fists are strong, he can’t make waves in the face of absolute power!” Ye Lei said, crossing her arms and displaying an arrogant expression. In her eyes, Dustin was just a martial artist, skilled perhaps, but ultimately insignificant.

“Exactly! What’s the point of being strong? Can he run amok just because he’s skilled in combat? It’s just a pipe dream!” Chen Quan scoffed, rather disdainful. Although Zilan remained silent, she didn’t have high hopes for Dustin’s situation either. With so many Harmon family members armed to the teeth, who could withstand that?

“Look at you people, all surnamed Harmon. Today, I don’t want to start a bloodbath, so you’d better scram while I haven’t laid a finger on anyone!” Dustin’s fierce gaze swept around like an awakening demon. If it weren’t for considering Natasha’s feelings, he would have already slaughtered the Harmon family.

“You beast! You won’t realize your impending death until you see your coffin!” Trent Harmon was furious, signaling a few marksmen, “Take him down!”

“Bang, bang, bang…” Before the words had even left his mouth, gunshots rang out. Five bullets were fired from various directions toward Dustin. Dustin acted decisively, grabbing Dylan’s hair and using him as a human shield. Two bullets missed, but the remaining three struck Dylan.

“Ah!” The pain from the gunshot wounds jolted Dylan out of his unconscious state.

“Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!” Jacob belatedly shouted, trying to stop the shooting.

Otherwise, Dustin might be unharmed, but his son would be dead.

“You bunch of idiots! Can’t you aim properly?” Trent Harmon was exasperated.

They had finally had a chance to kill Dustin, but it had been wasted in vain.

“Who? Who the hell shot me?!” Dylan’s eyes widened in anger and agony as he looked at the bullet holes on his body.

He was shot three times for no reason, who can stand this?

“Dylan, it was just an accident, not in the way.”

Trent Harmon said with a serious face: “Come again, uncle promises, this time it will not be missed, you endure it, and it will pass soon.

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