Alpha Loren

Chapter 26 A Change of Heart

Chapter 26 A Change of Heart

October 18th

I woke up securely in Leo's arms with my head rested on his chest as he held me close to him.

"I'm dropping you at my parents' house today whilst I go and meet a visiting Alpha from an allied back,"

he said, kissing the top of my head, "I'll be back in the late afternoon and then we'll have a bit of time

before the Alpha comes over for dinner."

I grimaced, "Why is he coming for dinner?"

"Because he has a powerful pack bordering mine to the North and because he's a massive douchebag,

we have to put extra effort into remaining civil in order to avoid a war," he replied, "A war that would be

damaging to both of our packs."

"Sounds like so much fun," I groaned, "Do I have to be there?"

"Yes," he said bluntly, "You can't wriggle out of this one."

When Leo dropped me off at the Loren household, his little sister Lia opened the door.

"Good morning," she said with a yawn.

She was still in her little silk pyjamas with her fine golden hair unbrushed and swept over her face.

"Hi, Lia," Leo said quickly, his eyes glancing behind her into the house. "Is Dad, Mateo, Marco or

Carlos here?" he added.

"Didn't Mom tell you?" she asked, "Mom and Dad went to New York for their anniversary but they'll be

home this afternoon."

"And the boys?" Leo questioned.

"They went on a run earlier and said they'd be back but the time you got here but..." she said with a

shrug, "We both know not to trust a word any of them say."

"For fuck's sake," Leo grumbled stepping into the house, "Guess we'll wait."

"Do you not trust us to take care of your mate, Leo?" Elena said from the kitchen.

When we entered, she was stood leaning against the counter with a piece of toast in her hand and a

raised eyebrow.

"No," he said bluntly.

"Do you really think I'm going to try and run away?" I asked him.

A smile crept onto his lips, "After last night, I'm not so sure."

Lia looked like she was going to vomit as Elena groaned in disgust.

"But then again, I didn't think you would try the first few times. So you never fail to amaze me," he said.

Elena rolled her eyes, "Driving your own mate to run away from you. Real nice," she muttered.

She then glanced at me with a cheeky smile as Leo just stared at her.

"Do you think you could avoid pissing me off before I have to go and speak to Alpha Haden?" he

asked, "We don't want a war with the Ayas pack."

She forced a smile before she took another bite of her toast.

Just then the front door opened and Carlos, Marco and Mateo piled in, all sweaty and panting.

"You're here. Finally."

"Good morning to you too big bro," Carlos said as Leo gave me a hug and a quick kiss on the forehead

and left.

"Wow, I miss living with him so much," Marco muttered, "What a nice guy."

The day consisted of a chilly run up to a lake and a lot of laughing and talking. Leo's siblings were

warm and welcoming - the stark opposite of him. They made me feel like I was one of them within just


"Come on, Carlos," Mateo teased after his younger brother had tackled him to the floor but he had

managed to get back onto his feet. "Is that all you've got?"

"Boys huh?" Maria, the eldest of Leo's siblings who I had only met this morning, said.

We continued to watch them as they continued to roll around on the floor together, "They get so much

entertainment out of trying to kill each other," she added.

Just then Marco joined in, grabbing Mateo's legs as Carlos took his arms.

"And this is their favourite game: twins vs Mateo," she said with a laugh as Mateo seized Carlos in a

head lock as Marco held him in one.

Lisa and Lenny, the youngest of the ten Loren children, were at the shore of the lake with their shoes

off. The air temperature was cold enough and I could hardly bear the thought of how their toes felt to be

dipped in the icy water.

Just as Lisa had decided it was maybe a little too cold, a cheeky grin came onto Lenny's face. He

exchanged looks with me and before I could realise what he was thinking, he had bent down and

slapped the water with so much force that a wall of water cascaded over his sister.

"No, no, Lenny, please!" she squealed.

She tried to run out of the lake and back onto the shore.

But he waded through the water at high speed to catch up.

"Lenny," Maria scolded, "Don't bully your sister."

He ignored the orders from Maria, grabbed Lisa and slam dunked her into the water.

With that, Elena kicked off her shoes and marched to the lake.

The fear on Lenny's face as he saw Elena coming was hilarious and a few seconds later, a waterfight

had begun and all three of them were entirely drenched.

"I'll get some firewood," Marco said with a laugh as Lisa stood, her lips blue, shivering viciously.

