Alpha Loren

Chapter 19 Messenger

Chapter 19 Messenger

October 14th

Leaving the school for potentially the last time ever, I sprinted into the forest in the direction of the

Cerridwen village. With any luck I'd get there and back without being seen by any of Leo's men, or

worse Leo.

But when I got to the houses in the forest that the pack people lived in, there was a huge amount of


"Ella Jones?" Stephen Wilson, Logan's Dad, asked with a confused by welcoming expression, "You

don't want to be here right now. It's not safe."

I glanced around at the people, they were all stricken with fear, some weeping, others sobbing.

"We've been attacked by Alpha Loren's men. He's looking for my son and one man has already been


My stomach churned, "Did they tell you why?" I asked my voice hoarse.

He shook his head.

"He's in deep, deep shit with Alpha Loren," I said. "Who happens to be my mate. So when Logan

grabbed me and I had to go home with his scent all over me, Leonardo was livid and clearly still is."

Stephen ran his hand through his hair

"Alpha Loren is your mate?...and he wants my son dead? And does your Alpha know you're here?"

I nodded, "No... but I promised Logan I'd explain why he's had to flee."

Stephen cursed under his breath.

"My son is beyond stupid," he said, "Alpha Loren's Luna? Of all people to mess with?"

"Thank you for telling me Ella but you should go," he said, "They said they'd return later if they still

haven't found him. To kill more of my people no doubt."

How could Leo be so ruthless? Cerridwen was a peaceful pack. They didn't even have an army.

"I'll find my mate and do everything I can to stop him," I promised.

Alpha Wilson nodded although looking incredibly anxious. I don't blame him. We both knew my power

to stop Leo doing what he wants was next to nothing.

But I had to try.

Just as I turned to leave, something made us both freeze.

A scream sounded from the other side of the village.

"Logan Wilson!" A voice bellowed. "Come out, come out wherever you are! Or we will keep cutting the

throats of your pack until there is nothing left of it."

Stephen marched passed me.

"Go, Ella," Stephen ordered, "If they find you here, we are all doomed."

I shook my head, "I can stop them."

I then ran towards the voices. There were five of them, all clearly Leo's soldiers and all armed with

knives and cold expressions

"Logan Wilson isn't here," I said, standing in front of them, blocking their path, "Stop terrorising

innocent people."

"Luna?" one of them said, glancing at my mark, "Does the Alpha know you're here?"

"Get off Cerridwen territory," I ordered.

"We are carrying out Alpha Loren's orders," another said, stepping towards me and grabbing my arm,

"And you shouldn't be here. Julius, get her out the way and call Beta Blair."

"Logan Wilson isn't here," I hissed pulling my arm out of his grasp, "And don't you dare touch me."

The soldier sighed, "Luna, we have been told to thoroughly search this territory."

"Then search it but why do you need to kill?" I hissed.

The first beckoned to 'Julius' who came towards me as he pulled out his phone as another began

dialling a number.

He then nodded to the others to continue as they were. I needed a better distraction than this.

So I immediately bolted. I knew these woods better than they did and I wound through the trees hoping

they wouldn't risk being responsible for losing me, follow and leave Stephen and his people alone.

The forest was dense here so being small and nimble for once worked to my advantage against these

burly men.

After fifteen minutes, I reached the road and the men were nowhere in sight. But I knew they'd be

searching for me and not fulfilling Leo's heartless orders so I walked along the road in a relative

amount of peace.

But I couldn't help but cry. Two of Cerridwen's people were dead because of my mate and as a result of

me and that tore my heart apart.

About five minutes of striding along the forest-lined road with tears streaming down my cheeks later, a

black car slowly rolled up beside me.

"Get in," Blair ordered rolling down the window.

"No," I spat unable to look at the Beta of a pack that would do such a horrible thing to another innocent

and peaceful pack. "I am done with Leonardo. I will not be his mate and I do not want to ever see him


"Ella," he said deeply.

I only walked faster.

He sighed, stopped the car and got out before frustratedly slamming the door.

I noticed him marching towards me and began to run. Of course, he broke into a run too and it was only

a matter of seconds before his long legs caught up to me and seized me around the waist.

Although I didn't appreciate the unwanted manhandling, I did observe that he was far gentler than Leo

would have been. If we are going to look at the positive side of things.

"Let go of me," I growled as he tried to get control of my flailing arms and legs.

"I am not your enemy," he said in a deep voice after finally catching my wrists and holding me

completely still. "I am just doing my job to protect you."

