Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 33

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 33

33. A Blinding Awakening LEO.

We were sitting in the cinema, watching a kid‘s movie, but I could tell Corrado wasn‘t enjoying it as much, as he was enjoying watching me with a huge smile on his face. I felt fucking bad, I was gone so often that he was regularly left without even seeing me on some days. “Not enjoying the movie?” I asked, looking down at him. He shook his head.

“No, I love it! I‘m loving the movie because Daddy came with me.” He smiled and I leaned down, cupping the back of his head, placing a kiss on his forehead.

“Me too. It may be boring, but I like that we get this time, you know.” I remarked, adjusting his mini popcorn tray in his lap.

“Thank you, Daddy.”

I gave him a wink before glancing at my phone. Azura hadn‘t left her room, which I was relieved about, but I couldn‘t get what happened earlier out of my fucking mind.

She was still hurting from all the shit I did to her... But she didn‘t get what I had meant, I regretted marking her because of my limited time… I know Jackie has told me that Kiara could probably heal me, but I was unable to put aside my ego and ask them for anything. I didn‘t need their help, just for Marcel and all of them to remind me that I fucking owed them... 9

A couple of young women slid into the seats next to me. Whispering and giggling irritatingly, they had been seated elsewhere before they had left not long ago. The entire room was pretty empty, and I was certain they didn‘t pay for the seats they had now fucking taken.

Corrado‘s eyes turned toward them before he looked at me, frowning slightly.

“He‘s so fit.”

“Damn and who‘s the kid with him?”

“Let me sit next to him.” They were whispering quietly, but obviously, it was fucking loud in my ears.

Irritating as fuck.

I didn‘t spare them even a glance while watching the screen, despite half my attention being on Corrado.

“Hey, cutie.” One of the women waved at him, leaning closer. Corrado raised his eyebrows, looking at me and then at the women again. “My Daddy has a girlfriend.” He declared, and I almost smirked. 6 He had realised pretty young that women tried to talk to him to get to me, and he never stood for it.

“Um sure, what‘s your name?”

I was tempted to speak up, but watching my kid deal with them was far more entertaining. “I don‘t tell strangers my name. Sorry. Daddy, let‘s go home, Azura is waiting for you.” My eyebrow shot up.

Azura? Didn‘t he mean Nikki?

“The movie?” “It‘s boring, and I don‘t like girls.” He whispered loudly. 1 I sure fucking hoped the women were feeling fucking humiliated, and I stood up.

“Let‘s go kid.” I lifted him up, walking out the other way.

“So why did you say Azura and not Nikki?” I asked, taking my phone out,

“You and Nikki broke up, so now we keep Azura as your new girlfriend.” ;

My eyebrow shot up and I wondered if this kid was going to be a playboy growing up. 3

“Isn‘t that moving too fast? Nikki just left.”

“No Daddy, because you and Nikki argue about more than football for many days now. So now we keep Azura forever.” He declared as we left the viewing room. 3

Wow... and I thought I did a good job in keeping that shit hidden. 2

“She isn‘t an item that we can just keep.”


I placed him on the ground as we both walked side by side.

I looked at him to tell him that you can‘t just own people, but the adorable look on his face stopped me. This kid was the damn cutest kid on the fucking planet, and he was mine. “Because she‘s a little scary.” 3. “Azura isn‘t scary, Daddy! You aren‘t scared of anything!” He giggled. I was. Of losing you. Leaving you. 8

I took my phone out and looked at it again. I fucking felt at unease again and after last time I wasn‘t feeling good about her being there alone. Although I could see Jax was there on the steps, clearly alert, as his head was turned downwards towards the lower floor. 1 He was using a scent disguiser, and I knew even Emmet wouldn‘t notice him there unless he went up the stairs, so all should be ok...

“Kiddo, shall we get takeaway and get home? Maybe we can eat it with Azura?”

“Oh yes! Let’s all eat together. Then you make Azura happy, and we bring her home.” He replied as we left the place. “Perfect.” I replied distractedly, as I walked over to one of the takeout shops inside near the cinema.

I placed our order distractedly, as I mulled over Emmet‘s reaction when I told him that he was

suspended until further notice... (FLASHBACK) “It was her, wasn‘t it?” He asked, barely able to keep his hatred at bay.