Mateo took off his jacket and handed it to Lisa as Lenny and Elena just stood dripping and ringing out

their clothes with their hands.

When Marco returned with the wood, a roaring fire was lit that they could both dry their clothes next to.

When we finally returned to the house, I helped Bella and Elena make some bread and soup for a late

Lunch and was forced to watch my Senior Prince with Lia... again...

It wasn't long until Leo came to pick me up and I said goodbye to everybody.

"How was your day?" he asked as we drove home.

"Great. Your siblings are brilliant," I replied.

"You smell like forest, fire and soup," he replied. "It must have been a good day."

I nodded, "How was yours?"

"Alpha Haden gets on my nerves like nothing else," he said, "So sitting in a meeting with him for hours

was got the trial."

"Do you enjoy being the Alpha?" I asked.

"Yes. It's what I was born to do," he said. "But sometimes I just wish I could get away from it all for a

day or two."

"Then why don't we?" I asked. "We could go on a trip! You can leave the pack for a few days, can't


He smiled and put his hand on my leg, "You're so cute," he said. "And maybe we will. Where to?"

"Paris! Or London...or maybe New York," I said already getting excited. "I don't know. I've never even

left the country before."

He laughed again, "I'll take you wherever you wanna go. I promise."

A few minutes later, there was a sudden bump in the road and the car came to a halt.

"Shit," Leo cursed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The tyre fucking burst," he replied getting out of the car to inspect the damage.

I got out too and walked round to see a pierced hole in the bottoms of the wheel.

Leo knelt down and picked something up, "I'm guessing this is to blame."

It was a large sharp rock that we had obviously just run over.

"Do you have a spare?" I asked.

"Of course I have a fucking spare," he said going round to the trunk.

I watched attentively as he worked on the wheel. I couldn't even drive and when it came to things like

this, I was clueless but it was fascinating to watch...or more Leo was fascinating to watch.

"You're staring," he said without even taking his eyes off the wheel.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

He quickly finished off the change before he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist. He then

kissed me unexpectedly passionately on the lips.

"My hands are greasy," he said showing me his blackened fingertips after realising and taking them off

my face.

"It's okay," I replied kissing him again and guiding his hands to my waist.

With that he grinned and clutched my waist, lifting me up and slamming me into the hood of the car as

he kissed me with rough passion.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled his chest against mine as his hands slipped under my

shirt. I felt my blood heat up with excitement as I felt his hands on my boobs.

He then grabbed my legs, spreading them wide apart as he pressed himself hard between them,

squeezing my ass in the tight grip of his fingers.

I gasped as he brought his hands to my throat to pull me back into his lips.

But just as he was reaching for the buckle of my bants a car drew up behind us.

My eyes winded. The track was only wide enough for one car to pass and we were blocking the entire


"Fuck," Leo cursed pulling my shirt back down over my stomach.

He then looked behind us to the car and he let out an awkward laugh.

"That's my Dad's car," he said lifting me off the hood, "They must be on their way back from the


I covered my hands over my face as my cheeks flushed red.

"Oh God," I said as he flattened my dishevelled hair before approach his confused looking father who

had already got out the drivers seat started walking over to us.

"What the fuck are you doing, Leonardo?" he asked.

"Umm..." he mumbled, "The tyre burst so I had to change it and then..."

At that point, Antonio looked around the car and saw me stood, unable to make eye contact with him.

"Oh," he said, with a look of pleasant surprise, "Did we interrupt something?"

Leo just smiled awkwardly before waving to his Mom who still sat in the passenger's seat of Antonio's


"I'll just move out your way," he said before turning back to the car.

We both got in and he steered his car to the verge of the road and let his parents past before he turned

to me.

"That was mortifying," I said.

Leo grimaced, "At least they came before..."

"Leonardo," I scolded, "I was not about to hand you my virginity on a car bonnet."

He grinned to himself, "Whatever you say..."

When we got home we just had time to shower before Leo had to and start cooking the dinner for this

Alpha coming tonight. The air was soon filled with the beautiful smell of tomatoes, garlic and basil as

various things sizzled and boiled downstairs.

About half an hour later, Leo came back upstairs.

"Have you found something to wear?" he asked.

I nodded, coming out the bathroom to show him the navy blue dress I'd picked out. It reached my mid

thigh (we almost) and fit me perfectly.

"You look beautiful," he said examining me, "Do me a twirl, woman."

I spun around and he smiled again before his face dropped.

