Always Yours

Chapter 12

I did the one thing I promised myself I wouldn’t do. I dropped my guard, I let him in. I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes. I was in Franko’s bed; I spent the night at his house.

His house.

Why did I let him bring me here?

Chewing the inside of my cheek I squeezed my eyes tight. I had to get home, I had to get up and leave. I didn’t want the embarrassment of having to see his parents. I was going to have to sneak out.

How was I supposed to do that?

“Aubrey?”. He whispered.

Maybe I could pretend I was still asleep? Wait why was he whispering?

“I have to get home”. I opened my eyes and sat up.

“It’s real early babe. Still dark outside”.

“Why are you awake?”. I frowned.

“You talk in your sleep”. He smirked. “Could hear you from next door”.

Next door?

Wait. He didn’t sleep in here with me?

“I do not”. I huffed. “What time is it?”.


I rolled my eyes a sigh falling from my lips. It was never simple with Franko, never a straight answer. “Will you drop me off at Alice’?”. I asked.

“Thought you had to get home?”.

See, never simple.

“I do but I don’t have my keys”. I’m pretty sure I already told him this last night.

“I’ll drop you off later”.

Not the answer I was wanting but what could I do about it. He stayed miles away from me and I wasn’t walking home when it was still dark outside.

“Okay fine”. I rolled over onto my side. May as well sleep for another few hours. I felt sick and groggy.



“Can I get in?”.

“Y-yeah”. I stuttered.

It felt right. Us being here together felt right. Like it was meant to be. I felt stupid for even thinking that. But why did I feel so comfortable around him? He made me feel things I’d never experienced before.

My heart fluttered as his hand brushed against mine.

“Aubrey?”. He whispered.


“Y’know I’d never hurt you right?”.

“I know”. I whispered.

“And even if you ain’t gonna date me I’m still gonna be there for you”.

I still didn’t understand his sudden fascination with me. I was nothing special. If anything, I was plain and boring. We were complete opposites in every way. They say opposites attract but I wasn’t sure I believed that.

I was sick of having the same argument with myself over him. Give him a chance or don’t give him a chance. I didn’t know what he wanted. Was I to be his girlfriend? A one-night stand? Was his fascination with me because I kept turning him down? Because I wouldn’t sleep with him? Or I wouldn’t give into his charms like everyone else?

Was that it?


“I can’t okay”. I turned onto my side away from him. I couldn’t have this conversation. I wanted to give him a chance but the bad outweighed the good and I wouldn’t put myself through getting hurt.

Besides he wasn’t short on female attention. Everyone wanted a chance to be with him.

“One date is all I want”.

“Why, why me?”. I asked.

“Because you’re like a breath of fucking fresh air. You ain’t like other girls and I like that. I like you. Fuck princess I can’t stop thinking about you”.

I chewed my bottom lip.

“You could have anyone”. I spoke. “Every girl wants to be with you”.

“But not you right”. His tone changed; he sounded bitter.

He was wrong I did I was just afraid of the consequences. Afraid of getting my heart broken. I had no experience with boys. I had never dated before, had never even kissed a boy.

“I’m scared”. I whispered.

“Of me?”.

“Of giving you a chance, of having my heart broken. I don’t want to get hurt”.

“Aubrey I-…”.

“You don’t date Franko and I’m not okay with being used. I won’t sleep with you just so you can add me to your list”.

A laugh fell from his lips. “My list?”.

“Don’t laugh at me”. I huffed.

“Babe I wouldn’t-…”.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I want to leave; I want to go home now”. I sat up pushing the covers off my body. If anything, I was embarrassed. He was laughing at me, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to start crying.

I could feel the lump in my throat.

Thank god the room was dark.

“Will Alice be awake?”. He asked.

“Yeah”. I didn’t care if she wasn’t I would wake her up.

I followed him throughout his house and bit my lip when the entry light came on.

“You know sneaking girls around in my house is not on Francis”.


I felt the need to say something but instead lowered my head and prayed she didn’t see it was me. For some reason his parents liked me.

“I know mom but Aubrey-…”.

“Aubrey?”. She interrupted.

Double shit.

“Hi Mrs Mendez”. I lifted my head my eyes meeting hers. She was smiling from ear to ear her eyes shifting between me and her son.

“Mom, I have to get Aubrey home”.

“Is everything okay at home Aubrey?”. She asked.

I was confused by her question and wasn’t quite sure why she was asking. Everything at home was fine, normal just like always. I frowned and of course she noticed.

“My sons never brought a girl home because he knows my rules and yet here you are. Has something happened?”.

Oh, so he was telling the truth.

“Mom”. He groaned.

“Everything is fine Mrs Mendez. I forgot my key and didn’t want to wake up my parents. Franko-… Francis said it would be okay to stay here”.

“Are you being safe?”.

“Fuck mom”. He grabbed a hold of my arm and dragged me out through the front door.

It was the first time I had ever seen him with a red face.

We didn’t speak for the remainder of the time we were together. I’m pretty sure I knew what his mom meant but didn’t dare ask. Day light had peeked and by the time we reached Alice’ the sun was up.

Makes a change from rain.

“I ain’t leaving till you’re inside”.

I had the urge to roll my eyes but didn’t. He helped me out last night when he didn’t need to. I’d probably be grounded if I had gone home. Last night is something I would always remember.

