Alpha Loren

Chapter 81 Lemon and Honey

Chapter 81 Lemon and Honey

December 2nd

"Leonardo, did you find your brothers?" Rosa asked the second we came back into the house.

"Yes," he replied shortly.

"Where are they?"

"In the woods, like a five minute walk away."

"And what are they doing?" she questioned narrowing her eyes.

Leo swallowed, "...Just hanging out."

"Just hanging out?"

"Yes," he confirmed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Pensi che io sia stupida??!" Rosa exclaimed, "do you think I'm stupid?"

Leo gritted his teeth, looking anywhere but into his Mother's eyes.

"I can always tell when my children are lying to their mother, Leonardo! If my boys are up to no good

then I'd like to hear about it."

"Mom," Leo groaned. "They'll be back before midnight. I will make sure of it."

At that point, Antonio came over and placed his hand on Rosa's shoulder.

"You worry too much, mi amore," He said softly. "They can take care of themselves now."

She nodded and he kissed her gently on the forehead.

"Leonardo, could I have a word with your Luna?" Antonio asked.

"Of course," Leo said smiling at me with reassurance and giving me a little nudge.

Antonio didn't like me and he made it clear enough. I nervously followed him into the office and he shut

the door behind me.

"I feel as though I owe you an apology, Ella," he said. "We've never got along well. I had some

prejudices based on your father's reputation that I should have been fairer than to place on you. To

begin with, you appeared to be living up to them but now I see you're settling into life in the Stella pack


I forced a smile.

It didn't take a genius to decode what he meant by that.

"And last week," he continued, "When we'd just learnt about Lia's pregnancy, it appears you were right.

You voiced it in a way that antagonised me and that's all I saw, not what you were actually saying. So

I'm sorry for not listening and I'm sorry for retaliating in the way I did."

I stared blankly for a few seconds.

Who is this man and what has he done with Antonio?

As soon as his words had sunk in, I smiled, "apology accepted."

He nodded before pausing and looking down to his desk for a few seconds.

"But that is only half of what I wanted to talk to you about," he said, slowly looking back up to me. "And

you mustn't relay this part to my son," he added hushing his voice to a whisper.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Two weeks ago I noticed something off about Maria and Elena," he said opening a drawer in his office

desk. "So earlier this week I had them followed on one of their little late-night trips out into the woods

and I believe you already know what was discovered."

He handed me three photos.

The first one was clearly taken from behind some kind of bush and it featured Maria and Elena talking

to a group of around ten women ranging in age. The second was an image of Maria showing a young

girl, maybe about 11, how to shoot a bow and the last was Elena stood next to me as we watched the


They were taken two days ago when Leo was out at the base. Mateo, who by then had uncovered the

truth from Allison and been sworn to secrecy, had come over to watch me but when Maria and Elena

showed up on the doorstep, heavily armed with their bows and knives, I'd managed to convince him to

let me go and watch the training just for a little bit.

I was out for maybe twenty minutes. I didn't even join in and Elena stood by me the entire time, telling

me about the plans for the programme and how as soon as I'd given birth, I could come regularly.

So I may have separated from Mateo but I didn't consider myself in danger at any point. Not with

twelve armed women and girls around me.

But of course, by the look on Antonio's face, he didn't see that way.

"Antonio-" I began.

"I have no objection to my daughters teaching themselves and others how to defend themselves. In

fact, given recent events I think it is a stroke of genius. However, what I will not accept is the Luna of

this pack and her unborn child, the future Alpha, going into the woods at night alone. Do you

understand how dangerous that is?"

"I wasn't alone," I replied.

"Your death would tear this pack apart. Elena and Maria are not at the top of every rogue in the

country's hit list but for you, the risk far outweighs the positives. And besides, we both know that

Leonardo would never permit this. What do you think would happen if he ever found out? I am by no

means going to stop my girls from doing this, but if you are ever seen there again, I will tell my son

about the entire thing and he will put an end to it all. Understand?"

"Are you threatening me?" I questioned.

