Chapter 93

Kathy pov

I pleaded but she still didn’t say a word, I knew she was still in the room and could hear me, why she didn’t say anything I couldn’t tell, I struggled again trying to free myself but it was no use as whatever they used to tie my hands wasn’t bulging, I wondered how I could have slept through it all and not wake up, I wasn’t ab heavy sleeper, so what could have happened? Could it be that the reason I felt sleepy inside the car was that it was drugged, oh God, my baby, what would happen to my baby if I had indeed inhaled some drug? I remembered I didn’t feel sleepy until I got into the cab, I should have checked properly before I entered, also the driver, could it be that? I remember he was wearing a facemask, the more I thought the more scared I became, And not knowing why I was here and how long I will be left like this made it even worst, I tried talking to the lady whom I assumed was Gonna a few more times but she didn’t respond to me, so I just kept calm and waited I fear, after about a while, I heard footsteps from aside the room again, my heart started beating faster, as the door open, and the one that arrived spoke, it confirmed my fear that it was indeed Louis, I don’t really know Ginna’s voice that much because we barely have talked apart from the phone call and the time we met at that cafe, but Louis’s voice was one I knew and remembered.

“I am back,”

He said but the other person in the room didn’t answer, maybe she wasn’t here again, but I couldn’t remember hearing her leave.

“Are you wearing those damn headsets again Ginna?”

Louis yelled, I had been right, it is indeed Ginna and she hadn’t been hearing what I was saying because she had her ears covered, I should have thought of that.

“Oh, you are finally back?”

“Yes, why are you listening to loud music with that damn thing again, it will damage your ears,”

“I didn’t want her disturbing me,”

I listened to their conversation waiting for them to say something to me or at least untie me, but they seemed to have a misunderstanding because Ginna was yelling, she didn’t sound pleased, my eyes and hands hurt from where they were tied.

“Why the fuck would you bring her? I thought we had an agreement, you moron,”

“I didn’t have a choice, she was there, I got angry when I remembered how she betrayed me and when I approached her she acted as if she was untouchable so I decided to deal with her.”

Louis explained at first I thought they were talking about me but then I realized it wasn’t me because Louis never approached me nor did I betray him.

“Oh no Pearl,” I whimpered in fear, hoping they weren’t talking about her.

“I don’t have any business with her Dylan, you can do whatever you wish just know I ain’t cleaning up after you, my business is with the bitch over there,”

I heard her say I knew they were finally looking in my direction.

“Well, I don’t really have a business with her, I just need the money, my business is with that bitch that betrayed me, I am going to teach her a lesson she won’t forget in a hurry,”

“Go and bring her in, I think they can bond here, I will like to watch, by the way, did you get what I asked for?”

“Yes, the pharmacist was looking at me weirdly and I had to explain to him that I was sent to get it, what do you want to use it for?”

“None of your business, go get her while I untie this one,”

Ginna commanded, it seem as if she is the boss here and not Louis as I had earlier thought, just what did she plan on doing with me? I just hope help comes before it is too late, I thought of my husband, would I have slept long enough for him to already know I am missing, what could he be doing now, and would I see him again? The thought bought tears to my eyes, I heard Ginna move to where I was and a few moments later, the blindfold was removed, it took a while for my eyes to adjust to the room, I looked around, the room was painted white, the bed I was on, a table and a chair was all there is in the room, it wasn’t a hotel like I thought and it had only a tiny window at the far end of the big room.

“What do you want from me Ginna?”

I asked hoping she will free my hands too but she didn’t.

“I told you already, no need to rush, you will find out soon,”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

She said smiling and left me there.

“Why are you doing this? Just why? What have I ever done to you?”

“Shut up bitch or I will tie up your mouth,”

She warned as the door opened again and Louis entered carrying Pearl, she was out of it, he dropped her side me and laughed.

“Watch over them, I will be back shortly,”

Ginna announced leaving the room, Louis went over to sit on the chair Gonna had been using without saying a word to me.

“Louis? Why are you doing this?”

I asked.

“Shut up,”

That was all he said in response.

“What do you want from me again Louis? Why are you doing this, leave me alone, let Pearl go too, we didn’t do anything to you,”

“Shut up bitch, I am not the reason you are here, though I am going to make some cool money from it your business is with the lady that just left, I just did as I was told since money is involved, I am going to get the money I would have gotten if that bitch next to you hadn’t betrayed me, the only person I have a personal business with here is that bitch, by the time I am done with you Pearl you will regret betraying me,”

He said, I looked at Pearl, she hasn’t gotten up since she got here, I hoped she was okay, he must have drugged her as he did with me, I didn’t know what to do as Louis refused to talk to me after that, no matter what I said, I gave up after a while as I needed energy for myself and my baby, I hoped whatever happened that my baby, me and Peak will leave this place alive, I hope Cross would find us before it is too late…

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