Alpha Knight’s Cursed Mate



“Oh, my God.” Air stuck in my lungs as I stared at the giant wolf in front of our vehicle. His eyes were pitch black, snarling at us, drooling in black blood.

We had two problems. We couldn’t drive to the other line, or the wolf would throw us off the bridge. If we ran it over, it would damage the car, and if the wolf would not die, it would kill us all. Then, we had to walk if we could not find a passing vehicle.

“What should we do now? We can’t run over a wolf or change lanes.” Exactly.

“Stay in the car, Luka-”

“Wait.” Knight was instantly alarmed. “What are you going to do? You can’t fight that wolf, or you get infected if you get bitten, or maybe the scratch is also infectious.”

“I know. I’ll be careful.”

“No, Knight.” I grabbed his arm. “I’ll run to the woods and let it follow me.”

“Are you insane?” The way Kailin looked at me, she thought I was out of my mind. Maybe I was, but I could teleport.

“How many werewolves are we in this car? We even have a Lycan royalty, and you are-”

“Just a human, Dylan?” I glared at him, but I was not offended. “Before the- Shit!”

Another wolf appeared, lighter than the first one. It was also sick. That one was worse. It could barely stand.

“I think the whole pack is infected.” Sebastien began taking off his jacket.

“What are you planning to do, Alpha King? You can’t go out and fight against infected wolves. I have a plan.” My heart raced.

“No!” They all disagreed with my plan, but I was fast, and they could not stop me.

“Wanna stop me?” I looked at them. “Good luck then.”

I ended up beside the road just a few yards from the infected wolves.

“Hey, wolfies!” I yelled and made sure I caught their attention. At the corner of my eye, Knight was pissed off, his eyes glowing and about to shift.

I raised my hand and shook my head. I caught the first wolf’s attention. His predator eyes fixed on me, baring his fangs, and then he stalked in my direction. Once the second wolf followed the first, I ran fast towards the woods.

My heart hammered in my chest, adrenaline pumping in my veins. I still heard the wolves on my heels. I jumped over the log and imagined being inside the SUV, sitting beside my mate.

One moment I was running in the forest, and I took a deep breath and found my ass sitting on Knight’s lap in the moving vehicle, hearing them gasp.

“Huh. I made it.” Still breathing hard, I laughed like crazy and felt a sting on my side. Knight just pinched me hard enough it would bruise my skin.

“Don’t fucking do that again, Nirvana!” He growled, his voice vibrating inside the car. “I mean it this time.”

I ignored his growl but cupped his face and kissed him hard to shut him up. I could still feel his anger in every bone in his body, and when he kissed me back, that was all I wanted. I wanted to calm him down and apologized through the kiss.

“You are far more important to our plan than drawing sick wolves off the road.” His eyes narrowed despite his dick was hard poking my butt.

“I’m sorry, okay, but it worked. At least I could use my hours of running when McKaye punished me for being weak.”

“Oh, so now you’re blaming me?” McKaye turned to me, grinning. “But I must admit that was impressive. I didn’t know you could do that. Now, I’m not sure if you cheated that morning.”

“I did not,” I defended myself. “You told me to run in human strength, and that was what I did.”

“How?” Dylan barely blinked. “How did you do that?”

“So you mastered how to jump from place to place?” I could see the pride in Alpha King’s eyes. He nodded with a smile. “Yeah. That was impressive.”

“I don’t know yet the limit-”

“But you better not try with dangerous werewolves around, Nirvana.” Knight’s chest vibrated as he groaned.

I slid to sit on the empty seat. “I know you are my alpha and my mate. You don’t want me to get hurt, but when the time comes that I need to make my own decision to help others, you have to respect that, Knight.”

He shut his mouth, his jaw ticking, his nose flaring as he looked outside the window.

“You will probably hate me, but I agree with Alpha.” Of course, Kailin agreed with Knight. “We could still draw those sick wolves away, and sometimes, the easier way out is sometimes dangerous. You can’t risk yourself if you have a far more important role to end this plague.”

“Fine. I won’t do that again.” I sat, rested my head back, closed my eyes, and crossed my arms over my chest. “How far are we? I can’t wait to get out of this car filled with testosterone and werewolf hormones.”

“Check the dagger. Make sure it didn’t fall in the woods.”

“It’s in my boot, Dylan. I can feel the energy drawing from the dagger. Now, if you all excuse me, I need to nap.”Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“You’re mad at us. We just want you to be careful next time, and that’s why we’re here, so you don’t have to risk your life saving us.”

I opened my eyes and glared at Knight. “You mean it bruised your ego that a woman just saved your life, not to mention just a weak human like me?”

“We’ve been over this, Nirvana. This is not the point. I thought you wanted to save more lives. If you’re bitten or scratched by those sick wolves, you could die because we don’t have a cure for that, and all our plans have just gone to waste. We are after Cyrius. You should keep that in mind.”

“Okay. You win. Whatever you want me to do, that’s what I will do next time, Alpha.” I turned my back to him and closed my eyes.

He blew a breath. I could feel his anger and rage shaking his body. All of a sudden, his voice echoed in my head. “I couldn’t breathe when you were just gone from your seat. I was so terrified that you might get hurt out there. I knew your intention was to save us, but that-” I blocked him.

“If you two want to talk this out of the car, we can pull over for a while,” Sebastien said calmly.

“I’m good. I’m taking a nap anyway.”

“I see Shadow in you. She’s a stubborn, strong-headed, impulsive, and selfless young woman, but she’s also my daughter. Their pack was threatened twice in a short time. Every time she went out there risking her life to protect her people, I couldn’t breathe. I may not get to raise her, but she’s my blood, and I love her with my life.”

“Your twin raised her,” Knight said.

“Yes. I was always scared for her, getting hurt, and I also felt what it was like to be in Califf’s shoes because I had no doubt he loved my daughter, just like earlier when you were gone to serve as bait to those wolves. You can’t stop Knight from worrying you, especially after what happened to you. He lost you once and knew what it was like, Nirvana.”

I breathed deeply to calm my nerves. “I just exposed what I could do because we were running out of time. Yes, I wanted to save more lives, but the more we were traveling, the more people were going to die; but yeah, we can’t save all of them. My bad. I’m not even sure if I have what it takes to end what Cyrius is doing, but I will do my best even if I end up sacrificing myself so you can all live.”

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