I raised an eyebrow. “Whether it was her or someone else. I will follow protocol because we stand for what‘s right. As future Alpha and Delta, it‘s our fucking duty to be an example for our people. These are just the rules that we all need to follow.” 1 “You spoke to Jackie, I‘m sure she‘ll clearly tell you we are totally fucking fine.” He spat. “Calm the fuck down, Emmet. Friend or not, I’m not going to break the rules for you.” I warned, my eyes flashing. “You are going to believe a fucking Elite? One who has fucking reaped discord since she‘s got here. Tell me, who is her fucking mate that ain‘t accepting her?!” “Jax.” I lied, knowing this meant I would have to tell Jax the truth, but he‘d keep the secret. “Jax Adams? And you really want one of your strongest men mated to an Elite?” He looked disgusted. 2

“I‘ve never stopped anyone from going to an elite pack or vice versa before, if they find their mate. She‘s been marked, what do you want me to do? Just send her back? The one who marked her needs to fix this shit... somehow.” 1 “Who cares what happens to a fucking elite.” He spat. 1

I frowned.

“She wasn‘t one of the ones who caused us any harm… She was a child when all that shit went down... There‘s no difference between us if we hurt those who are fucking innocent Emmet. This has nothing to do with her, but the fact you hurt Jackie, whether it was a one–off or not… It was a fucking crime. Marcel will be the final judge.”

“We both know that Marcel is simply Alpha by title Leo, you are the real one in charge. This is all in your hands.” Our eyes met and I stepped closer. “Yeah, maybe it is, and if so, then my decision still stands. Until I‘m satisfied, you will not step into the Delta title again.” “I‘m your best friend, Leo.” 1 “And like I‘ve said a thousand times, I will never let the rules slide even for someone I consider my brother.” I growled menacingly, my aura rolling off me. He was forced to submit and looked down. “You need me close to Marcel to make sure that he doesn‘t get wind of what else you do Leo.” Was that a threat?

“I fear no one. What I do is for my pack, and if anyone double–crosses me... then they will fucking pay. Remember that.” I ended the conversation, storming out. 2 (END OF FLASHBACK)

“Here‘s your order. Can I get you anything else?” The woman behind the counter asked. “No.” I replied, taking out my card and paying.

“Thank you.” Corrado said, picking up the bags with ease.

“You are most welcome.” She flashed him a smile before I picked up the drinks, and we headed. out to the carpark

I helped Corrado in and strapped him in.

“Seatbelts on.” He said, making sure it was strapped in. “Daddy, I hold the drinks so they don‘t spill.” “You sure?” I was sure we may just have more spillage... He nodded confidently and I passed them to him, placing the bags on the seat next to him, and got into the car. Putting my own seatbelt on, something that I did when Corrado was with me, I started the car. I could feel him watching and could see the happy smile on his face

“We will watch another movie with Azura.” He declared. “I think we should ask her to come to our apartment.”

“Inviting girls home already?” “Yes, girls we like.” He nodded. 5 I smirked as I put some clean music on before we drove out. I texted Jax, frowning, as I switched the view on the cameras again. We weren‘t that far from the pack grounds, but it was fucking crazy how on edge I was feeling. Emmet had a temper, and I fucking wished I had moved her upstairs to my apartment, or to Marcel‘s...

The screen lit up with Jax‘s reply and clicked on it. ‘Nothing to worry about here, Alpha.‘ I left the camera on my LCD screen before calling Eric. “Hello, Alpha.”

“Keep an eye on Emmet. He was pretty pissed when I suspended him as Delta.”

“You suspended him?” He sounded shocked. “No, the fucking tooth fairy did. I just told you I fucking did.” I muttered, making sure to keep my voice down. 5

“Ah sorry, yes of course.”

“Keep an eye on him.” I ended the call, finally within mind–linking range of the pack. No one had gone to Azura‘s room, and my eyes were fixed on the cameras on the screen. So I really needed to chill out… 1

That unease was fucking growing and last time she had gotten hurt...

I tilted my head frowning as I watched Jax on the stairs away from the floor, but he was standing on alert in exactly the same position he was moments ago...

Was the camera frozen? Or was he really not moving?


No reply. I parked up, grabbing Corrado from the back. He passed me the drinks and grabbed the food.

“Come on.” I murmured, carrying him through to my underground cave.

No one had entered or left Azura‘s room. She‘ll be fine. Chill the fuck out Leo.

But I fucking couldn‘t.

“I can walk, Daddy.” He smiled, clearly happy with being carried again.

“I know, kiddo.” I gave him a faint smile, heading straight for the lift, up to my office.