"But this Alpha doesn't need to see this much of you," he replied, his eyes all over my bare legs.

"Leo," I groaned, "It's fine."

"it's not fine," he replied, "Change."

I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, hey," he said, "Less of the attitude. I just don't want him to look at you the way I look at you,

okay? And trust me, you don't want him to either."

"Whatever," I mumbled sauntering back into my closet.

I certainly didn't want to dress to appeal to another man and I value my modesty which is why I would

never have gone down there in a tight bodycon dress with my boobs and ass out.

But this dress wasn't tight, nor low cut nor particularly short. But I wasn't going to stand there and argue

with him. Firstly because I'm not going to win and it would just piss us both off and secondly because it

didn't really affect me. Whether or not it should, it bothered him that this Alpha would have been able to

see more of my leg than he wanted so why would I not just wear a different dress?

When I came back out in dress number two, he was buttoning up his shirt.

He glanced at me, "Thank you. That's better," he replied, "And you still look beautiful."

I came over and took over buttoning up his shirt.

"Why are you so worried about this man looking at me?" I asked.

"He doesn't have a mate," he said, "And he's not like my pack members."

"What do you mean?" I questioned as I continued to button up his shirt, unfortunately covering up his

beautiful abs.

"He doesn't bow down to me and if there's something to look at, he will look at it. He's not concerned

about getting on the wrong side of me."

"That's a first," I said, "He must be powerful."

"He is, " he said, "And he also isn't a man that you should mess with. Or challenged or disrespected or

tested or anything else. Do you understand?" He said sternly.

I nodded, "Go it."

"I meet him a couple of times a year to maintain what is a very fragile and unstable alliance for the

good of both packs so I don't need you to do anything that could shatter it. Because whilst my pack is

bigger than his, I wouldn't want to take my chances challenging him unless it was for a good reason,"

Leo explained.

"My lips are sealed," I said fake zipping them and throwing away the key.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"They're here," he said quickly grabbing his tie.

He wound it around his neck and tied it incredibly fast before grabbing his suit jacket and taking me


He opened the front door to reveal an unfamiliar man and Blair all wearing suits just like Leo.

"Good evening Alpha Leonardo," The unfamiliar one said nodding his head.

"Alpha Haden," Leo said in his Alpha tone shaking Haden's hand. I could tell there was definitely some

tension by the way they were holding each other's gaze so intensely. Haden's eyes eventually landed

on me.

"So this is your new... toy?" Alpha Haden said looking me up and down. Leo was right, he certainly

wasn't afraid, but for some reason neither was I.

"Must you refer to me as-" I began.

"This is my mate Ella," Leo said whilst Haden continued to stare at me.

"But you haven't played with her yet?" He said a smirk on his face whilst he looked up at Leo raising an

eyebrow. Leo glared back before forcing a half-sarcastic smile.

"Can we at least try to remain civilised?" Leo asked.

"You look beautiful tonight, My love," Haden said shifting his stare from Leo to me whilst Leo just

continued to burn holes in the side of his head. He held his hand out to shake. Leo took a quiet but

sharp inhalation when our hands made contact.

Haden had a very strong grip and he watched me like he was begging for a reaction to it.

But all I did was grit my teeth and smile until he finally let go. Haden was about the same height as Leo

and equally muscular. His hair was jet black and his eyes a dull brown. I tried not to look into them,

remembering what Leo had said but forcing myself to look to the ground wasn't easy.

"Thank you," I said bowing my head and not looking into his eyes.

here was a pause as he watched me like he was waiting to see what else I'd say.

But I held my tongue and Leo eventually rescued me by saying, "Shall we go through to the living


Blair followed Haden in and nodded to me. I smiled awkwardly, still embarrassed about what Leo did to

me in the back of his car, but fortunately, he didn't burden me with his attention too long and just walked

through to the living room.

"Can I interest you in a drink, Alpha Haden?" Leo offered.

"Scotch," he said, "On for you Luna too."

Leo clenched his jaw before heading over to the bottles of whiskey and tumblers on a tray in the side

and pouring three glasses of scotch.

He then handed one to Blair, one to Alpha Haden and took a sip of the third himself.

Alpha Haden forced a smile, "You don't like scotch, Luna?"

"She doesn't drink," Leo said before I could even think of a response, "I don't allow it."

"I see," Alpha Haden said with a nod, "How old are you darling?"

"Seventeen," I said.

Alpha Haden's eyes lit up, "So young and sweet...and innocent..."

