Chapter 40

Cross Pov

I was finally able to finish all the get off work by after eight in the evening, my dad that went on about me having assistants and all, he needed to see the number of works that were left for me in just a short time that I was away, I stretched my body in tiredness, Katherine still didn’t call me, I wondered if she did everything she had to do and got back home okay, I wanted to call her but I remembered I told her to call me if anything goes wrong since she didn’t call means everything was okay, I didn’t want to appear clingy, I hated the thought of that.

I picked up my coat and laptop bag as I made my way out of the office, it was already so late that almost everyone else have left the building execpt for a few people that were pulling an all nighter, I said hello to all and wished them go night before leaving the office complex, I was so tired and feeling jet-leg compound with the fact that I haven’t gotten up since I got to the office, I stretched my legs more as I got to where my car was parked, got in and drove home, the house was silent when I entered as expected, I have been living here since I moved to New York ten years ago, even though I was hardly around I had people who kept it clean and homey for me, Nora, the cook, she always act like she is my mom or something, she is always on my case if I don’t eat I would be in trouble, that sometimes I wonder if I was the one that employed her but she was a good cook and also a great adviser, and there is also Steven gardener, the security men Save and Kris and also the cleaning lady Mrs. Betty, they were all like a second family to me and always made sure I had the best when I was at home, now that Katherine was around and I am going to be more at the house I know I can count on them to deliver.

Moving upstairs, I entered my room, the room was dark with only the bedside lamp on, I could make out the figure of the sleeping woman on my bed, my wife.

“At least she is home and sleeping,”

I whispered to myself, I had expected her to call at least once during the day but she hadn’t.

“You finally remembered to come back?”

She asked in a sleep-filled voice, she was wearing my t-shirts that looked like a gown on her, can’t believe she is already robbing me of my clothes

“Yes, now go back to sleep,”

I said taking my eyes off her body, the temptation to pull that t-shirt off her was too strong for me to handle.

“Don’t tell me what to do, I have been sleeping all afternoon,”

She replied getting up from the bed and clapping her hands which brought the light on, she looked at me judgingly.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

I asked dropping my coat and bag.

“Really? You don’t know why? You are late, I hate it when someone walks in at night and wakes me up from sleep, why are you so late dude?’

“Why are you being salty? I had a lot to do, did you miss me that much?”

“I didn’t quite miss you, I didn’t even notice your absence,”

“Are you sure? I can see through you though,”

“Go and bath already, you reck of sweat and tiredness,”

She said rolling her eyes, I did as she said when I came back she wasn’t in the room.

“Where did she run off to?”

I asked myself looking around upstairs, I saw her coming from the kitchen with a tray in her hands, I walked back into the room and put on a robe.

“Okay, I don’t you if you are a healthy person or a risk-taker like me, I bought you two choices from the goodness of my heart, a healthy night snack and also some curry and drive that Nora made earlier,”

She said dropping the tray containing the food on the mini table in the room, she sat down on one of the chairs looking at me with those ocean blue eyes.

“You met Nora already? I thought she wasn’t around, I asked Betty this morning and she told me she was away to see her kids,”

I said taking my seat.

“I think she came back today because I met her in the kitchen when I got back from school, I haven’t met the others though, but she promised to introduce us,”

“Aha, how was your first meeting?”

I asked, looking at her for any sign of discomfort, Betty can be harsh, even Dean doesn’t get along with her, but I didn’t see any sign.

“It’s was okay, she is nice,”

“Betty is everything but nice,”

I replied, choosing to eat the curry instead as I was super hungry.

“A risk-taker, nice, she is much to me though, she offered me lunch and even made me dinner and left it with a note, the only time she didn’t seem nice was when I watched the dish I used, she told me not to touch anything in the kitchen without her permission,”

She revealed.

“That’s more like the Betty I know, she doesn’t like the crowd and hates it when you mess with her domain which is the kitchen, and she treats me like a kid and always scolds me when I don’t come home, Dean can’t even stand her, they don’t agree, so I am surprised that she is nice to you,”

I told her.

“Well, I am charming so no one can resist me,”

I couldn’t argue with that, she was indeed irresistible, the thought of what Dean and I had talked about filtered into my mind, I wondered if that could happen, truly, Katherine had some kind of hold on me, she made me do things I didn’t usually do, and also she makes me bend my rules, I am an organized person until it has to do with her, could she break the heavy metal that replaced where my heart used to be?

I thought looking at her

“Why are you looking at me like that? Don’t you like the food?”

“I do I am just making sure you are alright,”

I lied, before concentrating on the food again.

“You could have just asked me, anyway I am fine and I had a tiring but great day, I am officially a student of New York school of interior design and my classes officially starts on Monday next week as I am taking this week to rest and get to know the town and also do a lot of shopping, I need a hell lot of things, and also a car to go around, I can’t keep taking a cab back from school and I don’t want you driving me either,”

“There is a car you might like in the garage,”

I replied.

“Okay, car issue solved, I need a driver’s pass in New York to drive right?”

“Yes, you can go get one tomorrow, it’s quite easy you just have to bring the right IDs,”

“Okay, another thing is money, things are freaking expensive here, I used up all my money before I could say, Jack,”

She complained

“Welcome to New York lady,”

I replied smiling at the look on her face.

“I couldn’t get you your card today, but you can make use of mine until I have gotten yours, buy whatever you need,”

“Alright, and again, I hate the color of the walls in this room, so boring, can we change it?”


I said in total refusal.

“Why? It’s so boring and pale,”

“I like it like this, you can pick another room if you don’t like it and do whatever you want with it,”

“Oh my gosh, you don’t need to sound so rude about it, I was just asking,”

She said and I realized I was being rude unintentionally, I dropped the spoon I held and faced her.

“I don’t like it when people mess with my stuff, you can do everything else you want but don’t mess with my stuff, okay? I don’t mean to be rude or sound rude,”

I said.

“Alright, it is your house, you are the boss, I forgot my place for a brief moment,”

She responded getting up and making her way out of the room before I could stop her.

“Way to go, man,”

I said suddenly not in the mood to eat, I took the tray of food and went to dump it in the kitchen sink before coming back upstairs, I looked in the room opposite mine, she wasn’t there.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.


I called walking to the other room, it was locked, so I knocked softly, I didn’t mean to make her angry or sad, I just didn’t like the thought of her changing things here.

“Kathy? I know you are in there, please open the door,”

“Go away, I don’t want to talk to you,”

Came her reply.

“Kathy, open the door, I am sorry for what I said, alright? Kathy?”

I called knocking but she didn’t respond, I stood there and kept knocking.

“What part of go away don’t you understand?”

She asked as she finally opened the door after more than ten minutes of knocking.

“Every part,”

“You are a pest,”

She answered eyeing me, I pulled her out of the room and carried her up into my arms.

“Put me down, you crazy man,”

She struggled to get off my arms but I held her tight.

“No way, I am used to sleeping on the bed with you, so even if you are mad at me you still have to share a bed with me,”

I said as I made my way into my bedroom with her in my arms, she stopped struggling after a moment.

“Good girl,”

I said as u dropped her on the bed.

“You are a confusing man, I swear to God,”

She said folding her hands against her chest,”

“Kathy, don’t tempt me tonight, I am tired and need to sleep,”

I said laying close to her and pulling her into my arms.

“Tempt you? That’s the last thing I wanna do, I wanna punch you instead,”

She replied, I pulled her closer in response and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

“Get some sleep Kathy we will talk about it tomorrow, alright?”


She responded snuggling closer to me. We were both crazy, yup that’s what it is, because why else will we be fighting over little things?”

The thought stayed in my head as I fell asleep…

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