Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 77 The next step


“What the fuck is wrong with you, Ezra? I have been calling for ages, and you haven’t answered my calls. There is Nia, too, who wouldn’t respond to my texts or calls. She shouldn’t have hung up on me when Gemma came to meet her. Is she okay, or must I wear a bloody mourning dress? But before that, you had better barricade that entire pack, or else I will raze it down while I haunt Gemma’s fucking ass down!” Perry rambled on in one breath.

Ezra slammed his head against the car seat. “You also know about her meeting with Gemma? Trouble has been on the rise since then, Perry.”

“What? Where is Nia? Where is she?” She yelled.

“She is here. Say something, Nia.” Ezra urged.

I couldn’t form a sentence. Everything seems to be happening so fast, and my chance of understanding it seems to pass off every second. “I am sorry,” I whispered.

Perry scoffed loudly into the receiver. “why are you sorry, baby? Talk to me, Ezra; what’s going on?”

“Listen carefully, Perry. Nia isn’t in the best mind to answer your questions now. After Nia met with Gemma, she can’t seem to remember anything else. Gael caught Nia in bed with another man, and he was so furious that he ordered her immediate leave from the pack house.”

“Good riddance to bad rubbish. I already knew Gael wasn’t the right one for her.” She hissed.

“Can you not be insensitive right now, Perry? Nia needs us now, and you need to put your sentiments aside. From what I gathered, Gemma made her sniff the night spice.” Ezra explained.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“What the fuck is night spice?” She asked.

“How does it work?” I also asked, finally finding my voice.

Ezra inhaled and exhaled. “The night spice is a deadly sleeping poison, and it mostly works on werewolves. When sprayed on the body like perfume, it works most by hugging your intended victim; the minute they sniff it, that’s the end for them. The victim will fall into a deep sleep for as long as thirty minutes. The only problem is that the after-effects are dangerous to the brain. But I am glad we have gotten that out of the way.”

Perry made a finger-snap sound from the other end. “Now I remember. It’s one of the poisons Uncle Ezekiel possesses in his garden. He always warns us to stay clear of it. Don’t you think that clarifies why Gemma has access to such dangerous stuff?”

“Can you all be clear in your explanation, please,” I begged, sounding helpless.

“I am so sorry, Nia. Gemma had you in the hug. She must have planned her strategy well, just in case you wouldn’t accept a drink. I am confident the plan was to drug your drink if you had one. She was all out to get you trapped.” Ezra explained.

“Didn’t you explain to Gael what happened?” Perry asked. “He should know what his little bitch was up to.”

I pulled at my hair. “Gael didn’t try to hear me out and ended up-” I wanted to mention the slap but held back on it. The look in his eyes when he did it proved that he didn’t mean to. As angry as he was, he held himself back. I saw the struggle despite the heat of the moment.

Perry coughed, “What did he do?”

“He had her banished from the pack. I have to get her out of here before Gael wakes up and starts from where he finished tonight. The clinic is on fire.” Her brother replied.

“So typical of Gael to jump to a conclusion without trying to find the truth. Until when will he keep acting like an asshole?” She hissed.

“You can’t blame him. If I knew Gemma well enough, she must have made everything look so real that anyone, not just Gael, would have believed it. I am just concerned about Nia. Do you think that man touched you?” Ezra asked in a solemn voice.

I wrapped my arms around myself protectively. “I don’t think so. But I can’t be certain.”

“Get her to a hospital right now, and after that, drive her to the airport. She stays with me.” Perry said.

“Stay on the call then. I will do that now.” Ezra said, kick-starting the car.

Tonight seems to be the longest I have had in ages, and it feels like it has no intention to end soon. My entire life played out like an actual movie as Ezra smuggled me into the hospital. The news of the healer cheating on the Alpha has spread through the pack. It’s what everyone seemed to be talking about when we arrived. Ezra called in a favor with his doctor friend, and she was the one who locked me up in a room without the other people knowing and had me checked.

I felt exposed as she went back and forth, nodding at whatever the computer showed. I am an ordained healer, and I can’t even seem to save myself in this situation. It is such a shame that I ended up this way. After what felt like forever, the doctor rounded up.

“What’s up?” Ezra asked impatiently.

“She is fine. Aside from the trail of sleeping dose in her bloodstream, there isn’t forceful penetration. I am sure she is fine. Just ensure she gets enough rest; she looks exhausted.” The doctor explained.

My racing heart went calm at the result of the test. At least Gemma was thoughtful enough not to get me raped. Ezra thanked the doctor, and we were off again. Our feet didn’t touch the ground until we returned to the car. Perry was still on the phone, and her brother told her everything we heard.

“That’s enough for tonight. Make Nia board the plane as soon as possible, Ezra. You don’t have anything to worry about, Nia. Ezra will make it clear to Gael, and you will be free of the accusation. For now, you need to be far away from there. That would help Gael’s anger fizzle out. I love you, see you soon.” Perry said, sounding tired.

I sniffed back a tear, “I love you too.” I replied. The phone went dead, leaving me with my thoughts and Ezra. “I am so sorry for ruining your party. Today was supposed to be all about you. But I couldn’t keep to myself and had to get involved.” I mumbled, feeling pitiful.

Ezra snickered. “stop talking nonsense. I enjoyed my party to an extent, and it was becoming a burden. I know this is a lot for you, Nia. But I need you to stay strong. I will make sure Gemma pays for what she did to you. Gael will learn the truth, and you both will be back together like nothing happened. I am sorry you are on the harsh receiving end. Gael is probably hurting, too.”

I rested my head against the window. “he sure is. It is my fault. I never should have trusted Gemma. That was my mistake. I shouldn’t have gotten close or even responded to her in private.”

“You are a good soul, Nia. It’s no surprise that people fool you easily. But that doesn’t make you stupid, and it is not your fault that these evil ones have no shame. You don’t have to beat yourself up for that. Trust the Moon Goddess to settle everything. It would help if you got some sleep. Our drive to the airport will take a while. I need to get some stuff ready for your move. Please rest.” He urged.

I nodded as I folded my arms. With tears lingering in my eyes, I shut it tightly. I hope tonight is all just a nightmare, and when I wake up, I will find Gael next to me, holding up his beautiful smile to say good morning.

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