"Protect me from what? As far as I can see, the only person who I need protecting from is your Alpha.

He really does live up to his reputation, doesn't he?

"I need you to get into the car, Ella," he replied calmly. "I'd prefer not to force you but I will if you do not


"Why do you work for him?" I asked.

"Because he is my Alpha," Blair replied urging me towards the car as I continued to resist him.

"He doesn't have to be."

"I am loyal to him and that will never change. Now please get in the car."

I looked into his pleading green eyes and for a moment I felt a spark of sympathy and almost complied.

Then I remembered what had happened to Cerridwen pack and thought otherwise.

"Call Leo and tell his men to never step foot in the Cerridwen village again," I questioned.

"No," he said. "He's made his decision and I'm not going to question him because he is the Alpha.

What don't you understand?"

"Luca would."

"I am not Luca."

"Shame," I muttered.

"Get in the car," he ordered, the calm tone nowhere in sight.

"Innocent people Blair. Innocents!-"

"I know," he stated. "They are the Alpha's orders. There is nothing I can do."

"So you are just going to let it happen?!"

Blair let out a short breath before grasping my wrist and hauling me towards his car. He then angrily

opened the door, bundled me in and slammed the door hard. My fingers could have been it that.

He then marched around the other side, got in and started the engine.

"If you want to speak to Leo about this you are more than welcome but we are not going anywhere until

you have put your seatbelt on," he added, "I'm not risking you getting hurt in a car accident. The Alpha

would murder me and I'm not even joking."

I scowled before reaching over and strapping my self in.

"Take me to him," I said.

"You think he'll listen to you? After you betrayed his trust and ran away again?" Blair questioned.

"At least let me try," I said, "Just let me call him...please."

Blake sighed, "I have to let him know I found you anyway," he said reaching into his pocket and pulling

out his phone before handing it to me. "You're a pain in the ass. You know that, right?"

"Thank you, Blair," I said taking the phone. "You aren't as bad as I thought you were."

"Gee, is that meant to be a compliment?" he asked with a smile.

"Fine, you aren't bad at all. You are just doing your job- even if it's the shittest job in the world," I


"Mildly better," he said with a grin as I searched through for Leo's contact.

It rang only once before he picked up.

"Did you find her?" he asked immediately.

"Yes, she's here with me now," Blair replied, "And-"

"And you have to stop your men," I interrupted, "They have killed innocent Cerridwen pack people."

"I'm not having this conversation with you, Ella," Leo said deeply, "You've betrayed my trust...again."

"Which is nothing compared to what you have done," I hissed, "Cerridwen was my home! The previous

Alpha let my family settle there peacefully. They don't deserve this!"

I felt a tear drop from my eye.

"And what about the current Alpha, huh?" he asked, "What's he done? They are paying for that and my

men will stop when they find him."

"He's not there!" I shouted, "The only people you are hurting are innocents!"

Leo paused, "He's not there?"

I stayed quiet and stared straight ahead at the road as Blair drove.

"Ella, where is he?" he asked in almost a growl.

Blair looked at me with furrowed eyebrows as I stayed quiet.

"Ella," Leo hissed.

"Tell him," Blair urged.

I refused to speak.

"Blair, bring her to Kellington. I'll wait," he replied before hanging up.

I passed the phone back to Blair

"I won't tell him anything until he's withdrawn his men," I stated.

"Good luck with that," Blair remarked.

I ignored him and sat silently, gathering as much courage as I could before Blair swerved into a layby in

Kellngton where an angry Leo stood squarely,his arms folded and a cold glare plastered on his face.

He opened the passenger door and hauled me out before pushing me into the back seat and climbing

in after me.

"Blair drive back to Stella," Leo ordered.

He then turned to me.

"Where is Logan?"

I said nothing and only looked out the window.

"Ella," he growled.

"If you don't leave the Cerridwen pack in peace, I will never tell you," I said.

"Blackmailing me?" he asked.

"Bargaining," I corrected.

"Who's side are you on Ella?" he asked, "Your mate's or some sweaty boy who had his hands all over

you against your consent?"

"...Is there a distinction?" I questioned.

With that, he lurched forward and grabbed my by my shoulders pushing me against the door of the car.

"I'm not on either side," I hissed, "I stand for peace. That means no more death and no more fighting."

"Tell me what you know," he demanded deeply.

"No," I said hurling my word as powerfully as possible.

He glared down at me with dark eyes and I glared straight back. Unwaveringly and bravely.

"Fine," he said eventually, letting me go and pushing me back.