With that, Leo downed the rest of his scotch, took my hand and lead me into the kitchen.

His every muscle was tensed as I watched him plate up the starters with a stony expression before

putting them on the table with unnecessary force.

"I swear to God that man has a death wish," he grumbled.

During the meal, the men talked about the packs and their alliance in incredible length. I pretty much

didn't speak a word but Haden kept staring at me, even when I looked up at him he wouldn't look away.

Leo definitely noticed because every time he did it he would ask Haden something so that he would

look at him not me.

"So when did you two meet?" Haden asked looking at me but somehow I felt like the question was

directed towards Leo.

"Just over a week ago," Leo answered.

"But she is not officially your Luna yet?" Haden asked causing Leo to glare at him.

"Those matters do not concern you," Leo said his fist going white around his fork, I placed my hand on

Leo's leg underneath the table and he relaxed slightly.

"Well, I'm just giving my friend some handy-dandy advice. Do you really want some unmated, filthy

rogue touching what is yours by the right of the Moon Goddess?" Haden asked with a smirk on his

face. "She's obviously still pure and surely you want to be the one to ruin that?"

Leo placed his fork down and looked up at Alpha Haden.

"Are you trying to provoke me?" Leo said bluntly.

"Not at all," Haden replied sarcastically. Blair and I exchanged worried glances as the tension in the

room rose.

"Then would you kindly stop disrespecting my mate?" Leo asked looking up at him before he took a

bite of bread.

He then chewed and swallowed, taking his time to wash it down with a sip of wine, "Because it's

beginning to piss me off."

Haden smiled, "I am only expressing my concern. When I find my mate, I certainly won't be waiting

even a day to claim her as mine."

"And if she resists your....charm?" I asked speaking for the first time in a while.

"It wouldn't be her choice," He said deeply with a cutting stare.

"Then I pity whoever she may be," I said lifting my head and looking into his eyes. Leo nudged me

under the table and I looked away but not with much haste.

"You're brave aren't you?" He said leaning forward. "Loren, you clearly haven't shown her her place

yet," he continued.

I looked back up at him and narrowed my eyes.

"She's entitled to speak," Leo said leaning forward, "And I think she has a good point. Any half-decent

man would never dream of raping their mate."

"I just thought you would have taught her other than to glare at me so bitterly. She's not

very...submissive, is she?" Alpha Haden continued, "I'm sure she causes you trouble."

"Are you doubting my ability to control my mate?" Leo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not at all," Alpha Haden said in the exact same tone as the last time. This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

He finally broke our stare and turned back to Leo.

"And while we are on the subject of mates, I would like to conduct a search of your pack."

"You want to look for your mate on my territory? What makes you think she's here?" I asked.

"When we came through the forest today I got this really faint but really sweet scent amongst the other

filthy smells of Stella wolves that my Beta couldn't detect," Alpha Haden explained.

"And when you find her what will you do?" Leo asked narrowing his eyes. It is natural for an Alpha to be

protective over every she-wolf in the pack even when he does have a mate.

"Take her back to Ayas where she will live and have my pups."

"And if she doesn't want to?" Leo asked.

"When has that ever been a factor?" He asked.

"Well, it is my duty, as Alpha, to protect my pack members. Allowing her to be dragged off territory by

you would hardly be fulfilling that duty now would it?" Leo said with a glare.

"You'd be protecting her from what? Her mate?" Alpha Haden said responding to Leo's stare with an

equally aggressive one.

"After what you were saying a minute ago and the comments you have been making about my mate

this entire evening, I think I have the right to be concerned," Leo said.

"You don't want to deny me of my mate, Loren. Not unless you want a war," Alpha Haden warned.

Leo thought for a few moments, "Very well," he said eventually, "You will have her but you better treat

her well."

"Of course. She will be in good hands."

"You may search the pack," Leo said. "But only under my supervision. Tomorrow morning I will

accompany wherever you want to look."

"For fuck's sake," he murmured sipping his wine. "What time?"

"10 am," Leo replied.

"7 am," Alpha Haden correctly.

"No," Leo said looking at me with a smile placing one hand on my thigh creating small circles with his

finger. "My pack, my decision."

"And I assume when I find her-" Alpha Haden began.

"If you find her," Leo interrupted his fingers travelling further up my leg still making feathery soft,

invisible patterns on my fair skin.

"When I find her, I will take her straight back to my territory leaving you to deal with the family?" Haden


"What are goodbyes for anyway?" Leo said.