I guess he wasn’t leaving then.

Alice wasn’t answering. I had knocked three times, and every knock was louder than the last. I just needed my bag so I could go home.

“Should have stayed at mine. Could be eating pancakes right now”. He winked.

“I need my bag so I can go home”. I didn’t want to have to chap my parents up to let me in. I didn’t need them questioning me at this time in the morning. I also didn’t want to be standing here when her mom came home from work.

“Come back to mine and I’ll bring you back later”. He spoke.

It’s not as if I had a choice but I felt like I was using him, and it was making me feel really shitty. He had been nothing but respectful and nice to me. He was nothing like I ever thought.


I also didn’t want him to think this was more than what it was.

My head hurt and I was overthinking everything.

“I can’t”.

“Fuck sake Aubrey it’s just breakfast. You made it clear this morning you won’t date me, and I respect that but I ain’t leaving you here”.

I guess that was me told.

Both his parents were up when we got back. I was expecting it to be dreadful, awkward even, but it wasn’t. We were all sat round the breakfast table eating waffles and bacon.

I would have to chin him about the pancakes later.

“Help yourself too more food Aubrey”. His mom smiled.

Eating breakfast with his parents felt more normal than it did with my own. I felt comfortable, they made me feel welcomed. I placed another slice of bacon on my plate.

“How come you ain’t brought Aubrey round here before?”. His dad asked.

“Never had the chance”. Franko shrugged.

His mood had changed slightly, and I wasn’t sure if he was feeling a little embarrassed. Trust me he had nothing to be embarrassed about. His parents were lovely.

“You sort your shit out with Tommy yet?”.

“We’re cool”.

“Gotta job for the both of you if you’re interested?”.

A job?

“Blue”. His mom glared. “I don’t want him wrapped up in this. It’s too early and you know it”.

Now I was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable. I didn’t want to know the job or what they were going to be up to. Something told me it wasn’t going to be legal.

“Aubrey sweetheart, would you like some more coffee?”. She asked.

My mug was full, but I took the hint. I smiled and nodded as I got out of my seat and followed her into the kitchen area which of course was out of earshot.

“He’s not a bad boy my son”. She spoke. “He’s got a good heart”.

“We’re just friends”. I smiled.

She gave me that look, the look that said it all.

“Never once has he brought a girl home Aubrey. No matter the situation he knows I don’t allow it and yet he brought you here”.


“What would your parents say if they knew you were here?”. She asked.

That question alone made me feel a little queasy. They already warned me to stay away from him. That he was bad news and yet I still came with him. I could already feel my frown.

“They wouldn’t like it”. I whispered.

“I thought as much”. She gave me a soft smile. “We aren’t bad people so don’t believe everything you hear”.

I didn’t.

“I think we can go back through now”.

I didn’t finish my breakfast and I had been sat nursing the same coffee for a good while. I couldn’t stop thinking about the look on his mom’s face when talking about my parents.

She looked sad.

They didn’t approve, they didn’t see the good. They only went with what they read in the paper. And Franko’ dad and his motorcycle club were in it a lot.

“I think you should take Aubrey home now”. His mom began to clear away the table. “Maybe I’ll see you again soon”.


I was in my room had been sat by my window for what felt like hours. I was bored. Our shopping trip didn’t happen because Alice was hungover. Something about a fight with Tommy and alcohol took the pain away.

So here I was at home on my own because my parents were at work. Sometimes I wish I had more than one friend. I could always go on my own, but I wasn’t street smart, and I’d end up getting lost.

Also, the weather had turned and that lovely sunshine this morning was now rain. Every excuse there was I was using it. I guess I would get my mom to take me tomorrow.

I went downstairs and fixed myself some lunch. I had nothing to do except waste time. I was all caught up on homework and I couldn’t study anymore. There was only so long I could keep my head in a book.

I was a little sceptical when there was a knock on my front door. It could only be Alice or Franko and I wasn’t holding out much hope that it was Alice. She’s probably still fighting her hangover and possible Tommy.

Another knock.

Franko and he brought food.

I was getting good at this guessing game.

“Not gonna invite me in princess?”.

“Why are you here?”. I asked.

“I owe you pancakes so”. He held up the bag he was carrying. “I also want to talk to you about the job at the diner”.

That caught my attention. A sigh fell from my lips as I moved letting him inside. Knowing my luck, it was to tell me the job was no longer available. I made sure to lock the door and made my way into the living room.

“Let me guess you’ve got someone else for the job?”. I don’t know why but my heart was racing. I wanted my own car so bad, and this was the only way I was going to get it. I didn’t want to have to spend more time looking for another job.

“What, no”. He made a face. “Eat”. He handed me a Tupperware tub. “Best you’ll ever taste”.

He wasn’t wrong. They were so soft and fluffy and light to touch. They were delicious and I wish he had brought me more than two. I would save the other one for later.

“Did your mom make these?”. I asked.

“I did”. He pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and sat them beside him.

“You did?”.

A laugh fell from his lips. “Don’t sound so surprised princess it’s just a pancake”.


“So, what about the job then?”.

“You wanna do a shift tonight?”.

“All night?”. I frowned.

I’m quite sure that was illegal for a sixteen-year-old and there’s no way in hell my mom would let me stay out all night.

He shook his head. “Just a few hours so you can learn the ropes”.

“Yeah”. I grinned. “Yes”.

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