"It is simple. As long as you stay well away from everything going down in that clearing in the woods,

everything going down in that clearing in the woods can continue to go down...just without you."

"You don't trust Maria and Elena to protect me if needed?" I asked, "Maria literally won us the war."

"If you want to learn to fight, ask Leonardo to teach you," Antonio replied, skirting the question, "And

stop going behind his back while you are at it. You knew Leo would not have allowed this and I will be

having words with Mateo for letting you too. This disobedience ends now."

I bit my tongue and nodded.

"Good. Now go and rejoin the party, it will be time for the transformation soon," he said in a much more

gentle tone.

I then quickly left the office.

"Bella, have you seen Leo?" I asked after spotting Bella and Xander sat on the bottom step of the


"He's in the garden," Bella replied.

"Thanks," I said before turning towards the garden.

"Ella wait-" Bella interjected. "Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I looked awkwardly to Bella and then to Xander, hesitated for a second before forcing a smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said before beelining for the Garden. Just as I reached the end of the hall, Lia and

Haden came round the corner.

I had to emergency brake to prevent myself from running straight into Haden.

"Excuse me," I said stepping forwards expecting Haden to let me through.

Surprise surprise he didn't.

"Hade," Lia said tugging his arm.

"Get the fuck out my way," I hissed after trying to get past him again- with no avail of course.

"No need to be rude, Ells," He replied fake smiling. "I was an Alpha, remember."

"Keyword: was," I snapped. "I'm sorry Lia, I just need to find Leo."

"No worries," she said tugging at Haden's arm, "Haden, come on."

He refused to move, still completely blocking my passage.

"In a minute I am going to flip my shit if you do not get out of my way," I said.

"Try me," he said, a grin sweeping onto his face.

"Do you really want to get on the wrong side of my brother...again?" Lia asked.

He finally moved aside but as I passed he leant forward to my ear.

"See you around, sweetheart," he whispered.

"Heya," Leo said as I returned to him. "What did my Dad want to talk to you about?"

"He wanted to apologise for the other night," I answered.

Technically I wasn't lying to him but I wasn't exactly telling the entire truth either.

"You look a little pale, Ells," he stated placing his fingers under my chin and lifting my head.

He wore a worried expression as he checked me up and down.

"Do you feel alright? Has something happened?" he questioned.

"I'm fine, Leo. Don't worry," I said trying to dismiss it.

"Let me take you somewhere quieter," he said taking my hand.

We came into the kitchen and from the corner of my eye, I spotted Antonio stood in the corner. He shot

me a shifty glance and I was glad when Leo pulled me straight through the kitchen and towards the


Bella and Xander were still sat on the stairs but they both moved out the way as soon as Leo

approached them.

"Are you sure you are okay, Ella?" Bella asked.

"I'm okay," I answered as Leo continued to usher me upstairs.

"Alpha Loren, If you need anything let me know," Xander said.

"Of course," Leo replied nodding his head.

A few moments later we were in the spare room and Leo sat me down on the bed.

"What's up? Tell me," Leo said kneeling down in front of me.

"It's probably just the baby," I reassured him.

"What is?"

"I just feel a little weak," I replied.

"Xander!" Leo shouted. "Could you bring a glass of water up here."

"Sure," Xander replied.

"Are you feeling dizzy?" he asked.

I nodded.


I nodded.


I nodded.

"I know what this is," he stated, taking my hands, "It's a new moon and you are pregnant. What do you

normally feel on a new moon?"

"Um, ever so slightly more tired and weak than usual," I replied.

"When you are pregnant everything you feel is enhanced by about a hundred times, right?"

"Tell me about it," I muttered.

"It is the same thing with the new moon sensation," he told me, "The pregnancy hormones make it a

whole lot worse."

I groaned and lay down on the bed.

"But it's nothing to worry about. You'll feel better in the morning," he said.

Just then, Xander appeared with the glass of water.

"Is she alright?" he asked, handing Leo the water who then brought the glass to my lips.

"It's a new moon tonight," Leo said, "And she's pregnant."