"Precisely," Alpha Haden replied, "Best to just rip the band-aid right off, huh?"

The conversation shifted back to pack stuff and I didn't really contribute much. I was more interested in

Leo's hand. Even while he was talking, it kept creeping further and further up my leg until it had

reached the hem of my dress. He slipped them underneath the material tickling the untouched skin. I

had to place one hand gently on my mouth to hide my smile.

"Is there something amusing Luna?" Alpha Haden said shifting his gaze back to me after talking to


"Why? Is there something I should be finding amusing?" I replied as Leo's hand neared the end of my

thigh and another slight smile flashed across my face which I tried my best to hide.

"I see why Loren likes you, Ella. You have this...confidence...that not many other girls have. Yes us

Alphas want respect and obedience, but when it comes to our women a little bit of...challenge can be

truly appreciated. You see it makes it all the more victorious when we finally win, I say win. I don't really

mean win though. Truthfully, we could always win. Loren could crush you in a matter of seconds but

that would take away the fun, wouldn't it Leonardo?" Haden said looking at Leo who remained totally

silent with a deathly glare. "It's all a game you see. Using too much force would be cheating- unfair on

our female counterpart. So we find other means of controlling you. The ways that show true power,"

Haden finished taking a sip of his wine.

"It's not a game," I said with a slight growl.

"Oh it is...and my guess would be...Loren has almost won," he said his eyes gesturing to where Leo's

hand was.

Later on, the men went into the living room for another round of scotch. Not wanting to be anywhere

near Haden, I opted to stay in the kitchen and wash the dishes instead, listening to Leo and Haden

wind each other up in a weird sort of forced civil rivalry.

Just as I was finishing drying the final few dishes, Leo joined me in the kitchen and stood behind me.

"Thanks for clearing up," he said kissing my cheek.

"I'd rather do anything than sit in there with Alpha Haden," I muttered.

"Me too," he said resting his hand dropping from my waist to my ass and slowly dropping lower to the

hem of my dress, "But there's one thing, in particular, I'd rather do."

I paused and clutched the half-dried plate in my hand as his fingers felt their way under my dress and

through my legs from behind.


"Ssssh," he said taking the plate out of my hand and putting it on the side.

I could see Alpha Haden sat on the sofa, speaking to Blair through the large double doorway but that

didn't stop Leo's handing sliding inside my panties.

I silently moaned as I grabbed his other hand that rested on my hip.

"That's it," he whispered, "Good girl."

His fingers the slipped for the first time inside me and I gasped again.

It felt so incredibly good as he began to thrust in and out but I couldn't help but be wary about the two

other men sat only metres from us.

My breath was already shaky but I tried to stay as upright and normal, even as the pleasure increased.

A few moments later, the unthinkable happened and Haden stood up before sauntering into the


The counter separated him from us and from where he stood, he couldn't see Leo's hand underneath

my dress and his presence alone wasn't going to stop Leo.

"I'm heading off now," he announced, "Thank you for a delicious dinner."

Leo nodded, "Thank you for you company," he said, his fingers still rubbing between my legs.

"And it was a pleasure to meet you, Luna," he said turning to me, his beady eyes examining my

breathless face.

Just as I was about to respond, Leo sped up.

I bit my lip, "You too, Alpha Haden," I said.

"See you tomorrow," Leo said, "Blair will see you out."

Haden smiled, looking between me and Leo before nodding, "Okay, Alpha."

He then left with Blair, leaving Leo and me alone in the kitchen.

"What the fuck, Leo?" I said as he kissed my neck, still fingering me, "Why wouldn't you wait for them

to leave?"

"I couldn't resist you any longer," he replied, "And Alpha Haden isn't going to stop me doing what I


"He's even more of an ass than you," I said.

He grinned and took his hand out before turning me around and kissing me gently.

"You were provoking him," he said.

"He was provoking me!" I said defending myself.

"He was testing you," he corrected as he cupped my face in his hands.

"He was being a son of a bitch," I said looking up into Leo's eyes.

"Alphas are a nightmare," I replied.

"Yet I'm a heavenly dream," he said kissing me again.

The pleasure he gave me certainly was...

"I have a phone call to Maximus Megestanis about Haden searching the territory for his mate," he

replied, "Go upstairs and I'll be there soon to finish this," he added toying at the bottom of my skirt.

I headed upstairs desperate to change out of this dress. The fabric was kind of itchy and the zip dug

into my back.