"I'll let him get away and instead I'll just murder his entire pack," Leo said, "I'm sure then he'll return

from wherever he's gone when he hears everyone he loves is dead."

He then shrugged and pulled out his phone. I thought I had a faultless plan but he was smart.

"I'll give them the orders now," he added.

So this is what Blair meant when he said 'good luck with that'.

"You are so sick, Leonardo," I spat.

He gave me a sarcastic smile before dialling a number.

"Wait," I said sucking up my pride, "...he's gone," I said as he typed in the fifth digit.

He paused and looked up at me, "I figured that. Where?" RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

"I don't know," I said, truthfully.

"Tell me," he ordered, "Or I'll send the orders."

"I told you," I said frustratedly, finally daring to look him in the eye again. "I don't know."

He let out an angry breath.

He was clearly struggling to control his wolf. I could tell by the way he breathed so heavily and by how

every muscle in his body was tensed.

He then leaned forward and grabbed me again, "Where has he gone, Ella?" he hissed in my ear as he

pulled me to be sitting right next to me.

"I just told him to run," I said, "As soon as you'd left the school. I don't even know which direction he

went. And you could do anything to his family and pack members. He won't return," I added, "I know

him well. Just believe me."

He looked up and examined my face.

"And that's the truth?"

I nodded.

"Fine," he said putting the phone down.

"You'll stop your men?" I asked hopefully.

"I stopped them half an hour ago," he said, "The second you told me Logan wasn't there I sent them

out to find him instead. But I won't send them back in to perform a massacre you'll be glad to hear."

I opened my mouth in disbelief, "What. The. Fuck?"

He shrugged, "Two can play at the manipulation game, babes," he said. "Now. Next thing we need to

talk about."

"We've talked enough," I said turning my face away from him.

"My men found you on Cerridwen territory. Blair here had to hunt you down," he said, "I thought I made

it very clear that you are not to run from me."

"Well, what are you going to do? Mark me again?" I asked with a scoff, "And I wasn't planning on

running. Then I saw what you are capable of first hand and decided I want nothing to do with you."

Leo's eyes then cast up at Blair, who was still driving and watching the road before he looked slowly

down to me and brought his hand to the buckle of my jeans which he smoothly unbuckled.

I was about to protest when he fingers slipped inside my panties and all I could do was gasp and clutch

his arm.

He grinned and kissed my head.

"You want nothing to do with me?" he asked, one hand wrapped firmly around me and the other still

delving deep into my panties.

He made me wet instantly. The area between my legs throbbed as I felt him begin to rub rhythmically.

I parted my lips looking up to Blair who was sat only a metre from us before I had to close my eyes with

the pleasure.

"Nothing at all?" he whispered in my ear.

I gasped again.

"Ssssh," he hushed as his fingers sped up, "Quietly."

Was he really doing this with his in a car with his Beta sat right there?

Another wave of pleasure.

Yes. Yes, he was.

I gripped his arm tighter to cope with the intensity.

Just as I could feel myself brink onto the edge, he pulled out his hand, leaving me whimpering for more.

He looked at the wetness of his fingers and grinned before pulling out a handkerchief and wiping them.

"Because your body is telling me you want everything to do with me," he said quietly.

Still catching my breath, I looked up into the rearview mirror and awkwardly caught Blair's eye

The car was silent until Blair dropped us off at Leo's house.

"You did well to escape my men," Leo said as I took my shoes off, "You run fast for someone so short."

I couldn't reply, too ashamed of what had happened in the car to do anything but focus on my shoe


"For Logan's sake, let's hope he can run fast too."

I scowled, "You're out of your mind, Leo. He didn't even hurt me and you're gonna kill him for it?"

He walked over to me and crouched down so that we were face to face and he took my wrists.

"And your choice to defend him has meant that I've already disenrolled you from Kellington High and I

am never letting you go anywhere alone again," he said deeply. "Do you understand?"

I clenched my jaw.

"I understand in that I speak English, yes," I snapped, "But why you have the right to tell me to do such

as thing I will never understand."

The corner of his lip twitched up a little and he grabbed my face in his hands.

"You've changed your tune since half an hour ago, babe," he said running a finger along my cheek. "I

was beginning to think you'd let me bed you tonight. You nearly came for me. In front of Blair," he

continued a wide grin on his lips.

He then tucked my hair behind my ear and looked me dead in the eye deeply and intensely.

"I can make you want me so easily, Ella," he said, "It doesn't matter what I do or what you think of me,

it's only so long before your wolf can't wait any more."

I glared at him.

"Tread carefully," he replied.

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