"Oh I see," Xander replied, "In Russia, Mothers drink lemon juice and honey on full moons. It is meant

to regulate the hormones and subdue the moon's effect on the body."

"And does it?" I asked.

"The Russian she-wolves practically worship that remedy," he said with a grin.

Leo nodded, "Take Bella to the kitchen, she knows where the lemon and honey is. And if you see Lia

could you also send her up here without Haden- he is the last thing either of them need right now."

After Xander was gone Leo brushed my hair behind my ear and gently kissed my forehead.

"You are freezing," He pointed out before getting a blanket from the end of the bed and wrapping it

around me.

"I guess I should get used to this," I sighed.

"My parents know far more about this than I do," Leo replied. "I should get them up here."

"No-" I blurted before biting my tongue. "I don't want anyone else to have to leave the party," I

continued recovering myself.

"Are you sure? They might be able to help," Leo said raising an eyebrow.

"The lemon and honey can do that too," I replied quickly. Too quickly.

"Is there something you aren't telling me?" he asked and I shook my head immediately.

"Ella," he said sternly. "I can see right through you."

"Guess you have a nice view of the wall then," I replied.

"Are you sure there isn't anything?"

I hesitated for a moment whilst I weighed up the pros and cons.

It may surprise you to hear that I actually hate lying to Leo. Firstly, I'm terrible at it which only makes

matters worse but I also feel terrible when I do because he's my mate and he is only ever trying to help

(in his own way).

But then again, I didn't want to start family drama between Leo, his father and Mateo, especially not at

Lenny's 16th. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

I also didn't want to expose Maria and Elena's she-wolf training program. I knew Leo well enough to

know he'd shut it down immediately, thus resulting in even more family drama.

But the way he looked at me, demanding an answer made me uncomfortable. He stared deep into my

eyes, like he could already see the truth and I felt my wolf begging me to tell him.

"It's nothing," I said.

Before Leo could question anymore, Xander came back up.

"Haden says he is taking Lia home," Xander informed us.

"He'll probably need his car keys for that," Leo said looking at me with a smirk.

"Leo!" I exclaimed. "You stole his car keys?"

"Borrowed," he corrected as he brought the glass containing lemon juice and honey to my lips.

I sipped the liquid and it instantly felt warm and soothing inside of me.

"Wow, that is like magic," I said smiling at Xander. "Thanks."

"...3...2...1....and enter Haden," Leo said as the door burst open.

"Where are my fucking car keys, Loren?" Haden hissed.

"The same place as your fucking respect. Up my arse," Leo replied and I had to cover my mouth to

hide the laugh.

"Lia is sick and I need to take her home," Haden said in a more submissive tone.

"She isn't sick. She's pregnant on a new moon," Leo explained. "Same as Ella. Give her some Lemon

juice and honey and a few minutes to lie down and she'll be fine. No need to miss her little brother's

first transformation."

"Lemon and honey juice? What is that meant to do?"

"I don't know but it works," Leo said. "One of my brothers or sisters will show you where the honey and

Lemon is."

Haden sighed and then left the room leaving the three of us in the spare room again.

"At least one good thing has come of this," Leo said giving me another sip of the honey and lemon.

"What's that?" Xander asked.

"We all know Bella isn't pregnant yet," he added.

"Alpha, without your blessing I would never-" Xander began.

"I know, Xander," Leo replied with a Xander. "But you have my blessing now."

"Really?" Xander asked in shock and Leo nodded.

"Take her back to your pack, mark her, have pups, whatever. I trust that you will treat her well and

make her happy. She doesn't stop smiling around you and you had all that time to do whatever you

wanted with her but you didn't. You've proven yourself."

"Thank you, Alpha."

"Go and let her know," Leo said and Xander left without hesitation.

"Your parents have been waiting years for grandchildren and now they are could get three all at once."

I yawned and lay back onto the bed.

"How long until midnight?" I asked.

"Two hours," Leo replied laying down on the bed next to me.

"Wake me up in two hours then," I replied before cosying into Leo's chest and closing my


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