I took it off and glanced down to the draw in my closet that had my underwear. It was slightly open and

I could see the bra and matching panties Leo had chosen out in the lingerie store.

I slowly lifted it up to my face and examined the sheer mesh and lace before I took my current bra and

panties off and changed into it.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled. I could hear Leo's deep, smooth voice speaking on

the phone downstairs and I couldn't get the image of him in that damn suit out of my head.

He looked so sexy and smart and suddenly I found myself incredibly excited for him to come back


At long last, I heard his footsteps and then the door creak open.

His blue eyes immediately fell on my body.

"I told you not to show me that until you're ready for me to take you, Ella," he said deeply, "You better

not be fucking around."

His eyes had darkened with lust as I slowly approached him and rested my hands on his shoulders.

"I'm ready," I said, "But can we go slowly?"

He looked into my eyes for a short moment, his pupils ever-growing, before he gently brought his lips to

mine. His hand travelled to the small of my back as I wrapped mine around his neck. It was true bliss.

He soon lifted me off my feet and towards the bed where he sat me down and untied his tie.

I looked straight ahead, fixating my eyes on the third button down of his shirt, where my gaze naturally

fell and swallowed as he loomed over me.

"Hey," he said placing a finger under my chin and lifting my head so I was looking up to his eyes,

"Slowly, okay? No pressure."

I looked into his perfect blue eyes. He was so damn handsome and as he ran his fingers down my

arms I shivered, closing my eyes and smiling to myself.

Putting my hand on his chest, I kissed him again as he pressed me even closer, kissing me harder.

I couldn't deny the amazing sensation of being in his arms. He kissed me like he couldn't get enough. I

felt wanted, cherished, desired. His hands caressed my bare skin, firmly gripping my thighs and

skimming his nails down my sides.

The look in his eye, the way he touched me, the way he lay over me, his soft hair brushing my skin as

his kisses trailed down my neck.

But what really sent my wolf into insanity was when he kissed my mark. My back arched as I gripped

his arm, already letting out a deep moan.

I instantly reached up and began unbuttoning his shirt and he freed himself of his jacket too.

He smiled as I brought my hand to run along his shoulders before he kissed me again, his bare chest

rubbing against mine.

I could feel his excitement through his pants but he was patient and at first, only his hand made it's way

back inside my panties.

In seconds, the pleasure was back up to where he had left it in the kitchen. He looked into my eyes as I

gripped his shoulders before he began kissing my stomach, slowly making his way down to where his

hands worked their magic.

He removed his hand and bent my legs up, leaving space for him to position his face between my legs.

He then discarded my panties and continued the stimulation, this time with his tongue.

I thought nothing could do a better job than his fingers but wow. I had to grab the sheets and his hair

and my hair and the headboard as wave after wave of pleasure hit me.

A few minutes later, he brought his head up.

I whimpered. Why did he stop?

But then he reached for the buckle on his belt and slipped out of his pants.

He lifted my legs up more and position himself between them.

"Wait," I said, breathing heavily.

He paused and looked into my eyes.

"Is it going to hurt?" I asked.

He nodded, "For a second. But then you'll forget all about it."

I nodded again.

"Are you nervous?" I asked.

I gave him a small smile, "Just don't be too rough," I whispered.

He nodded before casting his eyes down to bring himself to my entrance. I felt a panging pain down

there and grabbed his waist, stopping him going any further.

"Ow," I gasped.

"Sssh," he whispered as he took my hands and pinned them to the mattress so that he could lean more

over me and push further in.

I gasped again and he gripped my wrists as I squirmed.

"It hurts so bad, Leo," I said.

"You're so tight. I can tell you're a virgin," he moaned.

He filled me easily, reaching spots that nothing had ever touched before, sparking the most intense

pleasure I'd ever felt.

I soon relax, the pain easing before he began to thrust. I balled up my fists as he sped up, moaning

louder and louder before he let go of my hands to get a better grip of my hips, leaving me to claw my

way down his back.

He soon flipped us over, pushing my head down into the mattress as he reentered me from behind.

He had started out so gentle and tender but now he was just fucking me hard and I didn't object to it.

Even when he used my throat to grip and forced so far in, my guts were practically rearranged, my wolf

only found my pleasure and howled in joy.

It was painful but the pleasure far outweighed it.

And it just felt right. Giving in to my instinct satisfied my inner wolf and twenty minutes later, me


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