‘Winona, come to my apartment immediately and watch Corrado.‘

“Yes, Alpha.‘

She only lived a few floors down.

“Wait here, I‘ll bring Azura.” I told him, placing him down in the open living space.

“Ok!” He said happily as he began taking the food out of the bag. “I‘ll set the table.”


Nothing I left the room, and instantly the faint smell that lingered made me cover my nose with my sleeve.

A sleeping drug...

I broke into a run just as my phone buzzed, I looked at it, Azura‘s door had been opened. I couldn‘t hear anything, the door shut just as I reached the top of the stairs, spotting Jax slumped on the ground.

A fire of rage rushed through me, and my eyes blazed as I ran down the stairs, my feet barely touching the steps. I skipped most of them, rushing to her door.

No matter how calm I was trying to be, the storm raging inside of me refused to calm down. I was fucking going crazy at just the thought of something happening to her.

Emmet‘s scent lingered outside, and I opened her door quietly just in case I was fucking overreacting, only to be met with the sound of Emmet‘s voice. “...gone with his kid. He won‘t be home for a while. Who are you going to run to now?” ! “I don‘t need to fucking run because I can deal with you myself.” Azura replied icily.

I turned the bend only to see he had her pinned against the wall near the bedroom door, his hand around her neck, whilst she had her arms in front of her stomach defensively. Neither had seen me


How dare he touch her...

“I know your secret.” He whispered menacingly. 3

Her eyes flashed with fear, something I wasn‘t used to seeing in them. I was trying to contain the white–hot anger that was festering within me. I had never felt so angry in my fucking life. The urge to shift and rip him apart was taking over. My own heartbeat was beating violently, my claws out and it was then Azura‘s eyes snapped up, finally noticing me. A wave of relief filled her eyes. 1

I‘m here.

“Let her go.” I hissed, advancing towards him.

He froze, letting go of her as if touching her suddenly burnt him. His heart thudded as she let out a shaky breath.

‘I need someone to come to Emmet‘s floor and apprehend him before I kill him.‘I growled through the link. I was fucking shaking, ready to kill him. He turned to me, his face pale, his eyes blazing with rage and fear.


“How dare you...” I growled. “You have fucking doomed yourself.”

Jackie... Try to think of her...

It was futile; I had lost my grasp on reality and my self–control was slipping. All I could see was the blood dripping down her neck. The sound of the lift opening and footsteps approaching reached my ears, but my only focus was on the bastard in front of me. 2

Emmet swore, running a hand through his hair. “I‘m your friend Leo.” 1

“I don‘t care. You crossed a line that you never should have.” I growled, advancing towards him.

“Fuck it... if I‘m going down...” In a flash, he spun around, aiming a clean–cut roundhouse kick straight to her stomach. 11 My eyes blazed in pure anger. I was behind him in a flash, just as Azura screamed as she was thrown to the ground, clutching her stomach, my own growl of rage ringing in the air. I grabbed Emmet, punching him in the face, feeling something break. I didn‘t fucking care. I slammed him into the wall behind him, damaging the wall behind him at the impact. “What the fuck, Leo!“He groaned in pain. “You touched what‘s mine.” I growled viciously, digging my claws into his neck as I brought my knee up, connecting with his stomach, feeling something break as he howled in anger. 3 His eyes widened, and pure fear flitted through him as he looked at Azura on the floor with realisation dawning on him. 6


“Emmet! Leo!” Eric shouted. I wanted to kill him, but at the same time, worry was seeping through me.

Why wasn‘t she getting up? “We got him.” Ace‘s calm voice came, pulling me away. “Lock him up in an isolated cell with no one allowed to see him.” I thundered, striding over to where Azura was on the floor, whimpering in pain. Her gown was slipping off her shoulder, but she didn‘t seem to care as she sat there clutching her stomach.

“Are you ok?” I asked quietly.

I never should have left her.

I gripped her elbows, ready to help her to her feet when she whimpered in pain.

“It hurts... no... no...” 2

I looked down at her, frowning.

Did she break a rib? “Let‘s get you checked out.” I whispered, about to lift her when I saw the blood seeping down her thighs. 4 Where was she hurt? Did I fucking get here too late? She looked up at me, her silver eyes filled with tears. 1 . “My baby can‘t die.” 20 My eyes widened in shock and I stared into her eyes, my head spinning as her words echoed in my mind.

Baby... Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

I looked at her clutching her stomach, and suddenly my entire fucking world came crashing down around me. She was carrying our child. 9 Goddess, what have I done? 33

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