Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 22 Her Passion


Settling himself into the chair reserved for him at the dining table. Ezekiel let out a tired cough. The situation of the pack’s health care has him working twice as hard, but the presence of Ezra makes it at least easy for him to run around without feeling too exhausted. But it still doesn’t change that he might be getting too old for the job.

A small smile tugged at his lips, “Wow, this is a surprise seeing you at the table with us, Perry.” It’s been a long time since he last saw his niece. It’s almost like they are strangers. She hardly comes home or acknowledges anyone. It worries the older man, being unable to make his brother’s children happy makes him feel unfulfilled.

Perry smiled genuinely at him, “I am sorry I haven’t been coming around.”

“I hope you are coming to apologize to me?” Gemma said, eyeing her viciously.

“And why would I apologize to you?” Asked Perry.

Ezra inhaled while holding his sister’s hand under the table with a slight shake of the head for her to ignore her cousin’s late-night tantrums.

“Can we not do this at the table, please,” Ezekiel begged. “It’s obvious Ezra and I are the only ones who have had it tough today. If whatever you intend to say isn’t relevant, let’s eat in peace.”

Gemma looked around the table, feeling betrayed.

“Dad! Why would you say such a thing? You always baby these folks and make me the bad egg. I wonder how long you intend to stay indebted to them like it’s your fault their parents chose to die early. This sly bitch here assaulted and embarrassed me. Yet you expect me to let it go?”

“Gemma!” Ezekiel called out sternly. “If you can’t have a regular fight with your sibling and get over it, that is your cup of tea. You will not speak to me in such a rude manner. I have no interest in whatever you both are fighting over. Now, if you know your presence here would have the rest of us starved, then you are free to leave the table and eat on your own.”

With tears lacing her eyes, Gemma turned to her mother. “Mum?”

Daniella held Ezekiel’s gaze. “can you just pacify her and let us all eat in peace?”

Ezekiel hissed, “You are the reason she lacks manners. You keep indulging her. As for me, I have had enough of such disrespect, and I want her off this table.”

Pushing her chair back angrily, Gemma hissed in contempt and stormed off. With a silent message to her husband, Daniella followed her daughter.

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Please, let’s eat.”

Ezekiel said, smiling at his nephew and niece.

Ezra, who had been quiet throughout the scene, cleared his throat. “I think you should have spoken nicely to Gemma, uncle. I don’t want her mother to think we are causing a rift between you both.”

Ezekiel hissed, “If after all these years Daniella thinks that, then it’s not my fault she is a shallow thinker.

And unreasonable at that to ever think about you two in such a spiteful manner. It’s not hidden from anyone that we spoiled Gemma, and it’s easy to think everyone is beneath her. I’m not going to allow it anymore. I have accepted my fault and moved on from trying to soothe her every time. You both own this house just as much as she does. She will be fine.” He snorts.

They ate without a word to each other before Perry tapped on her glass to get their attention. “I am sorry for interrupting your dinner. But I have something to say.”

“Go ahead, my dear.” Ezekiel urged.

“What’s this about?” Ezra inquired.

“I got an email from an art residency platform in New York for three months; also, an art gallery wants my works on display. So I will be moving from the pack next week.” She said,

Ezra’s cutlery fell from his hands as he stared at his younger sister in shock. He has always known her to be independent. But he never thought a day would come when she would desire to venture off into the human world all by herself.

“What are you even saying? Why would you leave the pack to live among humans? Do you know me there?” He chastised her.

“Well, I would never be able to tell what happens there if I don’t visit. There is no life for me here in the Sunset pack. I want to set foot on a different shore and taste life there. Many of our pack members live there happily, so what’s wrong with me going?” She retorted.

Ezra looked back at his uncle for help. “Please don’t be quiet. Help talk her out of this nonsense she is getting herself into.”

“Don’t call my passion and career nonsense, Ezra.”

Perry raised her voice. “if you are fine with being a Beta for the rest of your life. It’s all good. But I want a different world for myself.”

“Uncle.” Her brother moaned helplessly.

Ezekiel let out a long breath. The food had already gone sour in his mouth. It’s bad enough that his daughter makes a mess of the family’s name-and now his niece’s intention to leave and probably never return. Perry is known to be a free bird. Her announcement shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it did. No one expected it to be so soon.

“Is there anything we can do to keep you here?” He asked, feeling weak.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Perry shook her head, “not at all. It is what I have always wanted and worked hard for. It means the world to me.”

“So what happens to me then?” Ezra bellowed, teary-eyed, “What do I mean to you? Do you want to get up and leave without prior warning? Just great.” He hissed, leaving the table angrily.

Perry stared at Ezekiel. He raised his hands in surrender. “He is the one you owe an explanation. Go after him.”

Doing as told, she went in the direction Ezra followed. He was standing outside with his hands on his waist while he kicked hard at the grass. Perry stood behind him, contemplating whether to approach him. “You think Mom’s death didn’t hurt me?” He started keeping his back turned. “I was lost. I wanted to hide far away. Knowing we didn’t have them to look after us anymore broke me apart. But I had to keep sane for you, and I longed for you so bad. Your ever-smiling self just dimmed, and no matter what I did, it felt like your hatred for me just ran deep. I blamed myself, but there was no way to get to you. You always pushed me away. I wanted to be the first person you showed your finished art pieces to. But they never came. I always sneaked into the clinic whenever you weren’t there to catch a glimpse of it. Just like Mum always said, your art would heal people’s hearts. It did heal me every time I saw them.”

Turning to her abruptly, Ezra didn’t bother to hide his tears. “I love you so much, Perry. But you made me feel out of place, like I was always doing something wrong. It’s almost like you forget that we both lost our parents. I want to be there for you, Dewdrop. I miss you. Why would you announce you are leaving me forever so casually like that? Do you not love your brother anymore?”

Perry’s eyes watered at the sight of brother’s pain. She had always thought he was never affected by their parent’s death. Which had brought about the resentment she felt towards him. Not knowing he was only trying to be strong for her. Her lips shook as the tears hit differently.

“I’m sorry, Ezra. I thought you didn’t care. I just wanted to live far away from here, where the memory hurts. I’m sorry. I have missed you so much.”

Ezra reached for her, embracing his sister tightly.

“Then don’t leave me. I promise to make your art pieces get down there. You don’t have to go.”

She looked at him, “I have dreamt of it countless times. I want to be a part of that place, Ezra, please.”

The tears rolled down his face uncontrollably, and it felt like someone took off a piece of his heart. “Please, Perry, you don’t have to go. I promise to do better. I will only worry too much if you are far away.”

“I promise I will be fine, Ezra. Thank you for keeping Nia by my side. She has been a breath of fresh air. I don’t know what fate holds for me. But I am never going to let you go ever again, Ezra.”

Wiping his tears, Ezra grinned. “I paid a huge amount for Nia.”

“I do know that. Please look after Nia while I am gone. I hope when she becomes free, she will come to meet me there.”

“Can I come visit?”

“Sure. I would also come in from time to time.”

“You promise?”

“I promise.” She assured, wrapping her arms around him tightly. “I love you, Ezra.”

“I love you too, dewdrop.”

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