Alphas Possession

Alpha’s Possession By Jessica Hall Chapter 73

Read Alphas Possession by Jessica Hall Chapter 73 – So instead, I make my way up the stairs to the VIP section to find Bree
working behind the bar upstairs. She smiles and waves me over to her, and I quickly rush toward her and the little safety behind
the bar area.
“Thanks for coming in,” she says before looking downstairs toward the lower bar. “That man down there came in twenty minutes
before you did,” she tells me, nodding toward Jake and glancing down at him nervously.
“He knew your name.” I swallow and nod. “As Harlow,” she whispers. It was no secret anymore that Tal and Bree knew my real
identity now, yet the fact he figured out where I worked and came here frightened me.
“Apparently, he was here last night asking about you, Bree tells me. Now that worries me. I don’t offer her an explanation.
Though it made me curious as to why he was here.
“His name is Jake. He is also the man responsible for killing my sister. She took my place in his pack,” told her. Saying that out
loud made the sickly feeling in my stomach worse, remembering how angry he was when he found out he had the wrong Omega
after killing her.
“Stay up here today; I will have Shane stay in case he gives you a hard time,” Bree tells me, giving my arm a squeeze before
going downstairs. She was due on stage in twenty minutes, and I hated the idea of being here by myself but knew it couldn’t be
Besides, Shane would step in if he tried anything. I set to work, trying to ignore Alpha Jake the best I could, yet he never left and
remained most of the day.
When I thought he was getting up to leave, relief filled me but on temporarily. Instead, he came up to the top bar where I was.
Shane, the security guard, watched him closely and never left my side. But his presence was becoming harder and harder to
“Are you going to ignore me all day,” Jake asks.
“Yep, I have nothing to say to you,” I tell him while sliding the drink he ordered over to him. He sighs.
“Does Thane know you are working here?” he asks, and my hands freeze what they are doing as I wipe the counter down.

“Chill, I won’t tell him. That isn’t why I am here,” he tells me and returns to my cleaning..
“So why are you here?” I snapped at him “Are you happy with your mates, Harlow?” I glance at him. Do I look happy? I could be
at work with them, but instead, I am sneaking around behind their backs, trying to find a way out of this city that wasn’t going to
have me eating out of dumpsters and sleeping in alleyways.
Jake moves closer and leans over the bar before whispering. “Zara sent me, he says, and I grit my teeth “You’re lying. Your pack
killed her.” I snapped at him, and he leaned back, looking around and toward where Shane stood watching him Yet as long as he
didn’t try to grab me, he would remain where he was.
“No, we realized as soon she brought to us that she hadn’t bloomed. We aren’t monsters, despite what the media says about my
pack,” “You knew and forced her anyway?” I asked, glaring at him. Jake shakes his head.
“Once an Omega is bought, marked, and mated. The pack can’t take another; Zara bloomed the next day, Jake tells me, looking
around “Think about what I am saying, Harlow” he whispers, unbuttoning his shirt. He jerks the collar aside, revealing his neck.
“We waited, would have waited forever if needed, and she begged us to save you. Said that you were both promised to never be
separated. The only way for a pack to have two Omegas is if one was dead” he tells me.
“We gave her the serum when she bloomed. I tried to buy you for her. But then, when I found Thane used his last serum on you,
I convinced her to let you stay with him. He is a good man, and I knew you would be safe with him. But then, after you went on
the run and killed his mother, we have spent the last two years searching for you before he could get his hands on you,” He tells
“You’re lying. Packs can have more than one Omega, and if what you’re saying is true, how did you get away with faking her
death?” Jake sighs. “Why would I lie, Harlow? As for your other question, not here. Too many ears.
But ask your mates. The laws changed three weeks before Zara came to us. They made it stricter. Once marked and mated, that
is the only Omega for the pack. No new ones and those that do take another are heavily penalized.”
“So Thane can’t take another Omega?” I ask him. “Not unless he wants to pay over a million dollars in fines, not that he can’t
afford it, but why risk it when you have his last serum running in your veins,” Jake tells me, buttoning up his shirt.
“Omega’s are becoming rarer. It is also why the council is so quick to chuck Omega’s into rotation these days, trying to bring
population numbers up.This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

One thing goes wrong, and an Omega is forced into the rotation, parking ticket, arrears in rent. The council has become
desperate. I wouldn’t have been able to bid on you had they known Zara was alive.”
“You could be just saying this. That could be any of your pack’s marks” “I tell him. “I could be, but when I saw you. Saw how
frightened you were. I stuck around, found out you worked here; I knew once Thane figured out who you were, he would want
your head.”
“Then prove she is alive, ring her,” I tell him, knowing I would recognize her voice anywhere. Jake shakes his head.
“No, we have just got her to a good place; I am not getting her hopes up of bringing you home only for you to decide not to come.
So again, Harlow, do you want my help to get you out of here?” he asks. Yet how could I trust him? For all I know, he could be
behind the killing of Thane’s mother and setting me up.
Whisked me away only to find out my sister was indeed dead “What do you mean about her not being in a good place?” I ask
him. “Our pack has lost a lot; I am not willing to lose my mate or this baby by stressing her out,” he tells me. My sister is
That made no sense. She is dead; I saw the autopsy report. “Then how am I expected to believe you if you won’t let me speak to
her?” I tell him. He slides a folded piece of paper over to me.
“My number; I am staying in town until my meeting on Friday with Thane. Decide before then. I have to leave on Friday to get
back to my family, “he says. Standing up and slid his stool under the bar.
“Did you have anything to do with Thane’s mother’s death?” I ask. His brows pinch. “No, you killed her? Didn’t you?” he asks,
seemingly genuinely perplexed. I shake my head.
“But Thane thinks you did?” “He wouldn’t let me explain. They have some shitty grainy footage of me leaving a restaurant with
his mother before she apparently died. But it wasn’t me. We were run off the road and attacked. She told me to run.” “Can you
prove this?” he asks. I shake my head, knowing I can’t. No one else was on the road besides those that tried to capture me.
Have you told Thane this?” he asks. “I tried he wouldn’t hear me out,” I admit. “I’II look into it. But remember Friday Harlow,
decide or I leave without you, he says before leaving. I was so confused about his actions when I saw him at work and today.
He was like two different people, and I didn’t know which version of him to trust. If he was right about changing the laws around
Omega purchases, that was also more motive to try to deceive me.
When my shift ended, I quickly changed back into my clothes when Bree handed me a plastic bag.
“Your shoes and clothes from the other night,” ” she tells me, and I curse. I left her clothes I borrowed and heels at the Hotel.

“Thanks, I will return yours tomorrow when I come in, tell her before bidding her goodbye, catching a cab back to the Hotel, and
doing my normal after-work ritual of ridding the scents from work before they get here.

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